Jianghai Hu

Distributed & Networked Systems

  • A distributed solution of locally coupled convex feasibility problems,” Y. Xiao, J. Hu and J. Liu, IEEE Trans. Automatica Control, 2019. submitted.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Y. Xiao and J. Hu and J. Liu},
      title = {A distributed solution of locally coupled convex feasibility problems},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatica Control},
      year = {2019},
      note = {submitted}
  • A distributed continuous-time algorithm for network localization using Angle-Of-Arrival information,” G. Zhu, Y. Kim and J. Hu, Automatica, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 53-63, Jan. 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {G. Zhu and Y. Kim and J. Hu},
      title = {A distributed continuous-time algorithm for network localization using Angle-Of-Arrival information},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {50},
      number = {1},
      pages = {53--63}
  • Optimal multi-agent coordination under tree formation constraint,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 692-705, Apr. 2008. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 07-14).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimal multi-agent coordination under tree formation constraint},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2008},
      volume = {53},
      number = {3},
      pages = {692--705},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 07-14)}
  • Conjugate points in formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination: A case study,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and C. Tomlin, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 2119-2137, Jan. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and C. Tomlin},
      title = {Conjugate points in formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination: A case study},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2007},
      volume = {45},
      number = {6},
      pages = {2119--2137}
  • Optimal coordinated motions of multiple agents moving on a plane,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 637-668, 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal coordinated motions of multiple agents moving on a plane},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2003},
      volume = {42},
      number = {2},
      pages = {637--668}
  • Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, AIAA J. Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 888-900, Sep.-Oct. 2002.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution},
      journal = {AIAA J. Guidance, Control and Dynamics},
      year = {2002},
      volume = {25},
      number = {5},
      pages = {888--900}
  • Distributed solutions of convex-concave games on networks,” Y. Xiao, X. Hou and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conference, 2019.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Y. Xiao and X. Hou and J. Hu},
      title = {Distributed solutions of convex-concave games on networks},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2019}
  • Distributed algorithms for solving locally coupled optimization problems on agent networks,” J. Hu, Y. Xiao and J. Liu, in Proc. 57th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 2420-2425, Dec. 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and Y. Xiao and J. Liu},
      title = {Distributed algorithms for solving locally coupled optimization problems on agent networks},
      booktitle = {Proc. 57th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {2420--2425}
  • A differentially private distributed solution approach to the model predictive control of building clusters,” Y. Xiao, X. Hou, J. Cai and J. Hu, in Proc. 57th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 7289-7295, Dec. 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Y. Xiao and X. Hou and J. Cai and J. Hu},
      title = {A differentially private distributed solution approach to the model predictive control of building clusters},
      booktitle = {Proc. 57th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {7289--7295}
  • Distributed solutions of convex feasibility problems with sparsely coupled constraints,” Y. Xiao and J. Hu, in Proc. 56th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 3386-3392, Dec. 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Y. Xiao and J. Hu},
      title = {Distributed solutions of convex feasibility problems with sparsely coupled constraints},
      booktitle = {Proc. 56th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2017},
      pages = {3386--3392}
  • Distributed network localization based on angle-Of-arrival information: Algorithm and error analysis,” G. Zhu and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 1000-1005, Jun. 2013.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {G. Zhu and J. Hu},
      title = {Distributed network localization based on angle-Of-arrival information: Algorithm and error analysis},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      year = {2013},
      pages = {1000--1005}
  • Distributed continuous-time protocol for network localization using angle-of-arrival information,” G. Zhu and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 1006-1011, Jun. 2013.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {G. Zhu and J. Hu},
      title = {Distributed continuous-time protocol for network localization using angle-of-arrival information},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      year = {2013},
      pages = {1006--1011}
  • Responsiveness and manipulability of formations of multi-robot networks,” H. Kawashima, G. Zhu, J. Hu and M. Egerstedt, in Proc. 51th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 4622-4628, Dec. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {H. Kawashima and G. Zhu and J. Hu and M. Egerstedt},
      title = {Responsiveness and manipulability of formations of multi-robot networks},
      booktitle = {Proc. 51th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {4622--4628}
  • Link resource allocation for maximizing the rigidity of multi-agent formations,” G. Zhu and J. Hu, in Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 2920-2925, Dec. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {G. Zhu and J. Hu},
      title = {Link resource allocation for maximizing the rigidity of multi-agent formations},
      booktitle = {Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2011},
      pages = {2920--2925}
  • Optimize formation rigidity under connectivity constraints,” Y. Kim, G. Zhu and J. Hu, in Proc. 49th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 6590-6595, Dec. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Y. Kim and G. Zhu and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimize formation rigidity under connectivity constraints},
      booktitle = {Proc. 49th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {6590--6595}
  • Stiffness matrix and quantitative measure of formation rigidity,” G. Zhu and J. Hu, in Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf., Shanghai, pp. 3057-3062, Dec. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {G. Zhu and J. Hu},
      title = {Stiffness matrix and quantitative measure of formation rigidity},
      booktitle = {Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf., Shanghai},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {3057--3062}
  • A case study of formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 2478-2483, Dec. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {A case study of formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {2478--2483}
  • Interesting conjugate points in formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and C. Tomlin, in Proc. American Control Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1871-1876, Jun. 2005.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and C. Tomlin},
      title = {Interesting conjugate points in formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2005},
      volume = {3},
      pages = {1871--1876}
  • Optimal collision avoidance and formation switching on Riemannian manifolds,” J. Hu and S. Sastry, in Proc. 40th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 2, pp. 1071-1076, Dec. 2001.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal collision avoidance and formation switching on Riemannian manifolds},
      booktitle = {Proc. 40th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2001},
      volume = {2},
      pages = {1071--1076}
  • Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution,” J. Hu, M. Prandini, A. Nilim and S. Sastry, in Proc. AIAA Conf. Guidance, Navigat. Contr., Aug. 2001. AIAA-2001-4294.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and A. Nilim and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal coordinated maneuvers for three dimensional aircraft conflict resolution},
      booktitle = {Proc. AIAA Conf. Guidance, Navigat. Contr.},
      year = {2001},
      note = {AIAA-2001-4294}
  • Optimal maneuvers for multiple aircraft conflict resolution: A braid point of view,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, in Proc. 39th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, Sydney, vol. 4, pp. 4164-4169, Dec. 2000.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal maneuvers for multiple aircraft conflict resolution: A braid point of view},
      booktitle = {Proc. 39th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, Sydney},
      year = {2000},
      volume = {4},
      pages = {4164--4169}
  • Aircraft conflict prediction and resolution using Brownian motion,” J. Hu, J. Lygeros, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, in Proc. 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2438-2443, Dec. 1999.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Lygeros and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Aircraft conflict prediction and resolution using Brownian motion},
      booktitle = {Proc. 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {1999},
      volume = {3},
      pages = {2438--2443}
  • Hybrid Systems

  • Graph Lyapunov function for switching stabilization and distributed computation,” D.-H. Lee, G. E. Dullerud and J. Hu, Automatica, 2019. In Revision.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and G. E. Dullerud and J. Hu},
      title = {Graph Lyapunov function for switching stabilization and distributed computation},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2019},
      note = {In Revision}
  • Mode-conscious stabilization of switched linear control systems against adversarial switchings,” J. Hu, J. Shen and D.-H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2018. In Revision.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and D.-H. Lee},
      title = {Mode-conscious stabilization of switched linear control systems against adversarial switchings},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2018},
      note = {In Revision}
  • Stabilizability of discrete-time controlled switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 3516-3522, Oct. 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Stabilizability of discrete-time controlled switched linear systems},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2018},
      volume = {63},
      number = {10},
      pages = {3516--3522}
  • Periodic stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3382-3394, July 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Periodic stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2017},
      volume = {62},
      number = {7},
      pages = {3382--3394}
  • Resilient stabilization of switched linear control systems against adversarial switching,” J. Hu, J. Shen and D.-H. Lee, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 3820-3834, August 2017. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 15-06).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and D.-H. Lee},
      title = {Resilient stabilization of switched linear control systems against adversarial switching},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2017},
      volume = {62},
      number = {8},
      pages = {3820--3834},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 15-06)}
  • Generalized input-to-state l_2-gain of discrete-time switched linear control systems,” J. Hu, J. Shen and V. Putta, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1475-1503, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and V. Putta},
      title = {Generalized input-to-state l_2-gain of discrete-time switched linear control systems},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2015},
      volume = {54},
      number = {3},
      pages = {1475--1503}
  • Stability of discrete-time switched homogeneous systems on cones and conewise homogeneous inclusions,” J. Shen and J. Hu, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 2216-2253, Aug. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Shen and J. Hu},
      title = {Stability of discrete-time switched homogeneous systems on cones and conewise homogeneous inclusions},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2012},
      volume = {50},
      number = {4},
      pages = {2216--2253}
  • Infinite horizon switched LQR problems in discrete time: A suboptimal algorithm with performance analysis,” W. Zhang, J. Hu and A. Abate, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1815-1821, Jul. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu and A. Abate},
      title = {Infinite horizon switched LQR problems in discrete time: A suboptimal algorithm with performance analysis},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2012},
      volume = {57},
      number = {7},
      pages = {1815--1821}
  • Generating functions of discrete-time switched linear systems: Analysis, computation, and stability applications,” J. Hu, J. Shen and W. Zhang, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1059-1074, May 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and W. Zhang},
      title = {Generating functions of discrete-time switched linear systems: Analysis, computation, and stability applications},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2011},
      volume = {56},
      number = {5},
      pages = {1059--1074}
  • Quadratic optimal control of switched linear stochastic systems,” W. Zhang, J. Hu and J. Lian, System and Control Letter, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 736-744, Nov. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu and J. Lian},
      title = {Quadratic optimal control of switched linear stochastic systems},
      journal = {System and Control Letter},
      year = {2011},
      volume = {59},
      number = {11},
      pages = {736--744}
  • On the value functions of the discrete-time switched LQR problem,” W. Zhang, J. Hu and A. Abate, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 2669-2674, Nov. 2009. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 09-03).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu and A. Abate},
      title = {On the value functions of the discrete-time switched LQR problem},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {54},
      number = {11},
      pages = {2669--2674},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 09-03)}
  • Exponential stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems,” W. Zhang, A. Abate, J. and M. P. Vitus, Automatica, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2526-2536, Nov. 2009. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 09-01).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. and M. P. Vitus},
      title = {Exponential stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {45},
      number = {11},
      pages = {2526--2536},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 09-01)}
  • Dynamic programming for POMDP with jointly discrete and continuous state-spaces,” D.-H. Lee, N. He and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., 2019. Submitted.

      author = {D.-H. Lee and N. He and J. Hu},
      title = {Dynamic programming for POMDP with jointly discrete and continuous state-spaces},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2019},
      note = {Submitted}
  • Stabilization of switched linear systems using continuous control input against known adversarial switching,” J. Hu, J. Shen and D. Lee, in Int. Conf. Control and Automation, pp. 851-856, 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and D. Lee},
      title = {Stabilization of switched linear systems using continuous control input against known adversarial switching},
      booktitle = {Int. Conf. Control and Automation},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {851--856}
  • Periodic stabilization of discrete-time controlled switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 5165-5170, 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Periodic stabilization of discrete-time controlled switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2017},
      pages = {5165--5170}
  • On the graph control Lyapunov function for stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 697-702, 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {On the graph control Lyapunov function for stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2017},
      pages = {697--702}
  • Periodic stabilization of switched linear systems revisited,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 691-696, 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Periodic stabilization of switched linear systems revisited},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {691--696}
  • Graph control Lyapunov function for stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 697-702, 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Graph control Lyapunov function for stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {697--702}
  • Periodic stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, in Proc. 54th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 4260-4265, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Periodic stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 54th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {4260--4265}
  • Stabilizing switched linear systems under adversarial switching,” J. Hu and D.-H. Lee, in 54th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 2875-2880, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and D.-H. Lee},
      title = {Stabilizing switched linear systems under adversarial switching},
      booktitle = {54th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {2875--2880}
  • Efficient computation of generalized input-to-state L_2-gains of discrete-time switched linear systems,” V. Putta, G. Zhu, J. Hu and J. Shen, in Proc. 15th ACM Int. Conf. on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC'12), pp. 177-186, Apr. 17--19 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and G. Zhu and J. Hu and J. Shen},
      title = {Efficient computation of generalized input-to-state L_2-gains of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 15th ACM Int. Conf. on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC'12)},
      publisher = {ACM New York},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {177--186}
  • A Study of the generalized input-to-state L_2-gain of discrete-time switched linear systems,” V. Putta, G. Zhu, J. Hu and J. Shen, in Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 435-440, Dec. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and G. Zhu and J. Hu and J. Shen},
      title = {A Study of the generalized input-to-state L_2-gain of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2011},
      pages = {435--440}
  • A generating function approach to the stability of discrete-time switched linear systems,” J. Hu, J. Shen and W. Zhang, in Proc. 13th ACM Int. Conf. on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2010), pp. 273-282, Apr. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Shen and W. Zhang},
      title = {A generating function approach to the stability of discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 13th ACM Int. Conf. on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2010)},
      publisher = {ACM},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {273--282}
  • Stability of discrete-time conewise linear inclusions and switched linear systems,” J. Shen and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 4034-4039, Jun. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Shen and J. Hu},
      title = {Stability of discrete-time conewise linear inclusions and switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {4034--4039}
  • Stability of switched linear systems on cones: A generating function approach,” J. Shen and J. Hu, in Proc. 49th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 420-425, Dec. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Shen and J. Hu},
      title = {Stability of switched linear systems on cones: A generating function approach},
      booktitle = {Proc. 49th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {420--425}
  • Efficient suboptimal solutions of switched LQR problems,” W. Zhang, A. Abate and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 1084-109, Jun. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. Hu},
      title = {Efficient suboptimal solutions of switched LQR problems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {1084--109}
  • Stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems: A control-Lyapunov function approach,” W. Zhang, A. Abate and J. Hu, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2009), vol. 5469, pp. 411-425, Apr. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. Hu},
      title = {Stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems: A control-Lyapunov function approach},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2009)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {5469},
      pages = {411--425}
  • On piecewise quadratic control-Lyapunov functions for switched linear systems,” W. Zhang, A. Abate, M. P. Vitus and J. Hu, in Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf., pp. 1088-1093, Dec. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and A. Abate and M. P. Vitus and J. Hu},
      title = {On piecewise quadratic control-Lyapunov functions for switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf.},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {1088--1093}
  • Optimal quadratic regulation for discrete-time switched linear systems: A numerical approach,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 4615-4620, Jun. 2008.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimal quadratic regulation for discrete-time switched linear systems: A numerical approach},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2008},
      pages = {4615--4620}
  • On the value functions of the optimal quadratic regulation problem for discrete-time switched linear systems,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 5342-5347, Dec. 2008.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {On the value functions of the optimal quadratic regulation problem for discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2008},
      pages = {5342--5347}
  • On optimal quadratic regulation for discrete-time switched linear systems,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2008), vol. 4981, pp. 584-597, Apr. 2008.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {On optimal quadratic regulation for discrete-time switched linear systems},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2008)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2008},
      volume = {4981},
      pages = {584--597}
  • Symmetry reduction of a class of hybrid systems,” J. Hu and S. Sastry, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 5th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2002), vol. 2289, pp. 267-280, Apr. 2002.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and S. Sastry},
      title = {Symmetry reduction of a class of hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 5th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2002)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2002},
      volume = {2289},
      pages = {267--280}
  • Hybrid geodesics as optimal solutions to the collision-free motion planning problem,” J. Hu, M. Prandini, K. H. Johansson and S. Sastry, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 4th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2001),, vol. 2034, pp. 305-318, Apr. 2001.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and K. H. Johansson and S. Sastry},
      title = {Hybrid geodesics as optimal solutions to the collision-free motion planning problem},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 4th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2001),},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2001},
      volume = {2034},
      pages = {305--318}
  • Towards a theory of stochastic hybrid systems,” J. Hu, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 3rd Int. Workshop (HSCC 2000), vol. 1790, pp. 160-173, Apr. 2000.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Lygeros and S. Sastry},
      title = {Towards a theory of stochastic hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 3rd Int. Workshop (HSCC 2000)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2000},
      volume = {1790},
      pages = {160-173}
  • Stochastic/Uncertain Systems

  • Dual-mode robust fault estimation for switched linear systems with state jumps,” A. Chakrabarty, S. Johnson, J. Hu, S. Zak and R. A. Decarlo, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 27, pp. 125-140, February 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {A. Chakrabarty and S. Johnson and J. Hu and S. Zak and R. A. Decarlo},
      title = {Dual-mode robust fault estimation for switched linear systems with state jumps},
      journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems},
      year = {2018},
      volume = {27},
      pages = {125--140}
  • Local model predictive control for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2556-2567, September 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Local model predictive control for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Cybernetics},
      year = {2017},
      volume = {47},
      number = {9},
      pages = { 2556--2567}
  • Local stabilization of discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with magnitude- and energy-bounded disturbances,” D.-H. Lee and J. Hu, Information Sciences, vol. 369, pp. 304–-316, Novermber 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D.-H. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Local stabilization of discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with magnitude- and energy-bounded disturbances},
      journal = {Information Sciences},
      year = {2016},
      volume = {369},
      pages = {304–-316}
  • Variable neural adaptive robust control: A switched system approach,” J. Lian, J. Hu and S. Zak, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Sys., vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 903-915, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Lian and J. Hu and S. Zak},
      title = {Variable neural adaptive robust control: A switched system approach},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Sys.},
      year = {2015},
      volume = {25},
      number = {5},
      pages = {903--915}
  • Air traffic complexity in future Air Traffic Management systems,” M. Prandini, V. Putta and J. Hu, J. Aerospace Operation, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 281-299, 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and V. Putta and J. Hu},
      title = {Air traffic complexity in future Air Traffic Management systems},
      journal = {J. Aerospace Operation},
      year = {2012},
      volume = {1},
      number = {3},
      pages = {281--299}
  • Symmetry of solutions to the optimal exit time control problem,” J. Hu and W. Zhang, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 5488-5509, Nov. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and W. Zhang},
      title = {Symmetry of solutions to the optimal exit time control problem},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2010},
      volume = {48},
      number = {8},
      pages = {5488--5509}
  • A probabilistic measure of air traffic complexity in three-dimensional airspace,” M. Prandini, V. Putta and J. Hu, Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 813-829, 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and V. Putta and J. Hu},
      title = {A probabilistic measure of air traffic complexity in three-dimensional airspace},
      journal = {Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing},
      year = {2010},
      volume = {24},
      number = {10},
      pages = {813--829}
  • An ODE comparison theorem with application in the optimal exit time control problem,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 164-170, Jan. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {An ODE comparison theorem with application in the optimal exit time control problem},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2010},
      volume = {55},
      number = {1},
      pages = {164--170}
  • Application of reachability analysis for stochastic hybrid systems to aircraft conflict prediction,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 913-917, Apr. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {Application of reachability analysis for stochastic hybrid systems to aircraft conflict prediction},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {54},
      number = {4},
      pages = {913--917}
  • Aircraft conflict prediction in the presence of a spatially correlated wind field,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transport. System, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 326-340, Sep. 2005.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Aircraft conflict prediction in the presence of a spatially correlated wind field},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transport. System},
      year = {2005},
      volume = {6},
      number = {3},
      pages = {326--340}
  • A probabilistic approach to aircraft conflict detection,” M. Prandini, J. Hu, J. Lygeros and S. Sastry, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transport. System, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 199-220, Dec. 2000.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu and J. Lygeros and S. Sastry},
      title = {A probabilistic approach to aircraft conflict detection},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transport. System},
      year = {2000},
      volume = {1},
      number = {4},
      pages = {199--220}
  • Local state-feedback stabilization of nonlinear fuzzy systems with errors in the measured state,” D. Lee and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1140-1146, July 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Local state-feedback stabilization of nonlinear fuzzy systems with errors in the measured state},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {1140--1146}
  • Approaches for stochastic safety analysis arising in ATM application,” M. Albasman and J. Hu, in Proc. 51st IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 514-519, Dec. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Albasman and J. Hu},
      title = {Approaches for stochastic safety analysis arising in ATM application},
      booktitle = {Proc. 51st IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {514--519}
  • An approach to air traffic density estimation and its application in aircraft trajectory planning,” M. Albasman and J. Hu, in Proc. 24th Chinese Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 706-711, May 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Albasman and J. Hu},
      title = {An approach to air traffic density estimation and its application in aircraft trajectory planning},
      booktitle = {Proc. 24th Chinese Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {706--711}
  • Variable neural adaptive robust observer for uncertain systems,” J. Lian, J. Hu and S. Zak, in Proc. IEEE Sym. on Intelligent Control (ISIC), pp. 1335-1340, Sep. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Lian and J. Hu and S. Zak},
      title = {Variable neural adaptive robust observer for uncertain systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Sym. on Intelligent Control (ISIC)},
      year = {2011},
      pages = {1335--1340}
  • Air traffic complexity in advanced automated Air Traffic Management systems,” M. Prandini, V. Putta and J. Hu, in Proc. 9th Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition, Dec. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {Maria Prandini and Vamsi Putta and Jianghai Hu},
      title = {Air traffic complexity in advanced automated Air Traffic Management systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 9th Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition},
      year = {2010}
  • Variable neural adaptive robust output feedback control of uncertain systems,” J. Lian, W. Zhang, J. Hu and S. Zak, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 99-104, Jun. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Lian and W. Zhang and J. Hu and S. Zak},
      title = {Variable neural adaptive robust output feedback control of uncertain systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {99--104}
  • Probability of conflict analysis of 3D aircraft flight based on two-level Markov chain approximation approach,” M. Albasman and J. Hu, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Network, Sensing and Control (ICNSC10), pp. 608-613, Apr. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Albasman and J. Hu},
      title = {Probability of conflict analysis of 3D aircraft flight based on two-level Markov chain approximation approach},
      booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. on Network, Sensing and Control (ICNSC10)},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {608--613}
  • A probabilistic approach to air traffic complexity evaluation,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, in Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf., pp. 5207-5212, Dec. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {A probabilistic approach to air traffic complexity evaluation},
      booktitle = {Proc. Joint 48th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conf.},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {5207--5212}
  • Adaptive robust control: A piecewise lyapunov function approach,” J. Lian, J. Hu and S. Zak, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 568-573, Jun. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Lian and J. Hu and S. Zak},
      title = {Adaptive robust control: A piecewise lyapunov function approach},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {568--573}
  • Application of reachability analysis for stochastic hybrid systems to aircraft conflict prediction,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 4036-4041, Dec. 2008.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {Application of reachability analysis for stochastic hybrid systems to aircraft conflict prediction},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2008},
      pages = {4036--4041}
  • A numerical approximation scheme for reachability analysis of stochastic hybrid systems with state-dependent switchings,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 4662-4667, Dec. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {A numerical approximation scheme for reachability analysis of stochastic hybrid systems with state-dependent switchings},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {4662--4667}
  • Symmetry of solutions to the generalized 1-D optimal sojourn time control problem,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. 45th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 2603-2608, Dec. 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Symmetry of solutions to the generalized 1-D optimal sojourn time control problem},
      booktitle = {Proc. 45th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2006},
      pages = {2603--2608}
  • A stochastic approximation method for reachability computations,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, in Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Safety Critical Applications, vol. 337, pp. 107-139, 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {A stochastic approximation method for reachability computations},
      booktitle = {Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Safety Critical Applications},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2006},
      volume = {337},
      pages = {107--139}
  • Stochastic reachability: Theory and numerical approximation,” M. Prandini and J. Hu, in Stochastic Hybrid Systems, vol. 24, pp. 107-138, 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Prandini and J. Hu},
      title = {Stochastic reachability: Theory and numerical approximation},
      booktitle = {Stochastic Hybrid Systems},
      publisher = {Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press},
      year = {2006},
      volume = {24},
      pages = {107-138}
  • Adjoint-based optimal control of the expected exit time for stochastic hybrid systems,” R. Raffard, J. Hu and C. Tomlin, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 8th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2005), vol. 3414, pp. 557-572, Apr. 2005.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {R. Raffard and J. Hu and C. Tomlin},
      title = {Adjoint-based optimal control of the expected exit time for stochastic hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 8th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2005)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2005},
      volume = {3414},
      pages = {557--572}
  • Symmetry of solutions to the optimal sojourn time control problem,” J. Hu, in Proc. 44th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, and 2005 European Control Conference, pp. 7320-7325, Dec. 2005.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu},
      title = {Symmetry of solutions to the optimal sojourn time control problem},
      booktitle = {Proc. 44th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, and 2005 European Control Conference},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {7320--7325}
  • Probabilistic safety analysis in three dimensional aircraft flight,” J. Hu, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, in Proc. 42nd IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 5335-5340, Dec. 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {Probabilistic safety analysis in three dimensional aircraft flight},
      booktitle = {Proc. 42nd IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2003},
      pages = {5335--5340}
  • Optimal sojourn time control within an interval,” J. Hu and S. Sastry, in Proc. American Control Conference, vol. 4, pp. 3478-3483, Jun. 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and S. Sastry},
      title = {Optimal sojourn time control within an interval},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2003},
      volume = {4},
      pages = {3478--3483}
  • Aircraft conflict detection: A method for computing the probability of conflict based on Markov chain approximation,” J. Hu and M. Prandini, in Proc. European Control Conference, 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and M. Prandini},
      title = {Aircraft conflict detection: A method for computing the probability of conflict based on Markov chain approximation},
      booktitle = {Proc. European Control Conference},
      year = {2003}
  • A probabilistic framework for highway safety analysis,” J. Hu, J. Lygeros, M. Prandini and S. Sastry, in Proc. 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 3734-3739, Dec. 1999.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and J. Lygeros and M. Prandini and S. Sastry},
      title = {A probabilistic framework for highway safety analysis},
      booktitle = {Proc. 38th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {1999},
      volume = {4},
      pages = {3734--3739}
  • Control Applications

  • Reinforcement learning for building control application with occupant interactions,” D. Lee, N. He, S. Lee, P. Karava and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Control System Technology, 2019. Submitted.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and N. He and S. Lee and P. Karava and J. Hu},
      title = {Reinforcement learning for building control application with occupant interactions},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Control System Technology},
      year = {2019},
      note = {Submitted}
  • A distributed approach to model-predictive control of radiant comfort delivery systems in office spaces with localized thermal environments,” J. Joe, P. Karava, X. Hou, Y. Xiao and J. Hu, Energy and Buildings, vol. 175, pp. 173-188, Sep. 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Joe and P. Karava and X. Hou and Y. Xiao and J. Hu},
      title = {A distributed approach to model-predictive control of radiant comfort delivery systems in office spaces with localized thermal environments},
      journal = {Energy and Buildings},
      year = {2018},
      volume = {175},
      pages = {173--188}
  • General approaches for determining the savings potential of optimal control for cooling in commercial buildings having both energy and demand charges,” J. Cai, D. Kim, J. Braun and J. Hu, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 733-750, 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and D. Kim and J. Braun and J. Hu},
      title = {General approaches for determining the savings potential of optimal control for cooling in commercial buildings having both energy and demand charges},
      journal = {Science and Technology for the Built Environment},
      year = {2016},
      volume = {22},
      number = {6},
      pages = {733--750}
  • A general multi-agent control approach for building energy system optimization,” J. Cai, D. Kim, R. C. Jaramillo, J. Braun and J. Hu, Energy and Buildings, vol. 127, pp. 337-351, September 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and D. Kim and R. C. Jaramillo and J. Braun and J. Hu},
      title = {A general multi-agent control approach for building energy system optimization},
      journal = {Energy and Buildings},
      year = {2016},
      volume = {127},
      pages = {337--351}
  • Dynamic programming based approaches to optimal rooftop unit coordination,” V. Putta, D.-H. Kim, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 752-760, 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and D.-H. Kim and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {Dynamic programming based approaches to optimal rooftop unit coordination},
      journal = {Science and Technology for the Built Environment},
      year = {2015},
      volume = {21},
      number = {6},
      pages = {752--760}
  • Semistability of switched linear systems with application to PageRank algorithms,” J. Shen, J. Hu and H. Qing, European Control Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 132-140, 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Shen and J. Hu and H. Qing},
      title = {Semistability of switched linear systems with application to PageRank algorithms},
      journal = {European Control Journal},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {20},
      number = {3},
      pages = {132-140}
  • Stability analysis of inertial navigation system-aided phase-lock-loop via an integral quadratic constraint approach,” L. Fu, L. Wang, X. Liu and J. Hu, IET J. Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1100-1108, 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {L. Fu and L. Wang and X. Liu and J. Hu},
      title = {Stability analysis of inertial navigation system-aided phase-lock-loop via an integral quadratic constraint approach},
      journal = {IET J. Radar, Sonar, and Navigation},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {8},
      number = {9},
      pages = {1100--1108}
  • Coning algorithm based on singular perturbation,” L. Fu and J. Hu, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 178-185, 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {L. Fu and J. Hu},
      title = {Coning algorithm based on singular perturbation},
      journal = {Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology},
      year = {2012},
      volume = {85},
      number = {3},
      pages = {178--185}
  • Optimal solutions to a class of power management problems in mobile robots,” W. Zhang, Y.-H. Lu and J. Hu, Automatica, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 989-996, Apr. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and Y.-H. Lu and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimal solutions to a class of power management problems in mobile robots},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {45},
      number = {4},
      pages = {989--996}
  • Dynamic buffer management using optimal control of hybrid systems,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, Automatica, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1831-1840, Jul. 2008. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 07-18).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Dynamic buffer management using optimal control of hybrid systems},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2008},
      volume = {44},
      number = {7},
      pages = {1831--1840},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 07-18)}
  • Low-power buffer management for streaming data,” J. Ridenour, J. Hu, N. Pettis and Y.-H. Lu, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 143-157, Feb. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Ridenour and J. Hu and N. Pettis and Y.-H. Lu},
      title = {Low-power buffer management for streaming data},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
      year = {2007},
      volume = {17},
      number = {2},
      pages = {143--157}
  • An agent-based control implementation for the coordination of multiple rooftop units,” X. Hou, Y. Xiao, J. Joe, J. Cai, P. Karava, J. Hu and J. Braun, in Proc. 6th International High Performance Buildings Conference, July 2018.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {X. Hou and Y. Xiao and J. Joe and J. Cai and P. Karava and J. Hu and J. Braun},
      title = {An agent-based control implementation for the coordination of multiple rooftop units},
      booktitle = {Proc. 6th International High Performance Buildings Conference},
      year = {2018}
  • Simulation-based stochastic optimal control design and its application to building control problems,” D. Lee, S. Lee, P. Karava and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 5424-5429, 2018. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 18-07).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and S. Lee and P Karava and J. Hu},
      title = {Simulation-based stochastic optimal control design and its application to building control problems},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {5424--5429},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 18-07)}
  • Approximate dynamic programming for building control problems with occupant interactions,” D. Lee, S. Lee, P. Karava and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 3945-3950, 2018. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 18-06).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and S. Lee and P Karava and J. Hu},
      title = {Approximate dynamic programming for building control problems with occupant interactions},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2018},
      pages = {3945--3950},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE 18-06)}
  • Convex optimization-based control of sustainable communities with on-site photovoltaic (PV) and batteries,” J. Cai, H. Zhang, D. Kim, J. E. Braun and J. Hu, in IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, pp. 1007-1012, 2017.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and H. Zhang and D. Kim and J. E. Braun and J Hu},
      title = {Convex optimization-based control of sustainable communities with on-site photovoltaic (PV) and batteries},
      booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications},
      year = {2017},
      pages = {1007--1012}
  • Distributed model predictive control via proximal Jacobian ADMM for building control applications,” X. Hou, Y. Xiao, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. Braun, in American Control Conf., pp. 37-43, May 2017. (Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE-17-02).
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {X. Hou and Y. Xiao and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. Braun},
      title = {Distributed model predictive control via proximal Jacobian ADMM for building control applications},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2017},
      pages = {37--43},
      note = {(Purdue Technical Report TR-ECE-17-02)}
  • A distributed model predictive control approach for optimal coordination of multiple thermal zones in a large open space,” X. Hou, Y. Xiao, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. Braun, in Proc. 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference, pp. 160-169, July 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {X. Hou and Y. Xiao and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. Braun},
      title = {A distributed model predictive control approach for optimal coordination of multiple thermal zones in a large open space},
      booktitle = {Proc. 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {160--169}
  • Model predictive control of a radiant floor cooling system in an office space,” J. Joe, P. Karava, X. Hou and J. Hu, in Proc. 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference, pp. 487-496, July 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Joe and P. Karava and X. Hou and J. Hu},
      title = {Model predictive control of a radiant floor cooling system in an office space},
      booktitle = {Proc. 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {487--496}
  • A multi-agent control based demand response strategy for multi-zone buildings,” J. Cai, J. E. Braun, D. Kim and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 2365-2372, Jul. 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and J. E. Braun and D. Kim and J. Hu},
      title = {A multi-agent control based demand response strategy for multi-zone buildings},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {2365--2372}
  • Optimizing zone temperature setpoint excitation to minimize training data for data-driven dynamic building models,” J. Cai, D. Kim, J. E. Braun and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 1478-1484, Jul. 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and D. Kim and J. E. Braun and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimizing zone temperature setpoint excitation to minimize training data for data-driven dynamic building models},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {1478--1484}
  • Multi-agent control for centralized air conditioning systems serving multi-zone buildings,” J. Cai, D. Kim, V. Putta, J. E. Braun and J. Hu, in American Control Conf., pp. 986-993, Jul. 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Cai and D. Kim and V. Putta and J. E. Braun and J. Hu},
      title = {Multi-agent control for centralized air conditioning systems serving multi-zone buildings},
      booktitle = {American Control Conf.},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {986--993}
  • Development of a plug-and-play multiple RTU coordination control algorithm for small/medium commercial buildings,” D. Kim, J. E. Braun, J. Cai and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 1659-1664, Jul. 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Kim and J. E. Braun and J. Cai and J. Hu},
      title = {Development of a plug-and-play multiple RTU coordination control algorithm for small/medium commercial buildings},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {1659--1664}
  • Design of energy management system of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle using hybrid systems,” H. Banvait, J. Hu and Y. Chen, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 1339-1344, Jul. 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {H. Banvait and J. Hu and Y. Chen},
      title = {Design of energy management system of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle using hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {1339--1344}
  • A switched dynamic programming approach towards optimal control of multiple rooftop units,” V. Putta, D. Kim, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 281-287, Jul. 2015.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and D. Kim and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {A switched dynamic programming approach towards optimal control of multiple rooftop units},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      year = {2015},
      pages = {281--287}
  • A general multi-agent control framework for HVAC component coordination,” J. Cai, D. Kim, V. Putta, J. E. Braun and J. Hu, in Proc. 2015 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Jun. 2015.

      author = {J. Cai and D. Kim and V. Putta and J. E. Braun and J. Hu},
      title = {A general multi-agent control framework for HVAC component coordination},
      booktitle = {Proc. 2015 ASHRAE Annual Conference},
      year = {2015}
  • Performance evaluation of an RTU coordination controller using a reduced-order CFD coupled model,” D. Kim, J. E. Braun, E. E. Cliff, J. Borggaard and J. Hu, in 2015 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Jun. 2015.

      author = {D. Kim and J. E. Braun and E. E. Cliff and J. Borggaard and J. Hu},
      title = {Performance evaluation of an RTU coordination controller using a reduced-order CFD coupled model},
      booktitle = {2015 ASHRAE Annual Conference},
      year = {2015}
  • Distributed Model Predictive Control for building HVAC systems: A case study,” V. Putta, D. Kim, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, in Proc. 3rd Int. High Performance Building Conf. at Purdue, Jul. 14-17 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and D. Kim and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {Distributed Model Predictive Control for building HVAC systems: A case study},
      booktitle = {Proc. 3rd Int. High Performance Building Conf. at Purdue},
      year = {2014}
  • Comparative evaluation of model predictive control strategies for a building HVAC system,” V. Putta, G. Zhu, D. Kim, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 3455-3460, Jun. 2013.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and G. Zhu and D. Kim and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {Comparative evaluation of model predictive control strategies for a building HVAC system},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      year = {2013},
      pages = {3455--3460}
  • Model predictive controllers for the joint optimization of zone dynamics and equipment operation in multi-zone buildings: A case study,” V. Putta, D. Kim, J. Cai, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, in Proc. Intelligent Building Workshop, Jun. 2013.
    [BibTeX] [presentation]

      author = {V. Putta and D. Kim and J. Cai and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {Model predictive controllers for the joint optimization of zone dynamics and equipment operation in multi-zone buildings: A case study},
      booktitle = {Proc. Intelligent Building Workshop},
      year = {2013}
  • New region feature descriptor-based image registration method,” F. Bowen, E. Du and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'12), pp. 2489-2494, Oct. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {F. Bowen and E. Du and J. Hu},
      title = {New region feature descriptor-based image registration method},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'12)},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {2489--2494}
  • A distributed approach to efficient model predictive control of building HVAC systems,” V. Putta, G. Zhu, D. Kim, J. Hu and J. E. Braun, in Proc. 2nd Int. High Performance Buildings Conference, Jul. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {V. Putta and G. Zhu and D. Kim and J. Hu and J. E. Braun},
      title = {A distributed approach to efficient model predictive control of building HVAC systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Int. High Performance Buildings Conference},
      year = {2012}
  • D-optimal experimental design for calibration deterministic erros of DTG,” L. Fu, X. Yang, L. Wang and J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conf., Jun. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {L. Fu and X. Yang and L. Wang and J. Hu},
      title = {D-optimal experimental design for calibration deterministic erros of DTG},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conf.},
      year = {2012}
  • A novel graph-based invariant region descriptor for image matching,” F. Bowen, E. Du and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Electro/Information Technology, pp. 1-6, May 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {F. Bowen and E. Du and J. Hu},
      title = {A novel graph-based invariant region descriptor for image matching},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Electro/Information Technology},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {1--6}
  • Supervisory control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle with hybrid dynamical system,” H. Banvait, J. Hu and Y. Chen, in Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC'12), pp. 1-7, Mar. 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {H. Banvait and J. Hu and Y. Chen},
      title = {Supervisory control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle with hybrid dynamical system},
      booktitle = {Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC'12)},
      year = {2012},
      pages = {1--7}
  • Low power management for autonomous mobile robots using optimal control,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 5364-5369, Dec. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Low power management for autonomous mobile robots using optimal control},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {5364--5369}
  • Optimal buffer management using hybrid systems,” W. Zhang and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 5276-5281, Dec. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu},
      title = {Optimal buffer management using hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {5276--5281}
  • Optimal power mode scheduling using hybrid systems,” W. Zhang, J. Hu and Y.-H. Lu, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 2781-2786, Jul. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and J. Hu and Y.-H. Lu},
      title = {Optimal power mode scheduling using hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {2781--2786}
  • Employing optimization and sensitivity analyses tools to generate and analyze mathematical models of T cell signaling events,” M. M. Donahue, W. Zhang, M. L. Harrison, J. Hu and A. E. Rundell, in Proc. Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine, vol. 953, pp. 43-63, Mar. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. M. Donahue and W. Zhang and M. L. Harrison and J. Hu and A. E. Rundell},
      title = {Employing optimization and sensitivity analyses tools to generate and analyze mathematical models of T cell signaling events},
      booktitle = {Proc. Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine},
      year = {2007},
      volume = {953},
      pages = {43--63}
  • Application of stochastic hybrid systems in power management of streaming data,” J. Hu, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 4754-4759, Jun. 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu},
      title = {Application of stochastic hybrid systems in power management of streaming data},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2006},
      pages = {4754--4759}
  • Low power buffer management using hybrid control,” J. Ridenour, J. Hu and Y.-H. L, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 2670-2675, Jun. 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Ridenour and J. Hu and Y.-H. L},
      title = {Low power buffer management using hybrid control},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2006},
      pages = {2670--2675}
  • Buffer management for power reduction using hybrid control,” J. Hu and Y.-H. Lu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 6997-7002, Dec. 2005.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and Y.-H. Lu},
      title = {Buffer management for power reduction using hybrid control},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2005},
      pages = {6997--7002}
  • Modeling subtilin production in Bacillus subtilis using stochastic hybrid systems,” J. Hu, W.-C. Wu and S. Sastry, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 7th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2004), vol. 2993, pp. 417-431, 2004.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and W.-C. Wu and S. Sastry},
      title = {Modeling subtilin production in Bacillus subtilis using stochastic hybrid systems},
      booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 7th Int. Workshop (HSCC 2004)},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      year = {2004},
      volume = {2993},
      pages = {417-431}
  • Sensor Networks

  • On the optimal solutions of the infinite-horizon linear sensor scheduling problem,” L. Zhao, W. Zhang, J. Hu, A. Abate and C. J. Tomlin, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2825-2830, Oct. 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {L. Zhao and W. Zhang and J. Hu and A. Abate and C. J. Tomlin},
      title = {On the optimal solutions of the infinite-horizon linear sensor scheduling problem},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {59},
      number = {10},
      pages = {2825--2830}
  • On efficient sensor scheduling for linear dynamical systems,” M. Vitus, W. Zhang, A. Abate, J. Hu and C. Tomlin, Automatica, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 2482-2493, 2012.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. Vitus and W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. Hu and C. Tomlin},
      title = {On efficient sensor scheduling for linear dynamical systems},
      journal = {Automatica},
      year = {2012},
      volume = {48},
      number = {10},
      pages = {2482--2493}
  • Analysis of random grouping for aggregate computation in wireless sensor networks with randomly changing graphs,” J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1136-1149, Aug. 2008.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu},
      title = {Analysis of random grouping for aggregate computation in wireless sensor networks with randomly changing graphs},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems},
      year = {2008},
      volume = {19},
      number = {8},
      pages = {1136-1149}
  • Semistability of switched linear systems with applications to distributed sensor networks: A generating function approach,” J. Shen, J. Hu and Q. Hui, in Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 8044-8049, Dec. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Shen and J. Hu and Q. Hui},
      title = {Semistability of switched linear systems with applications to distributed sensor networks: A generating function approach},
      booktitle = {Proc. 50th IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2011},
      pages = {8044--8049}
  • Energy optimal control in mobile sensor networks using hybrid systems theory,” S. Yu, C. S. G. Lee and J. Hu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2011), pp. 1975-1980, Oct. 2011.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {S. Yu and C. S. G. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Energy optimal control in mobile sensor networks using hybrid systems theory},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2011)},
      year = {2011},
      pages = {1975--1980}
  • On the optimal solutions of the infinite-horizon linear sensor scheduling problem,” W. Zhang, M. P. Vitus, A. Abate, J. Hu and C. Tomlin, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 396-401, Dec. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {W. Zhang and M. P. Vitus and A. Abate and J. Hu and C. Tomlin},
      title = {On the optimal solutions of the infinite-horizon linear sensor scheduling problem},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {396--401}
  • On sensor scheduling of linear dynamical systems with error bounds,” M. P. Vitus, W. Zhang, A. Abate, J. Hu and C. Tomlin, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 1318-1323, Dec. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. P. Vitus and W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. Hu and C. Tomlin},
      title = {On sensor scheduling of linear dynamical systems with error bounds},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {1318--1323}
  • On efficient sensor scheduling for linear dynamical systems,” M. P. Vitus, W. Zhang, A. Abate, J. Hu and C. Tomlin, in Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 4833-4838, Jun. 2010.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {M. P. Vitus and W. Zhang and A. Abate and J. Hu and C. Tomlin},
      title = {On efficient sensor scheduling for linear dynamical systems},
      booktitle = {Proc. American Control Conference},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {4833--4838}
  • Locality-based aggregate computation in wireless sensor networks,” J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu, in Proc. Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pp. 298-299, Aug. 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu},
      title = {Locality-based aggregate computation in wireless sensor networks},
      booktitle = {Proc. Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing},
      year = {2009},
      pages = {298--299}
  • On the convergence of distributed random grouping for average consensus on sensor networks with time-varying graphs,” J.-Y. Chen and J. H, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 4233-4238, Dec. 2007.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J.-Y. Chen and J. H},
      title = {On the convergence of distributed random grouping for average consensus on sensor networks with time-varying graphs},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2007},
      pages = {4233--4238}
  • Probabilistic map building by coordinated mobile sensors,” J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Network, Sensing and Control (ICNSC06), pp. 807-812, Apr. 2006.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J.-Y. Chen and J. Hu},
      title = {Probabilistic map building by coordinated mobile sensors},
      booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. on Network, Sensing and Control (ICNSC06)},
      year = {2006},
      pages = {807--812}
  • Miscellaneous

  • Primal-dual Q-learning framework for LQR design,” D. Lee and J. Hu, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 9, Sep. 2019. To appear.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {Primal-dual Q-learning framework for LQR design},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control},
      year = {2019},
      volume = {64},
      number = {9},
      note = {To appear}
  • A sequential parametric convex approximation method for solving bilinear matrix inequalities and its application to static output feedback control design,” D. Lee and J. Hu, Optimization Letters, 2018.
    [BibTeX] [url]

      author = {D. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {A sequential parametric convex approximation method for solving bilinear matrix inequalities and its application to static output feedback control design},
      journal = {Optimization Letters},
      year = {2018}
  • A piecewise envelope approach to $H_ control of nonlinear systems,” K. Liu, J. Hu, W. Zhou and S. Zhang, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1881-1890, Sep. 2018.
    [BibTeX] [url]

      author = {K. Liu and J Hu and W Zhou and S. Zhang},
      title = {A piecewise envelope approach to $H_ control of nonlinear systems},
      journal = {Asian Journal of Control},
      year = {2018},
      volume = {20},
      number = {5},
      pages = {1881--1890}
  • A multistage approach for image registration,” F. Bowen, J. Hu and E. Du, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 2119-2131, September 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {F. Bowen and J. Hu and E. Du},
      title = {A multistage approach for image registration},
      journal = {IEEE Trans. Cybernetics},
      year = {2016},
      volume = {46},
      number = {9},
      pages = {2119--2131}
  • Stability analysis of discrete-time piecewise-linear systems: A generating function approach,” K. Liu, J. Hu, Y. Yao, B. Yang and X. Huo, Int. J. Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1005-1010, Oct. 2014.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {K. Liu and J. Hu and Y. Yao and B. Yang and X. Huo},
      title = {Stability analysis of discrete-time piecewise-linear systems: A generating function approach},
      journal = {Int. J. Control, Automation, and Systems},
      year = {2014},
      volume = {12},
      number = {5},
      pages = {1005--1010}
  • A sequential parametric convex approximation method for solving bilinear matrix inequalities,” D. Lee and J. Hu, in IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, pp. 1965-1970, Dec. 2016.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {D. Lee and J. Hu},
      title = {A sequential parametric convex approximation method for solving bilinear matrix inequalities},
      booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2016},
      pages = {1965--1970}
  • Geometric Control

  • A study of the asymptotic isoholonomic efficiency problem,” J. Hu and S. Simic, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 1112-1133, 2009.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and S. Simic},
      title = {A study of the asymptotic isoholonomic efficiency problem},
      journal = {SIAM J. Control and Optimization},
      year = {2009},
      volume = {48},
      number = {2},
      pages = {1112-1133}
  • How should a snake turn on ice: A case study of the asymptotic isoholonomic problem,” J. Hu, S. Simic and S. Sastry, in Proc. 42nd IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control, vol. 3, pp. 2908-2913, Dec. 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu and S. Simic and S. Sastry},
      title = {How should a snake turn on ice: A case study of the asymptotic isoholonomic problem},
      booktitle = {Proc. 42nd IEEE Int. Conf. Decision and Control},
      year = {2003},
      volume = {3},
      pages = {2908--2913}
  • Thesis and Dissertation

  • J. Hu, Multi-Agent Coordination: Theory and Applications. PhD thesis , Department of EECS, University of California , 2003.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu},
      title = {Multi-Agent Coordination: Theory and Applications},
      school = {Department of EECS, University of California},
      year = {2003}
  • J. Hu, “On optimal collision avoidance and formation switching on Riemannian manifolds,” Dec. 2002.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu},
      title = {On optimal collision avoidance and formation switching on Riemannian manifolds},
      school = {Mathematics Department, University of California},
      year = {2002}
  • J. Hu, “A study of aircraft conflict detection and resolution in free flight,” Dec. 1999.
    [BibTeX] [pdf]

      author = {J. Hu},
      title = {A study of aircraft conflict detection and resolution in free flight},
      school = {Department of EECS, University of California},
      year = {1999}