Conference Presentations
2024 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
Tuesday, December 3: Tutorials
- Agenda
- Natural Language Queries of PHA Data Made Easy - Ed Marszal (Kenexis)
- FaultExplainer: Leveraging Large Language Models for Interpretable Fault Detection and Diagnosis - Can Li (Purdue)
- Balancing Bots and Brains: Navigating AI Integration in Process Safety - Ashley Craig (PSRG)
2024 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
Monday, May 6: Tutorials
- Agenda
- HAZOP Automation & Augmentation with AI
- Measuring Workers' Real-Time Situation Awareness Using Wearable Technologies
- Assessing Corrosion Risks ... Merck
- Identifying & Evaluating Lessons Learned to Improve Performance
- Interpretable Anomaly Detection in Chemical Processes Using Large Language Models
- Final Phase of RHEACT Development at Purdue
Tuesday, May 7: Safety & Assurance
- Overview of P2SAC activities during past year - Mentzer
- Interpreting Machine Learning and Optimization Models Using Generative AI - Li
- Elusive Nature of Competency - PHMS
- How is AI changing the safety landscape from reactive to preventive / proactive - SparkCognition Solutions
- The Opportunity for Electrochemistry to reduce reactivity hazards - Tackett
- Hands-Free Wearables for Process Safety - PSRG
- API 753 Awareness for Projects - ExxonMobil
- New Technologies Need Hazard Analysis - Dow
- 'Life Saving Rules' to process safety - SAFETY & Consulting Associates, Inc
- Challenges in Conducting Safet Technologies and Alternatives Analysis Studies for Revised EPA RMP Rule - AcuTech
- Towards - Making Li-ioin Batteries Inherently Safety and Operable at Extreme Temperatures - Pol
Wednesday, May 8: Pharmaceutical Safety
- P2SAC Overview & Pharma Projects
- Assessing the explosive, energetic & self-reactive properties of chemicals and reactions - Scitegrity Limited
- New Computational Tools for Predicting Reactivity - Savoie
- Unexpected High Corrosion of Chlorinating Agents with Acetonitrile - Corteva
- An Updated Look at the Yoshida Correlation for Predicting Impact - Sensitivity - Merck
- Combustible powder Product safety data - Johnson Matthey
- Gas Evolution Analysis : Unexpected Detection & Profile - GSK
- Bestmann-Ohira regent case study: ensuring storage & transportation safety for diazo containing materials - Vertex
- Update of Young Institute for Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals - Reklaitis
- Thermal hazard evaluation of flow processes - Gilead
2023 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
Tuesday, December 5: Tutorials
- Using Virtual Controllers in the Process Industry - Honeywell
- Process Safety Deliverables in Projects - ExxonMobil
- Machine Learning-aided Safety Hazards Detection & Identification - Prof Li
2023 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
Monday, May 8: Tutorials
- Osman P2SAC Overview spr2023.pdf
- Opportunities to Enhance Safe Chemical Manufacturing with Electrochemical Processes
- Improving Lab Safety in Academia: Free and Inexpensive Methods for Identifying High-Risk Chemistry
- Review and Update on Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS)
- Strategies to Manage Chemical Incompatibility, Theis, AcuTech
- Dust Hazard Assessments, Dastidar, Fauske
- Risk Analysis Screening Tool - RAST
- Optimization Under Uncertainity, Can Li
- Fire ExpIosion Presentation - SABIC
Tuesday, May 9: Safety
- Kickoff and P2SAC Overview, Mentzer
- Update on the CSB, Hartz
- Emission Monitoring and Reduction, Gotten, Honeywell
- CCPS Handbook for Process Safety in Laboratories & Pilot Plants, Vaughn, CCPS
- Application of Inherently Safe Principles to Projects, Huff, ExxonMobil
- Purdue CERIAC-Center for cyber security... Rasmus, Purdue
- Recent NFPA Updates, Dastidar, Fauske
Wednesday, May 10: Pharma & Modeling / Simulation
- Physics Informed Response Model for Calculation of Flammable Cloud Volume ..., Vianna, Campinas
- Neural Network and CFD Simulation applied for Determination of Leak Location, Tsukada, Campinas
- Quantitative Gas Evolution Analysis via Combination of Online Thermal Massflow ..., Dixon, GSK
- Current Practices to Address Dust Explosivity Hazard Among Pharma Companies, Allian, Lilly
- Process Safety Knowledge Management, Kunt, PSRG
- Development of a PPE Selection Tool, Sathanapally, Gilead
- Unexpected Corrosion of Hastelloy by Selectfluor
2022 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
Wednesday, Dec 14: Tutorials
- Li-ion Battery Safety & Performance
- Use Fault Tree Analysis When LOPA Fails
- Reactive Chemicals Program & Calorimetry at Dow
- Quantum chemistry-based calculation tools, TCIT & YARP
- Leak Detection - Air Products
Thursday, Dec 15: Safety Conference
- P2SAC Overview
- Safety Management Systems & Prevention of NATECH Events
- Materials & Devices for Low-Cost Gas Sensors
- Measuring Process Safety Culture: Beyond the Bradley Curve
- Chemical Engineering Collaboration to Support Early Phase Acceleration
- Why do we use ADT24 - BMS
- Practical Use of AKTS Modeling
- Systems Engineering and Process Safety - Li
- Enhancing Safe Chemical Manufacturing with Electrochemical Processes - Tackett
- Automation in Process Safety Information Delivery - Lilly
- Enabling Reactive and Hazardous Processes with Continuous Flow Technologies
2022 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
Monday, May 9: Tutorials
- Prevention Through Design
- Chemical Security: Protecting Chemicals from People
- Demonstration of Reactive Hazard Evaluation & Analysis compilation Tool - RHEACT
Tuesday, May 10: Mini-conference on safety in the pharmaceutical industry
- P2SAC Overview
- Using O.R.E.O.S. Tool for Explosive Hazard Identification
- Calorimetric Techniques to Support your Reactive Hazards Analysis
- Ab initio calculation of Physical Properties
- Heats of Decomposition of a Series of Pharmaceutical Reagents Using an ARSST Calorimeter
- Potential Safety Hazards Associated with Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions
Wednesday, May 11: Mini-conference on general safety
- Overview of P2SAC
- Port of Beirut Lebanon Explosion - Analysis and Impacts
- High-surface area oxidation: can it also happen in my plant?
- Low Power, Low Cost Gas Sensors
- Bowtie Diagrams
- Development of Process Safety Professionals
- Creating Best-In-Class Leaders with Incremental Online Learning
- Li-on Batteries Thermally Safe and Early Sensing
- Process Safety Risks in Renewable Energy
Thursday, May 12: Mini-conference on flow assurance
- Leak Detection on Liquid Pipelines
- Continuum-scale simulation tools for transport phenomena in dense suspensions
- Flow Assurance Overview and Challenges in Oil and Gas Production
2021 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
Monday, December 6
- Welcome & Overview: Osman Basaran (Purdue University)
- Practical Use of ARC Analysis for Thermal Stability Evaluation in Corteva: Min Sheng (Corteva)
- Overview of FGS Performance-based Design and Coverage Analysis: Jim McGlone (Kenexis)
- Reactive System ERS Design Basics & ERS Case Studies: Elizabeth Raines (Fauske)
Tuesday, December 7
- Connected process plants to improve safetyin the digital world: Prasad Goteti (Honeywell)
- Using elements of safety culture as a predictor of process safety outcomes: Laurence Pearlman (Marsh)
- P2SAC Project Overview Presentation: Ray Mentzer (Purdue University)
- Tool to calculate LFL and UFL of flammable mixtures with inerts: Joe Jakubowicz (Purdue University)
- Experimental vs. predicted heats of reaction for some common reaction types in pharma industry: Katherine Young (Purdue University)
- Low-Power, Low-cost Gas Sensors with High Specificity for Hydrogen Gas: Bryan Boudouris (Purdue University)
- Industrial Perspectives on Energetic Materials: Xuemin Chen (Dow)
- Thermal Instability and Associated Potential Safety Hazards of [Rh(ethylene)2Cl]2 Catalyst: Daniel Valco (Corteva)
- Use of Quantum Mechanical calculations in Thermal Hazard Assessment: Fareed Sayeed (Lilly)
- BICYCLO 1.1.1]PENTANE –A RISING PROCESS SAFETY CHALLENGE: Connor Barrett and Jeff Sperry (Vertex)
- Sustainability Metrics for Small Molecule Development: Abe Schuitman (Corteva)
- Quantum Chemical Prediction of Molecular Thermodynamics to Assess Reaction Safety and Scale-up: Qiyuan Zhao (Purdue University)
- Impedimetric Chemo-sensing of Volatile Organic Compounds Released from Li-ion Batteries: Vilas G. Pol (Purdue University)
Wednesday, December 8
- Workplace Excellence Management System (CountryMark)
- 3M's EHS Management Systems - An element-based approach
2021 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
Thursday, May 13
- Challenges in Flammability Testing and Application: Robert Bellair (The Dow Chemical Company)
- Practical Applications, Extensions and Limits of Reactive Chemical Testing Tools: Katie Mulligan (The Dow Chemical Company)
Friday, May 14
- AI for Process Optimization Reliability and Safety: Kathy Shell (aeSolutions)
- Common Cause Failure: What Are They and How to Mitigate Them?: Tekin Kunt (Process Safety and Reliabilty Group)
- Commonly Missed Overpressure Scenarios: Wahid Wakil (Smith & Burgess)
- Analysis of Cybersecurity Risks for Proposed Remote CISTAR Facilities: Abhijit Talpade (CISTAR)
- Analysis of Cybersecurity Risks for Proposed Remote CISTAR Facilities: David Moore (AcuTech)
- Sustaining Effective Process Safety Programs: Jim Klein (ABS Consulting)
- Organizational Health - A New Methodology & Survey for Measuring: Elizabeth Rosene (Purdue University)
- Purdue Process Safety and Assurance Center (P2SAC) Welcome and Overview: Osman Basaran (Purdue University)
- Purdue Process Safety and Assurance Center (P2SAC) Overview: Ray Mentzer (Purdue University)
- PURDUE P2SAC-Safety shower and eyewash system: Xinyu Zhen (Purdue University)
- Oops! We Did It Again: Reducing Human Error-Induced Truck Unloading Events: Sarah Eck (DEKRA Process Safety)
Monday, May 17
- Gounder Research Laboratory: Chemistry and Catalysis of Nanoscale Materials: Rajamani Gounder (Purdue University)
- Predicting the fire and explosion properties of early phase active pharmaceutical ingredients: Antony Janes (GSK)
- Promoting a safe laboratory environment using the Reactive Hazard Evaluation & Analysis Compilation Tool (RHEACT): Pushkar Ghanekar (Purdue University)
- High-Throughput Predictions of Molecular Thermodynamics and Reactivity: Brett Savoie (Purdue University)
- Purdue Process Safety & Assurance Center (P2SAC) Overview - Pharma: Ray Mentzer (Purdue University)
- Comparison of Computational Models and Experimental Data for Common Pharma Reactions: Caitlin Justice (Purdue University)
- Heat Loss in Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC) Analysis and Thermal Lag for High Self-Heat Rates: Min Sheng (Corteva AgriScience)
- Thermal Stability of Temozolomide (TMZ): Jeffrey Sperry (Vertex)
2020 Fall P2SAC Virtual Conference Presentations
December 1
December 7
- Welcome, overview, and history and mission/goals of P2SAC: Osman Basaran (Gedge Professor ChE and Academic Director P2SAC, Purdue)
- Welcome and overview of P-MS (PMP) and UG research projects: Ray Mentzer (Professor of Practice ChE and Executive Director P2SAC, Purdue)
- Assessing combustible and HF gas detection requirements for lithium ion battery containing facilities: Edward Marszal (Kenexis)
- Low power, low cost portable gas sensors with highly specific chemical responses: Bryan Boudouris (Professor of ChE, Purdue)
- Learning from incidents - are we really learning and how to rethink investigations: Laurence Pearlman (Marsh)
- Leadership in process safety, now more than ever: Trish Kerin (IChemE)
- Designing safer batteries via materials architectures and multimode calorimetry: Vilas Pol (Professor ChE, Purdue)
- Developing a non-contact dust layer thickness measurement system: Kingsly Ambrose (Associate Professor ABE, Purdue) and Carl Wassgren (Professor ME, Purdue)
- Sensing Dust Concentration through Imaging: Kingsly Ambrose (Associate Professor ABE, Purdue)
- Understanding and managing the risk during the transient operating mode: Start-ups and Shut-downs: Bruce Vaughen (CCPS)
- Prevention through design and heterogeneous catalysis: Raj Gounder (Larry and Virginia Faith Associate Professor ChE, Purdue)
- Safe and efficient printed perovskite solar cells and optoelectronics: Letian Dou (Charles Davidson Assistant Professor ChE, Purdue)
- Process safety scale-up aspects of a nitric acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of epichlorohydrin reaction: Donald Knoechel (Fauske)
December 10
- Plans for event & overview of recent P2SAC pharma related research: Ray Mentzer (Professor of Practice ChE and Executive Director P2SAC, Purdue)
- Safe scale-up of an exothermic Grignard reaction based on thermal hazard understanding and engineering control: Ayman Allian (AMGEN)
- Playing with fire? A safe and effective quench of Raney cobalt using aqueous sodium nitrate: Frank Dixon (GSK)
- Assessing explosive properties in the pharmaceutical industry: Jeff Sperry (Vertex)
- High-throughput predictions of molecular thermodynamics and reactivity: Brett Savoie (Charles Davidson Assistant Professor ChE, Purdue)
- Safe operating space for handling hydrogen evolved during STAB hydrolysis: Bhoja Kandela (Lilly)
- Utilizing heat flow calorimetry for understanding thermal risks of chemical processes during scale-up and safety studies: Simon Rea (Mettler-Toledo AutoChem)
- Explosion hazards associated with using DMSO and DMF in chemical reactions: Qiang Yang (Corteva)
- Clearing the Air: Rethinking dust safety in pharmaceutical manufacturing: Rexonni Lagare (PhD candidate ChE, Purdue)
- Closing comments: Ray Mentzer (Professor of Practice ChE, Purdue)
2019 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
December 4, 2019
- Industry-led Tutorials on Process Safety Agenda
- Implementing Inherent Safety - David Moore, AcuTech
- Unified Hazard Assessment - Ed Marszal, Kenexis
- A Tutorial for the Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST) - Bruce Vaughen, CCPS
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handout Glossary
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.1
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.2
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.3
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.4
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.5
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.6
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts Tutorial.7
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.1
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.2
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.3
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.4
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.5
- P2SAC 4 Dec RAST - Handouts BP Case Study.6
December 5, 2019
- Purdue Process Safety & Assurance Center - P2SAC Highlights - Ray Mentzer, Executive Director of P2SAC
- 30 Years Later: Remembering the Explosion at Pasadena - Bruce Vaughen, CCPs, and Kenneth Bloch
- The Convergence of Process Safety and Security Strategies for Critical Infrastructure Protection of Emerging Threats - David Moore, AcuTech
- CyberPHA: A proven method to assess industrial control system cybersecurity risk - Jacob Morella, aeSolutions
- How is your process safety culture? Better practices and approaches to self-assessment - Laurence Pearlman, Marsh
- Industrial Examples of Misuse of DSC Crucibles for Thermal Stability Hazard Evaluation - Min Sheng, Corteva
- Lithium Ion Battery Thermal Runaway - Ed Marszal, Kenexis
- Process Safety at Vertex Pharmaceuticals (<5L Scale) - Jeffrey B. Sperry, Vertex
- Process Safety Risk Index Calculation Based on Historian Data - Prasad Goteti, Safety Engineering Consultant, Honeywell
- Reducing the human error impact on Safety Instrumented System (SIS) - Charles Fialkowski, Siemens
- Right sizing combustible particulate management while meeting NFPA 652 requirements - Denise Albrecht, 3M
2019 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
May 7, 2019
- P2SAC 2019 Spring Conference Agenda
- Welcome and Opening Remarks - Ray Mentzer, Visiting Professor and Executive Director of P2SAC
- Academic & Industrial Lab Safety Project - Sopuru Ezenwa, Purdue, PhD student
- Advancing Industry 4.0 in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Integrating the Process Safety Perspective - Rex Reklaitis, Professor of ChE
- Managing Heat Accumulation at Scale Using a Kinetic Model - Li-Jen Ping, Johnson Matthey
- Pharma Process Safety-Instrumentation Assets: Health & Performance Monitoring - Ravi Shankar, Endress+Hauser
- Overview for Pharmaceutical Related Research - Ray Mentzer, Visiting Professor and Executive Director of P2SAC
May 8, 2019
- The Challenge of Combustible Dust - Kenneth Tague, ADM
- Cybersecurity and hydrocarbon processing facilities (a CISTAR/P2SAC joint project) - Eric Dietz and Joe Pekny, Professors, Purdue
- Kenexis Sponsored P2SAC Research - Ed Marszal et al.
- Safety Evaluation of the Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling of 2-Bromopyridines with Ethyl Bromodiflouroacetate in DMSO - Qiang Yang, Dow Agro/Corteva
May 9, 2019
- Efficacy of crop protection offerings based upon drop sizes and the break-up of sprayed emulsions from flat-fan nozzles - Steve Cryer/Madan Somasi, Corteva Agriscience
- Research on two-phase flows using two-fluid model - Subash Sharma, Purdue NE
- Surfactants and DST effects in EOR/flow assurance - Jaeyub Chung, Purdue
2018 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
- P2SAC Fall 2018 Conference Agenda
- Welcome to the P2SAC Fall 2018 Conference - Dr. Osman Basaran
- P2SAC Highlights - Dr. Ray Mentzer
- Characterization of Reactive Chemical Hazards via Calorimetry - Sai Sathanapally
- Driving PSM Performance Beyond KPI Metrics - Dr. Stewart W. Behie
- Prevention Through Catalyst Design for Application in the Petrochemical Industry - Dr. Rajamani Gounder
- Process Safety and the Front Line - Pearlman & Onofre, Marsh Risk Consulting
- PMP Project Data Structure Standardization for PHA - Ed Marszal
- The Role of Inertia in Coalescence of Drops in Liquid-Liquid Emulsions - Dr. Osman A. Basaran
- Trust, But Verify: The case for placing the entire safety lifecycle in one accessible place - Honeywell
- Overview of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing - Dr. Zoltan Nagy
- Parametric Sensitivity and Thermal Runaway Behavior in Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors - Dr. Arvind Varma and Yang Ziao
- P2SAC Fall 2018 Faculty Pitches
- Faculty Pitch: Electrocoalescence - Dr. Osman Basaran
- Faculty Pitch: High-throughput quantum chemical calculation of Benson group values for reliable thermodynamic characterization - Dr. Brett Savoie
- Faculty Pitch: Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis of Dust Explosions - Dr. Zoltan Nagy
- Faculty Pitch: Molecular property prediction based on scarce data using a novel machine learning framework - Dr. Brett Savoie
- Faculty Pitch: Safer Materials & Processing Design for Next Generation Printed Electronics - Dr. Leitan Dou
- Faculty Pitch: Sensing Dust Concentration by Imaging - Dr. Kingsly Ambrose
2018 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
- P2SAC Highlights - Dr. Ray Mentzer
- Driving Chemical Change: the Chemical Safety Board's First 20 years - Dr Kristen Kulinowski (CSB)
- Flow Assurance: Drop Coalescence in the Presence of Surfactants - Vishrut Garg (Basaran)
- Early Phase Thermal Hazards Assessments at Eli Lilly - Dr. Stan Kolis (Lilly)
- Inherently Safer Process Design - Dr. Jeff Sperry (Pfizer)
- Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) of Dust Clouds - Ashok Dastidar (Fauske & Associates)
- Open Source Data Schema for Process Safety - Ed Marszal (Kenexis)
- Proof Testing Safety Instrumented Systems - Prasad Goteti (Honeywell)
- Real Time Release in Continuous Solid Dose Manufacturing - Dr. Qinglin Su (Nagy)
- Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates - Joe Dettinger (SOCMA)
2017 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
- Flow Assurance: Drop and Bubble Coalescence and Thin Film Rupture - Prof Osman Basaran
- Introduction and Status Update – Prof Osman Basaran
- P2SAC Highlights - Dr. Ray Mentzer
- Prevention Through Catalyst Design for Applications in the Petrochemical Industry - Prof Raj Gounder
- Prevention Through Design - Jonathan Bach, NIOSH
- SIL Rated Communication Protocols - Prasad Goteti, Honeywell
- Waste/Side Stream Testing Guidelines at Pfizer - Dr. Jeffrey Sperry, Pfizer
2017 Spring P2SAC Conference Presentations
- P2SAC Research Program & Accomplishments - Dr. Ray Mentzer
- Dust Explosion Test Methodologies - Dr. Ashok Dastidar, Fauske
- Storage Tank Dike Design - Dr. George Harriott, Air Products
- Key Performance Indicators for Installed SIS - Prasad Goteti, Honeywell
- Robust Model-Based Control for Safe Pharmaceutical Manufacturing - Prof. Zolton Nagy
- Chemistry & Catalysis of Nanoscale Materials - Prof. Raj Gounder
- Latest Developments in Inherently Safer Technology - Mr. Brad Fuller, AcuTech
2016 Fall P2SAC Conference Presentations
- Safer Catalytic Oxidations - Raj Gounder (PDF)
- Advances in Chemical Reactivity Evaluation at Dow (PPTX)
- Overview of Core UG Chemical Process Safety Course (PDF)
- Fault Tolerant Control for Safe Plant Operation (PDF)