2019 Research Projects
PhD Research
Sensing dust concentration by imaging
PI: Dr. Kingsly Ambrose
The role of chemical agents (surfactants) and electrostatics in coalescence
PI: Prof. Osman A. Basaran
Safer materials and processing design for next-generation printed electronics
PI: Prof. Letian Dou
New directions in prevention by catalyst design
PI: Prof. Raj Gounder
Optimal placement of detectors and new directions driven by systems engineering approaches (continuing project)
PI: Prof. Carl Laird
Modeling and uncertainty analysis of dust explosion
PI: Prof. Zoltan Nagy
Battery safety by materials design
PI: Prof. Vilas Pol
High-throughput quantum chemical calculation of Benson group values for reliable thermodynamic characterization
PI: Prof. Brett Savoie
Catalyst design and reactor runaway: selective oxidation of alcohols
PI: Prof. Arvind Varma
Professional M.S. Research
Design and construct a prototype of a benchtop tool to be used to screen chemicals for reactivity (Fauske)
Determination of Minimum Sufficient Dispersion Model Scenarios for Gas Detection Optimization (Kenexis)
Dimensional analysis and similitude for multiphase flows in pipe reactors (Chevron / DowAgro)
Improving Understanding of Hazards of Process Plants through PHA Gamification (Kenexis)
Leveraging Data Science for Oil & Gas Asset Integrity Management (Chevron/DowAgro)
Thermal Hazards in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AMGEN)
Understanding Ignition Properties of Flammable Gas / Particulate Mixtures & Mitigation Through Inerting (3M)
Undergraduate Research (PI: Prof Ray Mentzer)
Identification of specific deficiencies in PHAs that led to major incidents
Guidance for prevention of tank overflows
Project suggested/proposed by: SABIC
ARSST calorimetric measurements on DMSO
PI: Prof. Ray Mentzer and Prof. Rajamani Gounder
Project suggested/proposed by: Lilly
Assessment of Benson Groups Missing from CHETAH for Thermodynamic Property Prediction
PI: Prof. Ray Mentzer and Prof. Brett Savoie
Project suggested/proposed by: Lilly
Analysis of process safety incidents and root causes for over a dozen industries
PI: Prof. Ray Mentzer
Project suggested/proposed by: Prof Mentzer
Nitrogen blanketing of tanks
Project suggested/proposed by: SABIC
Contribution of human error in significant incidents & actions to resolve
Project suggested/proposed by: Phillip 66
Other Research (PI: Prof Ray Mentzer - e.g. add'l research by Prof MS & PhD students beyond capstone / thesis)
Safety in Academic & Industrial Laboratories - cont'd
Joint Topic with CISTAR, NSF Funded
Inherently Safe & Secure Physical Systems - cont'd
Joint Topic with CISTAR, NSF Funded
Investigation of the Correlation between minor & major incidents and update to Heinrich pyramid
Project suggested/proposed by: Prof Mentzer
Develop guidance on energy released during testing vs. mass of sample
PI: Prof. Ray Mentzer
Project suggested/proposed by: AMGEN
Analysis of process safety incidents in pharmaceutical industry
Project suggested/proposed by: Lilly