Selected Publications in Tomography and Computational Imaging (PET, CT, Optical, SAR, SAL, etc.):

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Multislice Helical Scan CT

  1. Medical Physics web site, pdf, arXiv, X. Wang, R. D. MacDougall, C. A. Bouman, and S. K. Warfield, ``Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Dual Source and Flying Focal Spot Computed Tomography,'' {\em Medical Physics}, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 3595-3613, July 2021. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09471, 2020.

  2. paper, Zhiqian Chang, Dong Hye Ye, Somesh Srivastava, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, and Charles Bouman, ``Prior-Guided Metal Artifact Reduction for Iterative X-Ray Computed Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging}, vol. 38, no. 6, June 2019.

  3. paper, arXiv, Ruoqiao Zhang, Dong Hye Ye, Debashish Pal, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken D. Sauer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Gaussian Mixture MRF for Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction with Applications to Low-Dose X-ray CT,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 2, no. 3, Sept. 2016.

  4. pdf Ruoqiao Zhang, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT using a Joint Quadratic Likelihood Model,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging}. pp. 117-134, vol. 33, no. 1, January 2014.

  5. pdf Jiang Hsieh, Brian Nett, Zhou Yu, Ken Sauer Jean-Baptiste Thibault, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Recent Advances in CT Image Reconstruction,'' {\em Current Radiology Reports,} DOI 10.1007/s40134-012-0003-7, January 2013.

  6. pdf Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Fast Model-Based X-ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Non-Homogeneous ICD Optimization,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 161-175, January 2011.

  7. paper and associated errata Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, Charles Bouman, and Jiang Hsieh, ``A Three-Dimensional Statistical Approach to Improved Image Quality for Multi-Slice Helical CT,'' {\em Medical Physics,} pp. 4526-4544, vol. 34, no. 11, November 2007.

  8. pdf Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Non-homogeneous ICD Optimization for Targeted Reconstruction of Volumetric CT,'' {\em Proceedings of SPIE-IS\&T Electronic Imaging - Computational Imaging VI,} vol. v 6814, January 28-29 2008.

  9. pdf Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Non-homogeneous Updates for the Iterative Coordinate Descent Algorithm,'' {\em Proceedings of SPIE-IS\&T Electronic Imaging - Computational Imaging V,} vol. v 6498, January 29-31 2007.

  10. pdf Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, Charles Bouman, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Accelerated Line Search for Coordinate Descent Optimization,'' {\em IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,} pp. 2841-2844, vol. 5, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 2006.

  11. pdf J.-B. Thibault, C. A. Bouman, K. D. Sauer, J. Hsieh, ``A Recursive Filter for Noise Reduction in Statistical Iterative Tomographic Imaging,'' SPIE/IS\&T Conference on {\em Computational Imaging IV,} vol. 6065, San Jose CA, Jan. 16-17, 2006.

  12. pdf Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, Charles Bouman, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Three-dimensional Statistical Modeling for Image Quality Improvements in Multi-Slice Helical CT,'' {\em International Conference on Fully 3D Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,} Salt Lake City, Utah, USA July 6-9, 2005.

  13. pdf Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, Charles Bouman, and Jiang Hsieh, ``High Quality Iterative Image Reconstruction for Multi-Slice Helical CT,'' {\em International Conference on Fully 3D Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,} Saint Malo, June 29 - July 4, 2003.

  14. pdf B. De Man, S. Basu, J.-B. Thibault, J. Hsieh, J. A. Fessler, C. A. Bouman, K. Sauer, ``A Study of Different Minimization Approaches for Iterative Reconstruction in X-Ray CT,'' {\em IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,} vol. 5, pp. 2708-2710, October 23-29, 2005.

Plug-and-Play Priors and Modeling

  1. arXiv, IEEE Xplore, Qiuchen Zhai, Gregery T. Buzzard, Kevin Mertes, Brendt Wohlberg, Charles A. Bouman, ``Projected Multi-Agent Consensus Equilibrium (PMACE) for Distributed Reconstruction with Application to Ptychography,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 9, pp. 1058-1070, 2023, 10.1109/TCI.2023.3328288.

  2. IEEE Explore, arXiv version, Allerton slides , Algorithm slide , CVPR/CDD slides , Charles A. Bouman and Gregery T. Buzzard, ``Generative Plug and Play: Posterior Sampling for Inverse Problems,'' {\em IEEE Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing}, 2023.

  3. Signal Processing Magazine, pdf, arXiv extended version, Ulugbek S. Kamilov, Charles A. Bouman, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Brendt Wohlberg ``Plug-and-Play Methods for Integrating Physical and Learned Models in Computational Imaging: Theory, algorithms, and applications,'' {\em IEEE Signal Processing Magazine}, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 85-97, 2023, doi: 10.1109/MSP.2022.3199595.

  4. pdf, IEEE explore, arXiv, Soumendu Majee, Thilo Balke, Craig A. J. Kemp, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``4D X-Ray CT Reconstruction using Multi-Slice Fusion,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 7, pp. 448-461, April 2021.

  5. arXiv paper Maliha Hossain, Shane C. Paulson, Hangjie Liao, Wienong W. Chen, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Ultra-Sparse View Reconstruction for Flash X-Ray Imaging using Consensus Equilibrium,'' {\em 54th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers}, Nov. 1-4, 2020.

  6. arXiv, pdf, TCI, Venkatesh Sridhar, Xiao Wang, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Distributed Iterative CT Reconstruction using Multi-Agent Consensus Equilibrium,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 6, pp. 1153-1166, 2020.

  7. paper, Rizwan Ahmad, Charles A. Bouman, Gregery T. Buzzard, Stanley Chan, Sizhuo Liu, Edward T. Reehorst, and Philip Schniter, ``Plug-and-Play Methods for MagneticResonance Imaging,'' {\em IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,} vol. 37, pp. 105-116, Jan. 2020.

  8. Tutorial Material on Plug-and-Play:
    Video Tutorial on PnP/CE at the IMA; Concensus Equilibrium Tutorial slides;

  9. paper, slides, Soumendu Majee, Thilo Balke, Craig A. J. Kemp, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``4D X-Ray CT Reconstruction using Multi-Slice Fusion,'' {\em 2019 IEEE Int. Conference on Computational Photography}, May, 2019.

  10. final and original paper (might be clearer), and CE tutorial slides;
    Gregery T. Buzzard, Stanley H. Chan, Suhas Sreehari and Charles A. Bouman, ``Plug-and-Play Unplugged: Optimization Free Reconstruction using Consensus Equilibrium,'' {\em SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences}, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 2001-2020, Sept. 2018.

  11. NITRE paper; pdf Suhas Sreehari, S. V. Venkatakrishnan, Katherine L. Bouman, Jeffrey P. Simmons, Lawrence F. Drummy, and Charles A. Bouman ``Muti-Resolution Data Fusion for Super-Resolution Electron Microscopy,'' NTIRE 2017 at CVPR 2017.

  12. pdf, Suhas Sreehari, S. Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Brendt Wohlberg, Gregery T. Buzzard, Lawrence F. Drummy, Jeffrey P. Simmons, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Plug-and-Play Priors for Bright Field Electron Tomography and Sparse Interpolation,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2016.

  13. pdf Singanallur V. Venkatakrishanan, Charles A. Bouman, and Brendt Wohlberg, ``Plug-and-Play Priors for Model Based Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP),} Austin, Texas, USA, December 3-5, 2013.

Deep Learning in Image Reconstruction

  1. paper; Xplore ; Wenrui Li, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Sparse-View CT Reconstruction using Recurrent Stacked Back Projection'', 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 862-866, 2021.

  2. pdf; IEEE Explore; Amir Ziabari, Dong Hye Ye, Somesh Srivastava, Ken D. Sauer, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, and Charles A. Bouman ``2.5D Deep Learning For CT Image Reconstruction Using A Multi-GPU Implementation,'' {\em 52st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,} pp. 2044-2049, Oct. 2018.

  3. arXiv ; Dong Hye Ye, Gregery T. Buzzard, Max Ruby, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Deep Back Projection for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP),} pp. 1-5, Nov. 20, 2018.

  4. arXiv ; Hani Almansouri, S.V. Venkatakrishnan, Gregery T. Buzzard, Charles A. Bouman, and Hector Santos-Villalobos ``Deep neural networks for non-linear model-based ultrasound reconstruction,'' {\em 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)}, p 6-10, Nov. 20, 2018.

  5. paper ; slides ; IEEE Explore; Dong Hye Ye, Somesh Srivastava, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Ken Sauer, and Charles Bouman, ``Deep Residual Learning for Model-Based Iterative CT Reconstruction using Plug-and-Play Framework,'' {\em 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),} pp. 6668-72, April 2018.

Material Science, Security, and NDE applications of Reconstruction

  1. arXiv, IEEE Xplore, pdf, Thilo Balke, Alexander M. Long, Sven C. Vogel, Brendt Wohlberg, and Charles A. Bouman, ``TRINIDI: Time-of-Flight Resonance Imaging with Neutrons for Isotopic Density Inference,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 9, pp. 1058-1070, 2023, \mbox{doi: 10.1109/TCI.2023.3328288}.

  2. arXiv, IEEE Xplore, Abdulrahman M. Alanazi, Singanallur Venkatakrishnan, Hector Santos-Villalobos, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles Bouman, ``Model-Based Reconstruction for Multi-Frequency Collimated Beam Ultrasound Systems,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 9, pp. 904-916, 2023, \mbox{doi: 10.1109/TCI.2023.3322580}.

  3. pdf, Emma J. Reid, Lawrence F. Drummy, Charles A. Bouman, and Gregery T. Buzzard, ``Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Super Resolution Imaging,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging,} vol. 8, pp. 81 - 95, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCI.2022.3140551.

  4. Signal Processing Magazine, pdf, arXiv extended version, Singanallur V. Venkatakrishnan, K. Aditya Mohan, Amir Koushyar Ziabari, and Charles A. Bouman ``Algorithm-Driven Advances for Scientific CT Instruments: From Model-Based to Deep Learning-Based Approaches,'' {\em IEEE Signal Processing Magazine}, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 32-43, Jan. 2022.

  5. paper, paper, Thilo Balke, Alexander M. Long, Sven C. Vogel, Brendt Wohlberg, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Hyperspectral Neutron CT with Material Decomposition'', {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),} {\bf ICIP 2021 Best Student Paper Award}, pp. 3482-3486, 19-22 Sept. 2021.

  6. M&M Abstract Hampton, C., Kinser [SIC Kisner], S., Bouman, C., & Drummy, L. (2021). ``Reconstructing 3D Volumes of Biological Specimens Using a Model Based Iterative Approach,'' Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 27, no. S1, pp. 278-279. doi:10.1017/S1431927621001574

  7. pdf paper and html paper, Philip J. Withers, Charles Bouman, Simone Carmignato, Veerle Cnudde, David Grimaldi, Charlotte K. Hagen, Eric Maire, Marena Manley, AntonDuPlessis, and Stuart R. Stock, ``X-ray Computed Tomography,'' {\em Nature Reviews Methods Primers,} vol. 1, no. 18, 2021.

  8. pdf Amirkoushyar Ziabari, Jeffrey M. Rickman, Lawrence F. Drummy, Jeffrey Simmons, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Physics-Based Regularizer for Joint Soft Segmentation and Reconstruction of Electron Microscopy Images of Polycrystalline Microstructures,'' to appear in the {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}.

  9. paper Hani Almansouri, Singanallur Venkatakrishnan, Charles Bouman, and Hector Santos-Villalobos, ``Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for One-Sided Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, pp. 150-164, vol. 5, no. 1, March 2019.

  10. pdf, IS&T, Thilo Balke, Soumendu Majee, Gregery T. Buzzard, Scott Poveromo, Patrick Howard, Michael A. Groeber, John McClure, Charles A. Bouman ``Separable Models for cone-beam MBIR Reconstruction,'' proceedings of the {\em IS\&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Computational Imaging XVI}, pp. 181-1 to 181-7, 2018.

  11. pdf, K. Aditya Mohan, K. C. Prabhat, Charudatta Phatak, Marc De Graef, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction of Magnetization using Vector Field Electron Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 432-446, Sept. 2018.

  12. pdf, Zeeshan Nadir, Michael S. Brown, Mary L. Comer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction Approach to Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 876-890, December 2017.

  13. pdf, arXiv, K. C. Prabhat , K. Aditya Mohan, Charudatta Phatak, Charles Bouman and Marc De Graef, ``3D Reconstruction of the Magnetic Vector Potential using Model Based Iterative Reconstruction,'' {\em Ultramicroscopy}. vol. 182, pp. 131-144, July 2017.

  14. pdf S. V. Venkatakrishnan, L. F. Drummy, M. A. Jackson, C. A. Bouman, J. P. Simmons, and M. De Graef, ``A Phantom-Based Forward Projection Approach in Support of Model-Based Iterative Reconstructions for HAADF-STEM Tomography,'' {\em Ultramicroscopy} vol. 160, pp. 7-17, January 2016.

  15. pdf Pengchong Jin, Charles A. Bouman, and Ken D. Sauer, ``A Model-Based Image Reconstruction Algorithm with Simultaneous Beam Hardening Correction for X-Ray CT,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 200-216, January 2016.

  16. pdf K. Aditya Mohan, S. V. Venkatakrishnan, J. W. Gibbs, E. B. Gulsoy, X. Xiao, M. De Graef, P. W. Voorhees, and C. A. Bouman, ``TIMBIR: A Method for Time-Space Reconstruction from Interlaced Views,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 96 - 111, June 2015.

  17. pdf, web link J. W. Gibbs, K. Aditya Mohan, E. B. Gulsoy, A. J. Shahani, X. Xiao, C. A. Bouman, M. De Graef, and P. W. Voorhees, ``The Three-Dimensional Morphology of Growing Dendrites,'' {\em Scientific Reports}. no. 5, article number 22824, July 2015.

  18. pdf S. V. Venkatakrishnan, L. F. Drummy, M. Jackson, M. De Graef, J. Simmons, and C. A. Bouman, ``Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Bright Field Electron Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}. vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1 - 15, March 2015.

  19. pdf S. Venkat V. Venkatakrishnan, Lawrence F. Drummy, Michael Jackson, Marc De Graef, Jeff Simmons, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm For High Angle Annular Dark Field - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,} pp. 4532-4544, vol. 22, no. 1, November 2013.

High Performance Computing for Tomography

  1. pdf Charles A. Bouman and Gregery T. Buzzard, ``Vectorized Coordinate Descent for Fast CT Reconstruction,'' 2024 CVPR Workshop: Computer Vision for Science, June 17, 2024.

  2. pdf Xiao Wang, Venkatesh Sridhar, Zahra Ronaghi, Rollin Thomas, Jack Deslippe, Dilworth Parkinson, Gregery Buzzard, Charles A. Bouman, Samuel P. Midkiff, Simon K. Warfield, ``Consensus Equilibrium Framework for Super-Resolution and Extreme-Scale CT Reconstruction,'' Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2019 (SC19), November 17, 2019.

  3. pdf, video presentation, Xiao Wang, Amit Sabne, Putt Sakdhnagool, Sherman J. Kisner, Charles A. Bouman, and Samuel P. Midkiff, ``Massively Parallel 3D Image Reconstruction," 2017 Supercomputing Conference (SC17),'' ACM, November 13-16, 2017. (Selected as one of three finalists for 2017 ACM Gordon Bell Prize.)

  4. pdf, Amit Sabne, Xiao Wang, Sherman Kisner, Charles Bouman, Anand Raghunathan, and Samuel Midkiff, ``Model-based Iterative CT Image Reconstruction on GPUs,'' {\em 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP '17),} February 4-8, 2017.

  5. pdf, Xiao Wang, K. Aditya Mohan, Sherman J. Kisner, Charles Bouman, and Samuel Midkiff, ``Fast voxel line update for time-space image reconstruction,'' in the proceedings of the {\em IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,} pp. 1209-1213, March 20-25, 2016.

  6. pdf, Xiao Wang, Amit Sabne, Sherman Kisner, Anand Raghunathan, Charles Bouman, and Samuel Midkiff, ``High Performance Model Based Image Reconstruction,'' {\em 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP '16),} March 12-16, 2016.

  7. pdf, Junshi Liu, Swagath Venkataramani, S. Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Yun Pan, Charles A. Bouman, and Anand Ragunathan, ``EMBIRA: An Accelerator for Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems}, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 3243-56, Nov. 2016.

Dynamic Sampling, Sparse Sampling and SLADS in Microscopy and CT

  1. pdf, Soumendu Majee, Selin Aslan, D. Gürsoy, and C. A. Bouman, ``CodEx: A Modular Framework for Joint Temporal De-Blurring and Tomographic Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging,} vol. 8, pp. 666-678, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCI.2022.3197935.

  2. pdf, Maliha Hossain, Balasubramanya T. Nadiga, Oleg Korobkin Marc L. Klasky, Jennifer L. Schei, Joshua W. Burby, Michael T. McCann, Trevor Wilcox, Soumi De, and Charles A. Bouman, ``High-Precision Inversion of Dynamic Radiography Using Hydrodynamic Features,'' {\em Optics Express,} vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 14432-14452, 2022, doi: 10.1364/OE.457497.

  3. pdf, Shijie Zhang, Zhengtian Song, G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda, Dong Hye Ye, Azhad Chowdhury, Atanu Sengupta, Gregery Buzzard, Charles A. Bouman, and Garth Simpson, ``Dynamic Sparse Sampling for Confocal Raman Microscopy,'' ``Analytical Chemistry,'' vol. 90, pp. 4461-4469, 2018.

  4. pdf, arXiv, Xplore, G. M. Dilshan P. Godaliyadda, Dong Hye Ye, Michael D. Uchic, Michael A. Groeber, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Framework for Dynamic Image Sampling Based on Supervised Learning,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 4, no. 1, March 2018.

  5. pdf, arXiv, Yan Zhang, G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda, Nicola Ferrier, Emine B. Gulsoy, Charles A. Bouman and Charudatta Phatak ``Reduced Electron Exposure for Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy using Dynamic Sampling,'' {\em Ultramicroscopy}, vol. 184, pp. 90-97, 2018.

  6. pdf, Nicole M. Scarborough, G. M. Dilshan P. Godaliyadda, Dong Hye Ye, David J. Kissick, Zhang, Justin A. Newman, Michael J. Sheedlo, Azhad Chowdhury, Robert F. Fischetti, Chittaranjan Das, Gregery T. Buzzard, Charles A. Bouman, and Garth J. Simpson, ``Dynamic X-ray Diffraction Sampling for Protein Crystal Positioning,'' {\em Journal of Synchrotron Radiation}, vol. 24, pp. 188-195, 2017.

  7. pdf, Azhad U. Chowdhury, Dong Hye Ye, Zhengtian Song, Shijie Zhang, Hartmut G. Hedderich, Babita Mallick, Satyanarayana Thirunahari, Srividya Ramakrishnan , Atanu Sengupta, Ellen J. Gualtieri, Charles A. Bouman, and Garth J. Simpson, ``Second Harmonic Generation Guided Raman Spectroscopy for Sensitive Detection of Polymorph Transitions,'' {\em Analytical Chemistry,} vol. 89, no. 11, pp 5958-5965, May 2017.

  8. pdf, SungHwan Hwang, Chang Wan Han, Singanallur Venkatakrishnan, Charles A Bouman, and Volkan Ortalan, ``Towards the Low-Dose Characterization of Beam Sensitive Nanostructures via Implementation of Sparse Image Acquisition in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,'' {\em Measurement Science and Technology}, vol. 28, no. 4, February 2017.

  9. pdf G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda, Dong Hye Ye, Michael D. Uchic, Michael A. Groeber, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Supervised Learning Approach for Dynamic Sampling,'' {\em Computational Imaging XIV} at {\em IS\&T Electronic Imaging Symposium} DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.19.COIMG-153, vol. 8, pp. 1-8, Feb. 2016.

  10. pdf S. Z. Sullivan, R. D. Muir, J. A. Newman, M. S. Carlsen, S. Sreehari, C. Doerge, N. J. Begue, R. M. Everly, C. A. Bouman, G. J. Simpson, ``High Frame-Rate Multichannel Bean-Scanning Microscopy Based on Lissajous Trajectories,'' {Optics Express}, vol. 22, no. 20, October 6, 2014.

Coherent Optical Imaging

  1. pdf, IEEE, related SPIE paper, pdf of related SPIE paper, Ali G. Sheikh, Casey J. Pellizzari, Sherman J. Kisner, Gregery T. Buzzard and Charles A. Bouman, ``Dynamic DH-MBIR for Phase-Error Estimation from Streaming Digital-holography Data,'' 2023 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 784-788, 2023. doi: 10.1109/IEEECONF59524.2023.10477047.

  2. pdf, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Casey J. Pellizzari and Timothy J. Bate and Kevin P. Donnelly and Gregery T. Buzzard and Charles A. Bouman and Mark F. Spencer, ``Coherent plug-and-play artifact removal: Physics-based deep learning for imaging through aberrations,'' {\em Optics and Lasers in Engineering,} vol. 164, May 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2023.107496.

  3. video talk, poster, slides, Qiuchen Zhai, Brendt Wohlberg, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Projected Multi Agent Consensus Equilibrium (PMACE) for Ptychographic Image Reconstruction'', {\em 55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers}, Oct. 20-21, 2021.

  4. paper, Casey J. Pellizzari, Mark F. Spencer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Coherent Plug-and-Play: Digital Holographic Imaging through Atmospheric Turbulence using Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction and Convolutional Neural Networks'', to appear in the {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.}

  5. pdf, video Venkatesh Sridhar, Sherman J. Kisner, Samuel P. Midkiff, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Fast Algorithms for Model-based Imaging through Turbulence,'' {\em Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Defense Applications II,} doi:10.1117/12.2570789, Proc. of SPIE vol. 11543, 2020.

  6. pdf Casey Pellizzari, Mark Spencer, and Charles Bouman, "Coherent-Image Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks," Optical Society of America (OSA) Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, June 2019.

  7. pdf Casey J. Pellizzari, Mark F. Spencer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Imaging Through Distributed-Volume Aberrations using Single-Shot Digital Holography,'' {\em The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA-A)}, vol. 36, no. 2, Feb. 2019.

  8. talk, paper, Casey J. Pellizzari, Mark F. Spencer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Optically coherent image reconstruction in the presence of phase errors using advanced-prior models'', {\em Proc. SPIE 10650, Long-Range Imaging III}, vol. 106500B, 11 May 2018.

  9. pdf, Casey J. Pellizzari, Mark F. Spencer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Demonstration of single-shot digital holography using a Bayesian framework,'' {\em The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA-A)}, vol. 35, no. 1, Jan. 2018.

  10. pdf, Casey J. Pellizzari, Mark F. Spencer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Phase-Error Estimation and Image Reconstruction from Digital-Holography Data using a Bayesian Framework, {\em The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA)}, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1659-1669, Sept. 2017.

  11. pdf, Casey J. Pellizzari, Russell Trahan, Hangying Zhou, Skip Williams, Stacie E. Williams, Bijan Nemati, Michael Shao, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Optically-Coherent Image Formation and Denoising Using Plug and Play Inversion Framework,'' {\em Applied Optics}, vol. 56, no. 16, pp. 4735-4744, June 2017.

  12. pdf, Casey J. Pellizzari, Russell Trahan, Hanying Zhou, Skip Williams, Stacie E. Williams, Bijan Nemati, Michael Shao, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Synthetic Aperture LADAR: A Model-Based Approach,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 901-916, Dec. 2017.

  13. paper Dennis J. Lee, Charles A. Bouman, and Andrew M. Weiner, ``Single Shot Digital Holography Using Iterative Reconstruction with Alternating Updates of Amplitude and Phase,'' {\em Computational Imaging XIV} at {\em IS\&T Electronic Imaging Symposium} DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.19.COIMG-158, vol. 6, pp. 1-6, Feb. 2016.

Non-Iterative MAP Reconstruction

  1. pdf Guangzhi Cao, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Non-Iterative MAP Reconstruction Using Sparse Matrix Representations'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,} pp. 2085-2099, vol. 18, no. 9, September 2009.

  2. pdf Guangzhi Cao, Charles A. Bouman, Kevin J. Webb, ``Fast Reconstruction Algorithms for Optical Tomography using Sparse Matrix Representation'' {\bf (invited paper)}, {\em International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,} April 14, 2007.

  3. pdf G. Cao, C. A. Bouman, and K. J. Webb, ``Fast and Efficient Stored Matrix Techniques for Optical Tomography,'' {\bf (invited paper)}, {\em Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,} pp. 156-160, Pacific Grove CA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 2006.

Kinetic Tomography

  1. pdf Mustafa E. Kamasak, Bradley T. Christian, Charles A. Bouman, and Evan D. Morris, ``Quality and Precision of Parametric Images Created from PET Sinogram Data by Direct Reconstruction: Proof of Concept,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging}, pp. 695-707, vol. 33, no. 3, March 2014.

  2. pdf C. C. Constantinescu, C. A. Bouman, and E. D. Morris, ``Nonparametric Extraction of Transient Changes in Neurotransmitter Concentration from Dynamic PET Data,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging,} pp 359-373, vol. 26, no. 3, March 2007.

  3. pdf M. E. Kamasak, C. A. Bouman, E. D. Morris and K. Sauer, ``Direct Reconstruction of Kinetic Parameter Images from Dynamic PET Data,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging,} pp. 636-650, vol. 24, no. 5, May 2005.

  4. pdf E. D. Morris, M. E. Kamasak, B. T. Cristian, T. E. Cheng, and C. A. Bouman, ``Visualizing All the Fits: Evaluating the Quality and Precision of Parametric Images Created from Direct Reconstruction of PET Sinogram Data'' {\em IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,} pp. 291-294, April 6 2006.

Journal Publications on Conventional Tomography

  1. pdf Seungseok Oh, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Multigrid Tomographic Inversion with Variable Resolution Data and Image Spaces,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} pp. 2805-2819, vol. 15, no. 9, Sept. 2006.

  2. pdf Thomas Frese, Ned C. Rouze, Charles A. Bouman, Ken Sauer, and Gary D. Hutchins, ``Quantitative Comparison of FBP, EM, and Bayesian Reconstruction Algorithms, Including the Impact of Accurate System Modeling, for the IndyPET Scanner,'' {\em IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging}, pp. 258-276, vol. 22, no. 2, February 2003.

  3. pdf T. Frese, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``Adaptive Wavelet Graph Model for Bayesian Tomographic Reconstructions,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} pp. 756-770, vol. 11, July 2002.

  4. postscript pdf Blanca I. Andia, Ken D. Sauer and Charles A. Bouman, ``Nonlinear Backprojection for Tomographic Reconstruction'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science}, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 61-68, February 2002.

  5. pdf Jun Zheng, Suhail S. Saquib, Ken Sauer and Charles A. Bouman, ``Parallelizable Bayesian Tomography Algorithms with Rapid, Guaranteed Convergence,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} pp. 1745-1759, vol. 9, no. 10, October 2000. and associated conference paper K. D. Sauer, S. Borman, and C. A. Bouman, ``Parallel Computation of Sequential Pixel Updates in Statistical Tomographic Reconstruction,'' vol. 2, pp. 93-96, {\em IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Proc.}, Washington, DC, Oct. 22-25, 1995.

  6. pdf J.-B. Thibault, K. Sauer, and C. Bouman, ``Newton-Style Optimization for Emission Tomographic Estimation,'' {\em Journal of Electronic Imaging,} pp. 269-282, vol. 9, no. 3, July 2000.

  7. manuscript final publication S. S. Saquib, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``ML Parameter Estimation for Markov Random Fields, with Applications to Bayesian Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing.} vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1029-1044, July 1998.

  8. manuscript final publication C. A. Bouman and K. Sauer, ``A Unified Approach to Statistical Tomography using Coordinate Descent Optimization,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 480-492, March 1996.

  9. manuscript final publication C. Bouman and K. Sauer, ``A Generalized Gaussian Image Model for Edge-Preserving MAP Estimation,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing}, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 296-310, July 1993.
    First paper on sparse view reconstruction using total variation (TV) regularization. See Figure 14.

  10. final publication K. Sauer and C. Bouman, ``A Local Update Strategy for Iterative Reconstruction from Projections,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Sig. Proc.}, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 534-548, Feb. 1993.
    and associated conference paper K. Sauer and C. Bouman, ``Bayesian Estimation from Projections with Low Photon Dosages,'' {\em Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Sig. Proc.}, vol. 4, pp. 2593-2596, Toronto, Canada, May 14-17, 1991.
    Very early or perhaps first paper on sparse view reconstruction using regularized inversion. See Figure 17.

  11. final publication K. Sauer, and C. Bouman, ``Bayesian Estimation of Transmission Tomograms Using Segmentation Based Optimization,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science}, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1144-1152, Aug. 1992.
    This is the first paper on total variation (TV) regularized reconstruction. See equation (6).

Journal Publications on Optical Diffusion Tomography

  1. pdf Vaibhav Gaind, Kevin J. Webb, Sumith Kularatne, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Towards in Vivo Imaging of Intramolecular Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Parameters,'' {\em Journal of the Optical Society of America A (Optics, Image Science and Vision),} pp. 1805-1813, vol. 26, no. 8, August 2009.

  2. pdf Santae Ahn, Abhijit J. Chaudhari, Felix Darvas, Charles A. Bouman, and Richard M. Leahy, ``Fast Iterative Image Reconstruction Methods for Fully 3D Multispectral Bioluminescence Tomography,'' to appear in the {\em Physics in Medicine and Biology}.

  3. pdf Guanzhi Cao, Vaibhav Gaind, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Localization of an Absorbing Inhomogeneity in a Scattering Medium Based on an Optical Diffusion Model,'' to appear in {\em Optics Letters}.

  4. pdf Adam B. Milstein, Kevin J. Webb, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Estimation of Kinetic Model Parameters in Fluorescence Optical Diffusion Tomography,'' {\em Journal of the Optical Society of America A,} pp. 1357-1368, vol. 22, no. 7, July 2005.

  5. pdf Adam B. Milstein, Michael D. Kennedy, Philip S. Low, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Detection and Localization of a Fluorescing Mouse Tumor in a Turbid Medium,'' {\em Applied Optics,} pp. 2300-2310, vol. 44, no. 12, April 20, 2005.

  6. pdf Seungseok Oh, Adam B. Milstein, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``A General Framework for Nonlinear Multigrid Inversion,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} pp. 125-140, vol. 14, no. 1, January 2005.

  7. pdf Adam B. Milstein, Jonathan J. Stott, Seungseok Oh, David A. Boas, R. P. Millane, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Fluorescence Optical Diffusion Tomography using Multiple-Frequency Data,'' {\em Journal of the Optical Society of America A}, pp. 1035-1049, vol. 21, no. 6, June 2004.

  8. pdf Adam B. Milstein, Seungseok Oh, Kevin J. Webb, Charles A. Bouman, Quan Zhang, David A. Boas, and R. P. Millane, ``Fluorescence Optical Diffusion Tomography,'' {\em Applied Optics}, pp 3081-3094, vol. 42, no. 16, June 2003.

  9. postscript, pdf, formated Seungseok Oh, Adam B. Milstein, Rick P. Millane, Charles A. Bouman, and Kevin J. Webb, ``Source-detector calibration in three-dimensional Bayesian optical diffusion tomography,'' {\em Journal of the Optical Society of America A}, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1983-1993, October, 2002.

  10. pdf A. B. Milstein, S. Oh, J. S. Reynolds, K. J. Webb, C. A. Bouman, and R. P. Millane, ``Three-dimensional Bayesian Optical Diffusion Imaging with Experimental Data,'' {\em Optics Letters,} pp. 95-97, vol. 27, no. 2, January 2002.

  11. postscript pdf J. C. Ye, C. A. Bouman, K. J. Webb, and R. P. Millane, ``Nonlinear Multigrid Algorithms for Bayesian Optical Diffusion Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,} pp. 909-922, vol. 10, no. 6, June 2001.

  12. pdf J. C. Ye, K. J. Webb, C. A. Bouman, and R. P. Millane, ``Optical Diffusion Tomography Using Interative Coordinate Descent Optimization in a Bayesian Framework,'' {\em Journal of the Optical Society of America A.} vol. 16, no. 10. pp. 2400-2412, Oct. 1999.

arXiv Papers:

  1. arXiv Jingsong Lin, Singanallur Venkatakrishnan, Gregery Buzzard, Amir Koushyar Ziabari, and Charles Bouman, ``Edge Projection-Based Adaptive View Selection for Cone-Beam CT,'' arXiv:arXiv:2407.12963, 2024.

    arXiv Maliha Hossain, Charles A. Bouman, and Brendt Wohlberg, ``Total Variation Regularization for Tomographic Reconstruction of Cylindrically Symmetric Objects,'' arXiv:arXiv:2406.17928, 2024.

  2. arXiv Diyu Yang, Craig A. J. Kemp, Soumendu Majee, Gregery T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman ``Pixel-weighted Multi-pose Fusion for Metal Artifact Reduction in X-ray Computed Tomography,'' arXiv:2406.17897, 2024.

  3. arXiv Tony G. Allen and David J. Rabb and Gregery T. Buzzard and Charles A. Bouman, ``CLAMP: Majorized Plug-and-Play for Coherent 3D LIDAR Imaging'', arXiv:2406.13651, 2024.

  4. arXiv Natalie M. Jadue, Madhuri Nagare, Jonathan S. Maltz, Gregery T. Buzzard and Charles A. Bouman ``MACE CT Reconstruction for Modular Material Decomposition from Energy Resolving Photon-Counting Data'', arXiv:2402.00967, 2024.

Book Chapters:

    postscript pdf T. Frese, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``Multiscale Bayesian Methods for Discrete Tomography,'' {\em Discrete Tomography: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications,} edited by Gabor T. Herman and Attila Kuba, pp. 237-261, Birkhauser Boston, Cambridge, MA, 1999.


  1. Thesis , Ph.D. Defense Presentation: Adam B. Milstein, ``Imaging of Near-Infrared Fluorescence, Absorption, and Scattering in Turbid Media,'' Ph.D. thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, August 2004.

  2. postscript pdf Thomas Frese, ``Multiresolution Image Modeing and Bayesian Reconstruction Algorithms with Application to Emission Tomography,'' Ph.D. thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, May 2001.

  3. postscript pdf Suhail S. Saquib, ``Edge-Preserving Models and Efficient Algorithms for Ill-Posed Inverse Problems in Image Processing,'' Ph.D. thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, May 1997.

Selected Conference Publications

  1. Publications from the Fully 3D Meeting and Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

    IEEE Xplore, pdf paper, poster Madhuri Nagare, Roman Melnyk, Obaidullah Rahman, Ken D. Sauer, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Bias-Reducing Loss Function for CT Image Denoising'', {\em ICASSP 2021}, pp. 1175-1179, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9413855.

  2. paper Maliha Hossain, Shane C. Paulson, Hangjie Liao, Wienong W. Chen, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Ultra-Sparse View Reconstruction for Flash X-Ray Imaging Using Consensus Equilibrium,'' {\em 54th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers}, pp. 631-635, Nov. 1-4, 2020.

  3. paper C. Hampton, S. Kinser, C. Bouman, L. Drummy, ``Reconstructing 3D Volumes of Biological Specimens Using a Model Based Iterative Approach. Microscopy and Microanalysis,'' {\em Microscopy and Microanalysis,} vol. 27, no. S1, pp. 278-279, July 2021.

  4. paper M. Usman Sadiq, Jeff P. Simmons, and C. A. Bouman, “Model Based Image Reconstruction with Physics Based Priors,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 3176-9, August 2016.

  5. paper K. Aditya Mohan, Xianghui Xiao, Charles A. Bouman, ``Direct Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction of the Complex Refractive Index,'' {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, pp. 3176-9, August 2016.

  6. paper Pengchong Jin, Dong Hye Ye, and Charles A. Bouman ``Joint Metal Artifact Reduction and Segmentation of CT Images Using Dictionary-Based Image Prior and Continuous-Relaxed Potts Model,'' in the proceedings of the {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, September 2015.

  7. paper S. Sreehari, S. V. Venkatakrishnan, L. F. Drummy, J. P. Simmons and C. A. Bouman, ``Rotationally invariant non-local means for image denoising and tomography,'' in the proceedings of the {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, September 2015.

  8. paper Suhas Sreeharia, S. V. Venkatakrishnan, Lawrence F. Drummy,Jeffrey P. Simmonsc and Charles A. Bouman ``Advanced Prior Modeling for 3D Bright Field Electron Tomography,'' {\em Computational Imaging XIII,} February 11, 2015.

  9. paper G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda, Gregory T. Buzzard, and Charles A. Bouman, ``A Model-Based Framework for Fast Dynamic Image Sampling,'' {\em IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,} pp. 1822-1826, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.

  10. paper K. Aditya Mohan, S. V. Venkatakrishnan, Lawrence F. Drummy, Jeff Simmons, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, and Charles A. Bouman, `Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Synchrotron X-Ray Tomography,'' {\em IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,} pp. 6909-13, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.

  11. paper Pengchong Jin, Charles A. Bouman, and Ken D. Sauer, ``A Method for Simultaneous Image Reconstruction and Beam Hardening Correction,'' {\em IEEE Medical Imaging Conference,} Seoul Korea, Oct. 27- Nov. 2, 2013.

  12. paper slides Ruoqiao Zhang, Charles A. Bouman, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, and Ken D. Sauer, ``Gaussian Mixture Markov Random Field For Image Denoising and Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP),} Austin, Texas, USA, December 3-5, 2013.
    pdf Technical report with associated proof of ``surrogate functions for exponential mixtures'' Lemma.

  13. pdf Sherman J. Kisner, Pengchnog Jin, Charles A. Bouman, Ken Sauer, Walter Garms, Todd Gable, Seungseok Oh, Matthew Merzbacher, and Sondre Skatter, ``Innovative Data Weighting for Iterative Reconstruction in Helical CT Security Baggage Scanner,'' {\em 47th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology,} Medellin-Colombia, October 8-11, 2013

  14. pdf S. V. Venkatakrishnan, L. F. Drummy, M. De Graef, J. P. Simmons, C. A. Bouman, ``Model based iterative reconstruction for Bright Field electron tomography,'' Proc. SPIE 8657, Computational Imaging XI, 86570A (February 14, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2013228.

  15. pdf R. Zhang, J.-B. Thibault, C. A. Bouman, Ken D. Sauer, and J. Hsieh, ``A Model-Based Iterative Algorithm for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Reconstruction,'' to appear in the proceedings of the {\em Second International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography,} Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24-27, 2012.

  16. pdf P. Jin, E. Haneda, K. Sauer, and C. A. Bouman, ``A Model-Based 3D Multislice Helical CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Transportation Security Application,'' to appear in the proceedings of the {\em Second International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography,} Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24-27, 2012.

  17. pdf S. Venkatakrishnan, L. Drummy, M. Jackson, M. De Graef, J. Simmons, and C. Bouman, ``Bayesian Tomographic Reconstruction for High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) Scnanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM),'' {\em Proceedings of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop,} August 5-8, 2012.

  18. pdf, viewgraphs S. J. Kisner, E. Haneda, C. A. Bouman, S. Skatter, M. Kourinny, and S. Bedford, ``Limited View Angle CT Reconstruction,'' {\em Proceedings of SPIE-IS\&T Electronic Imaging -Computational Imaging X,} vol. 8296, January 23-24, 2012.

  19. pdf, poster Tecnical Report E. Haneda and C. A. Bouman, ``Implicit Priors for Model-Based Inversion,'' {\em IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,}, Kyoto Japan, March 30, 2012.

  20. pdf, Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles Bouman, Ken Sauer, and Jiang Hsieh, ``Edge-Localized Iterative Reconstruction for Computed Tomography,'' {\em Fully 3D Reconstruction Meeting,} 2009.

  21. postscript, pdf, presentation S. Oh, A. B. Milstein, C. A. Bouman, K. J. Webb, ``Multigrid Inversion Algorithms with Applications to Optical Diffusion Tomography,'' {\em Proceedings of the 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,} Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 3-6, 2002.

  22. pdf Charles Bouman and Ken Sauer, ``Nonlinear Multigrid Methods of Optimization in Bayesian Tomographic Image Reconstruction,'' {\em Proc. of SPIE Conf. on Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing}, vol. 1766, pp. 296-306, San Diego, California, July 19-24, 1992.

  23. postscript pdf viewgraphs in pdf Jong C. Ye, Charles A. Bouman, Rick P. Millane and Kevin J. Webb, ``Nonlinear Multigrid Optimization for Bayesian Diffusion Tomography,'' {\em IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Proc.}, Kobe Japan, October 25-28, 1999.

  24. postscript pdf Thomas Frese, Charles A. Bouman, and Ken Sauer, ``Discrete Multiscale Bayesian Image Reconstruction,'' {\em 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers}, pp. 1687-1691, Pacific Grove, CA, November 1-4, 1998.

  25. postscript pdf S. Saquib, J. Zheng, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``Provably Convergent Coordinate Descent in Statistical Tomographic Reconstruction,'' {\em IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Proc.}, vol. 2, pp. 741-744, Lausanne Switzerland, Sept.\ 16-19, 1996.

  26. postscript pdf S. S. Saquib, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``A Non-Homogeneous MRF Model for Multiresolution Bayesian Estimation,'' {\em IEEE Int'l Conf. on Image Proc.}, vol. 2, pp. 445-448, Lausanne Switzerland, Sept.\ 16-19, 1996.

  27. postscript pdf Suhail S. Saquib, Charles A. Bouman, and Ken Sauer, S. Saquib, C. A. Bouman, and K. Sauer, ``Efficient ML Estimation of the Shape Parameter for Generalized Gaussians MRF,' ' vol. 4, pp. 2229-2232, {\em Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Sig. Proc.}, Atlanta, GA, May 7-10, 1996.

  28. postscript pdf Ken D. Sauer, Sean Borman, and Charles A. Bouman, ``Parallel Computation of Sequential Pixel Updates in Statistical Tomographic Reconstruction'' {\em Proc. of International Conference on Image Processing}, vol 2, pp. 93-96, Washington DC, October 22-25, 1995.