Purdue Engineering extends streak of most-ever top 10 undergraduate rankings, enhancing reputation for excellence in highly competitive landscape
Purdue Engineering names 11 Dean's Leadership Scholars
Young Institute for Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals to break ground for 'racetrack' facility, launch Lyo2040 Technology Roadmap for Pharma/Biotech Manufacturing on Oct. 4
Purdue trains FDA on cutting-edge technology for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Semiconductors CHIPS Manufacturing in Space for Space and Earth
Germs get around — testing must get mobile, too
September Edition: Newly Issued Patents
Today's Purdue engineering students will change the world, as their predecessors have done for the last 150 years
Pharmaceuticals: From Discovery to Delivery - Elizabeth Topp and Alina Alexeenko
Student-Driven Innovation Ignites Campus - Haddy Alchaer and Zoe Slatkin