Past Announcements and Events: Current Graduate Students and Postdocs

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July 16, 2024

Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
July 2, 2024

Coffee Conversations with ISS

Hear from one of the ISS Immigration Counselors about ISS services and immigration student advising! This is a great introduction for new advisors and refresher for all advisors. Tune in for an overview of ISS and information to keep in mind when working with international students.
June 21, 2024

Food Trucks & Families

Join us for our annual Food Trucks & Families event on Friday, June 21st!
Enjoy free food, friends, and fun on Purdue's Memorial Mall! This event is FREE and open to all College of Engineering Graduate students, families, and administration.
June 21, 2024

NSF Fellowship Help Session

This help session is for applicants to the NSF Graduate Fellowship who would like to ask questions, receive feedback, and/or undergo a peer review with another student. There is no presentation; just a casual environment for receiving guidance on your NSF Fellowship application.
June 20, 2024

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
June 20, 2024

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
June 20, 2024

The Cover Letter - Professional Development Workshop

This presentation will describe the fundamentals of writing a professional and compelling cover letter. Attendees will get an overview of writing letters for academic as well as industry and nonprofit positions. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
June 19, 2024

Research with is a new research tool that uses machine learning to make your literature searching more effective.’s database uses machine learning to determine how citations relate to each other (are they supporting, are they contrasting, etc.) and its AI assistant can answer questions using information from real articles. This workshop will cover what is, how to access Purdue’s subscription, and how to use it effectively and responsibly.
June 19, 2024

Computational Research PhD Fellowships Info Session

In this session for PhD students, several fellowship opportunities for doctoral computational researchers will be discussed along with key insights to the deadlines, proposal components, and application procedures. Many of these fellowships are open to international and domestic students from computer science, various fields of engineering, statistics, mathematics, and other computational research areas. Included in the session will be information regarding the Google and Apple PhD fellowships along with information on the Meta PhD Fellowship, IBM PhD Fellowship, DOE Computational Fellowship, Bloomberg Fellowship, Norton Labs Fellowship, Microsoft Dissertation Grant, and the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) Fellowship.
June 19, 2024

How to be a Good Reviewer Workshop

The Purdue Postdoc Association (PPDA) will be hosting a panel for the event “How to be a good reviewer”. Dr. Sujith Puthiyaveetil and Dr. Ikjot Singh Sohal will be the speakers for this panel. Speakers will be giving their expert opinions on how to review manuscripts in a more comprehensive manner. They will also share about their experiences for postdocs and graduate students who wants to review manuscripts for their scientific enrichment.
June 13, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
June 11, 2024

Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
June 4, 2024

Publishing a Scientific Paper

Publishing scientific papers is a complex and challenging process. Your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. This workshop will cover important concepts, processes, and strategies for preparing and publishing scientific papers. For example, the content will include: where are “good research ideas” from? What is a publishable paper? How to choose the most appropriate journal to ensure success? What are some tips/strategies in the process of submitting your manuscript to a journal? The presenter from CILMAR will use specific examples in the field of intercultural learning to help the participants navigate.
May 24, 2024

2024 Chorafas Foundation Award

Purdue University will nominate one PhD graduate student researcher for the 2024 Chorafas Foundation Award. The $10,000 award, made available by the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation, is intended as a prize for advanced studies and/or research during or shortly after graduation. The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation was founded in 1992 under the leadership of Prof. Dimitris N. Chorafas. The Foundation awards prizes to more than 20 universities each year to stimulate promising young researchers.
May 22, 2024

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
May 21, 2024

Research with is a new research tool that uses machine learning to make your literature searching more effective.’s database uses machine learning to determine how citations relate to each other (are they supporting, are they contrasting, etc.) and its AI assistant can answer questions using information from real articles. This workshop will cover what is, how to access Purdue’s subscription, and how to use it effectively and responsibly.
May 16, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
May 10, 2024

Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Grant

Click here to find information about the following Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) grant. ACRP is part of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Form a team and apply today!
May 10, 2024

Summer Graduate Bridge Program

Application Deadline: May 10, 2024
Program Dates: July 8 - August 9, 2024
The Bridge program is coordinated by the Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI) in the Purdue University Graduate Office. Graduate Bridge Students receive a summer stipend, partial support for lodging and moving expenses, and enhanced networking and mentoring.
April 30, 2024

Fundamentals of Equity in Graduate Admissions

This virtual workshop is offered by the Equity in Graduate Education Consortium (EGE) exclusively for Purdue University and our EGE partner, Ohio State University. This session is designed to be accessible and relevant to a broad audience across diverse academic disciplines. Whether you are an admissions officer, faculty member, or graduate student, this program offers valuable insights and actionable tools to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive graduate education experience.
April 29, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
April 24, 2024

2024 Design Expo

Register your senior design, student organization, EPICS/VIP, or other design project today! Up to $10,000 in awards, door prizes, and snacks!
April 23, 2024

Pathways to Impact: Ph.D. Career Paths

There is an offering of a workshop series Pathways to Impact in April 2024 for Ph.D. Students, post-docs, and early career Faculty. The workshops are designed to help researchers think about impact beyond the laboratory and the publication, and how they ultimately hope their research and careers will make an impact. This session is for learning about career paths including and beyond academia.
April 19, 2024


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
April 17, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
April 16, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
April 15, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
April 12, 2024

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
April 11, 2024

LinkedIn Tips

Attend this presentation to learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and use the website for networking, information gathering, and job searches.
April 10, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
April 10, 2024

Introduction to Open Access, Open Scholarship, and Open Education

This workshop will explore Open Access publishing options and library support for open access fees. It will also discuss using Open Educational Resources (OERs) for teaching and learning and the resources and services available through the Libraries.
April 9, 2024

Pathways to Impact: IP and Working with OTC

There is an offering of a workshop series Pathways to Impact in April 2024 for Ph.D. Students, post-docs, and early career Faculty. The workshops are designed to help researchers think about impact beyond the laboratory and the publication, and how they ultimately hope their research and careers will make an impact. This session is for understanding the impact of a technology transfer office in transitioning technology from the lab to society.
April 5, 2024

GSAW - Spring Picnic

Join us outside at Memorial Mall (near Stewart Center) for a spring picnic in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week! Open to all graduate students and their families. Free food and games! Please bring your Purdue ID Card.
April 5, 2024

GSAW - Dive-In Movie Night

Join us in celebrating Graduate Student Appreciation Week at Dive-In Movie Night at the Morgan J. Burke Aquatic Center! During the event, the main pool will be open (the diving pool will be closed), and you are welcome to bring your own pool inflatables to the event if you wish. Don't want to swim? No problem! The bleachers around the pool itself and the grandstands on the second-floor seat more than 600. The locker rooms will be open to anyone who wishes to change at any point during the event, and food will be served on the second floor as well. Click here for a few more details and logistics!
April 4, 2024

GSAW - Game Night

Join us at PGSC for Game Night in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week! Open to all graduate students. Free pizza and drink provided.
April 4, 2024

GSAW - Snack Packs

Join us at PGSC for a free giveaway of snacks with an insulated cooler bag in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week! Open to all graduate students while supplies lasts!
April 4, 2024

RCR: Authorship and Publishing

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will address topics including: How do you determine authorship on a publication? What are the rules for publication? Who owns the data? What are the rules associated with research misconduct? What really is plagiarism? This workshop may be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.
April 3, 2024

Convert your CV to a Resume

This presentation will discuss how to convert an academic CV into a resume for industry and nonprofit careers. If you already have a resume, this presentation will provide strategies to convey your advanced degree skills more effectively to employers. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
April 2, 2024

GSAW - Movie Night

Join us at Wabash Landing for "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week! This event is open to the first 140 students to RSVP.
April 2, 2024

Postdoc Fellowships and Positions

In this session for grad students who wish to become postdocs, participants will learn strategies for applying for postdoc positions (where and how) as well as how to search for and apply to postdoc fellowships.
April 2, 2024

Pathways to Impact: Ideas Worth Pursuing

There is an offering of a workshop series Pathways to Impact in April 2024 for Ph.D. Students, post-docs, and early career Faculty. The workshops are designed to help researchers think about impact beyond the laboratory and the publication, and how they ultimately hope their research and careers will make an impact. This session is for understanding how innovation works, the potential impact of your research, what problem it solves, and how that problem fits into the world
April 1, 2024

GSAW - Coffee Corner

Join us at Greenhouse Coffee (across from Lily Hall) on Monday for Graduate Student Appreciation Week! Open to all graduate students while supply lasts.
April 1, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
March 29, 2024

An Overview of ResearchRabbit

ResearchRabbit is an AI-based citation-based literature mapping tool and is freely available. It is incredibly useful for creating collections of literature around various research topics. It particularly useful for research groups. This workshop will provide a brief overview of the tool and discuss various possibilities for its use.
March 29, 2024

CoAg/CoEng Joint Poster Session and Networking Gathering

Join us at Marriott Hall for the College of Agriculture and College of Engineering joint poster session and networking gathering! The latest research, excellent food, live music, and interdisciplinary networking opportunities will be featured! Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and friends are all welcome!
March 28, 2024

Introduction to Few-shot Learning

This workshop introduces the concept of Few-Shot Learning in machine learning, a technique designed for learning effective models from a very limited amount of data.
March 28, 2024

RCR: An Overview

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will provide an overview of RCR topics, including Value-based Decision-making, Research Integrity and Misconduct, Protecting Research Subjects, Data Recording and Management, Managing Conflicting Interests, Authorship and Peer Review, and Intellectual Property.
March 27, 2024

Corporate Culture

Organizational culture can seem difficult to define but can make the difference in achieving success on any team. In this session, we'll talk about ways you can observe culture and maybe even influence it.
March 27, 2024

Postdoc Grant Writing Lecture

In this session just for postdocs we will cover the basics of interpreting grant solicitations, also known as requests for applications (RFAs), along with a general overview of major government funding agencies and the different documents that make up the grant proposal. After attending this lecture you will know how to find solicitations, evaluate them for their relevancy to your work, and understand which components are required for your grant proposal.
March 26, 2024

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
March 26, 2024

Breakout from Burnout

New studies show that negative health effects related to burnout are serious and can be long-lasting. We want you to have all the tools you need to break out from burnout. In this webinar, you will receive practical, neuroscience-based emotional regulation techniques to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and how to prevent and avoid burnout for a better quality of life.
March 26, 2024

Mars Desert Research Station Information Session

We are holding a Purdue MDRS information session and analog astronaut panel on Tuesday March 26, 2024 from 6 to 7 PM in PHYS 238, in which past crewmembers will share their experiences and answer any MDRS-related questions. Please attend and bring your questions! The application deadline is 11:59 PM EDT on March 31, 2024.
March 25, 2024

Professional Development Engineering Meet & Eat Event

March 25th, we will have our next Professional Development Engineering Meet & Eat Event in DLR 131 at noon! During this time, we will have a guest speaker from the Center for Career Opportunities who will share some resources and methods for building an excellent résumé. They will share how these skills can improve your CV and professional profiles like LinkedIn as well!
March 22, 2024

RCR: Research Integrity in Engineering and Technology

This Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop focuses on Research Integrity as it relates to authorship and publications in the fields of Engineering and Technology. This workshop can be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required by many departments, colleges, and granting agencies. *This workshop is meant for Engineering and technology students.
March 21, 2024

Introduction to Large Language Models

This workshop introduces attendees to the expansive realm of Large Language Models. We initiate the session with the basics of LLMs to provide a solid grounding in the understanding of these models. The course progresses to fine-tuning approaches that allow customization of LLMs to meet specific task requirements.
March 20, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
March 20, 2024

NIH F31 Info Session

The NIH F31 fellowships are awarded to graduate students in the first few years of a PhD program who wish to become research scientists. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation.
March 19, 2024


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
March 19, 2024

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
March 19, 2024

Discovering the Treasures of Federal Legal, Legislative, and Regulatory Resources

This presentation will enable students to find the text of U.S. laws, congressional committee hearings and reports on legislation, congressional debate, and recorded votes, federal regulations enforced by agencies after being passed by Congress and signed by the President, and learning how to comment on these proposed federal agency regulations to officials at the relevant policymaking institutions.
March 19, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
March 18, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
March 18, 2024

Engineering in Medicine Pediatrics Research Symposium

All Purdue faculty, students, postdocs, and staff are welcome to this event with IU School of Medicine and Riley Hospital for Children. Please register for this free event on or before Thursday, March 7th.
March 15, 2024

Apply today for the 2024 Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation

The prestigious international Science & PINS Prize is awarded annually to outstanding early-career
researchers in the emerging field of neuromodulation. Findings already show improved outcomes in several neurological disorders. To enter, just write a 1000-word essay about your research performed in the last three years. The Grand Prize winner will be presented a $25,000 award, as well as have their essay published in Science and on Science Online. A runner-up will have their essay published online.
March 9, 2024

Armed Forces Banquet

The Inaugural Armed Forces Banquet is open to the public and will feature military ceremonies, a catered buffet dinner, a live music performance from Michael Carluccio (Frank Sinatra Tribute), distinguished guests, raffles & much more!
March 8, 2024

NIH F32 and K99 Postdoc Fellowship Info Session

Both experienced graduate students and postdocs in the life sciences, medical sciences, and related subjects are encouraged to attend. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation. The F32 fellowship and the career-focused K-awards, such as the K99, will be covered. K-awards do not require US citizenship.
March 8, 2024

Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
March 7, 2024

Introduction to Contrastive Learning

This workshop is an introduction to Contrastive Learning. We begin by defining what Contrastive Learning is and how it fundamentally differs from traditional supervised learning methods.
March 6, 2024

Digital Wellbeing

How would you describe your relationship with technology? Are you aware of how you use it? This presentation offers an eye-opening new perspective into how we use our phones and other devices to better our lives. By reflecting on what brings true meaning and happiness, this presentation introduces new ideologies about healthy technology use that may just help reduce the techno-clutter in your life.
March 6, 2024

NC-SARE Fellowship (Agricultural Research) Info Session

Masters and PhD students with research projects related to sustainable agriculture are eligible for the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (NC-SARE) Grant. This information session will provide an overview of the $10-$15,000 award for research projects and how to craft a competitive application. US Citizenship is not required for this award.
March 5, 2024

Publishing a Scientific Paper

Publishing scientific papers is a complex and challenging process. Your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. This workshop will cover important concepts, processes, and strategies for preparing and publishing scientific papers. For example, the content will include: where are “good research ideas” from? What is a publishable paper? How to choose the most appropriate journal to ensure success? What are some tips/strategies in the process of submitting your manuscript to a journal? The presenter from CILMAR will use specific examples in the field of intercultural learning to help the participants navigate.
March 4, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
March 1, 2024

MHAW Cat Yoga

Mental Health Awareness Week - Cat Yoga at WALC
March 1, 2024

MHAW Bowling Night

Mental Health Awareness Week - Bowling Night at PMU Union Rack and Roll
February 29, 2024

Introduction to Natural Language Processing

This workshop provides a deep dive into the burgeoning domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Participants will initially familiarize themselves with the fundamental NLP tasks starting with tokenization and the concept of a Bag of Words representation.
February 29, 2024

Interviewing Skills (CCO)

Acing the Interview. Understand the purpose of the interview. Learn how to prepare for an interview. Understand professional etiquette. Understand behavioral interviews. Understand the importance of follow-up after the interview.
February 29, 2024

Healthy Financial Habits

Budgeting and Savings: small things you can do now to make better financial decisions.
February 28, 2024

Negotiating the Job Offer

Attend this presentation to learn about the evaluation and negotiation process, how to evaluate your job offer(s), identify points for negotiation, and negotiate effectively.
February 28, 2024

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session, we will introduce examples of IS, and its implications on mental health, as well as its impact on social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
February 28, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Mason for an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics (but not limited to this... we will go where the discussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how to develop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic careers.
February 27, 2024

The A-Z of the Job Search

The A-Z of the Job Search Understand the Job Search process. Understand the pros and cons of different job search strategies. Understand informational interviewing. Understand how to market their degree.
February 27, 2024

Home Buying

Financial Wellness Home buying: What you need to know to be prepared to buy?
February 26, 2024

Patent Agent Careers in Life Sciences

Did you know that people who graduate with an engineering or technical degree are eligible to sit for the Patent Bar exam that is administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)?
February 26, 2024

MHAW - Free Tom's Coffee

MHAW will kick off on Monday morning, Feb 26th! Show your digital ticket and Purdue ID to the staff. Grab a free coffee from Tom's Coffee cart near ABE, relax and refresh yourself!
February 23, 2024

Giant Leaps Summit: National Defense in Space

You are invited to attend the Giant Leaps Summit: National Defense in Space, hosted by Purdue Air Force ROTC and in collaboration with Purdue Polytechnic Institute. This is a two-day event on Friday and Saturday, February 23rd and 24th which will take place at various locations on Purdue's campus. Please click here for registration information.
February 23, 2024

How to Find and Prepare for Fellowship Applications

New and experienced graduate students are encouraged to attend this webinar to learn how to search for fellowship opportunities. Strategies for preparation and online resources will also be presented to help students get started with their writing.
February 23, 2024

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
February 23, 2024

NSF I-Corps Workshop: Purdue I-Corps Discovery

The Great Lakes NSF I-Corps Hub and Purdue I-Corps are offering various workshops in Spring 2024 that can help explore the commercial potential of your research. Learn from our NSF-certified instructors, experienced entrepreneurs, and mentors and gain new insights about your research, increase your industry and professional network, learn about NSF funding opportunities, and expand your career opportunities. These workshops increase the chances of securing federal proof of concept & commercialization grants like SBIR/STTR, and PFI-TT that range from $550k to $1.6 million.
February 23, 2024

Future Faculty Career Exploration Program

This is a rigorous four-day program designed for participants to experience a “behind the scenes” glimpse into life as a faculty member at RIT. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with RIT's diverse administration, faculty, and students while on campus. It offers additional opportunities to enhance interview skills, practice job-talk presentations, and explore the research, teaching, and service expectations of RIT Faculty members.
February 22, 2024

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
February 22, 2024

Introduction to Generative Models

This workshop will provide an introduction to the world of generative models in machine learning. We start by defining what generative models are and how they differ from traditional predictive models. Key concepts like probability distribution and latent space representation will be covered, setting the foundation for understanding how these models learn to generate new data.
February 21, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
February 21, 2024


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
February 21, 2024

Let's Celebrate You!

Stop by to celebrate monthly birthdays and great achievements with ice cream and cake!
February 21, 2024

An Evening With Charlene Carruthers

Join the LGBTQ Center and Black Cultural Center for a moderated keynote conversation with Charlene about her work as a queer, black, feminist.
February 21, 2024

Personal Branding

This presentation will provide an introduction to how advanced degree seekers can develop and refine their professional brand, and how they can convey it via career tools like elevator pitches and LinkedIn summaries, and during career events such as networking and informational interviews. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
February 21, 2024

Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review requires the writer to extensively gather and analyze scholarship related to their topic, to explain how their work fits into the larger conversation, and to justify their own research project. This session will help you find the most relevant and useful sources to review the literature related to your research question and keep track of what you find.
February 19, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
February 16, 2024

NSF I-Corps Workshop: Medical Jumpstart

The Great Lakes NSF I-Corps Hub and Purdue I-Corps are offering various workshops in Spring 2024 that can help explore the commercial potential of your research. Learn from our NSF-certified instructors, experienced entrepreneurs, and mentors and gain new insights about your research, increase your industry and professional network, learn about NSF funding opportunities, and expand your career opportunities. These workshops increase the chances of securing federal proof of concept & commercialization grants like SBIR/STTR, and PFI-TT that range from $550k to $1.6 million.
February 16, 2024

NSF I-Corps Workshop: STEM Jumpstart

The Great Lakes NSF I-Corps Hub and Purdue I-Corps are offering various workshops in Spring 2024 that can help explore the commercial potential of your research. Learn from our NSF-certified instructors, experienced entrepreneurs, and mentors and gain new insights about your research, increase your industry and professional network, learn about NSF funding opportunities, and expand your career opportunities. These workshops increase the chances of securing federal proof of concept & commercialization grants like SBIR/STTR, and PFI-TT that range from $550k to $1.6 million.
February 15, 2024

Experimental Design

This workshop is meticulously designed to explore the nuances of experimental design used in various fields. Attendees will be introduced to real-world use cases and applications, illustrating the power of well-structured experiments.
February 15, 2024

RCR: Authorship and Publishing

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will address topics including: How do you determine authorship on a publication? What are the rules for publication? Who owns the data? What are the rules associated with research misconduct? What really is plagiarism? This workshop may be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.
February 15, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
February 15, 2024

Improv Techniques for the Researcher

No comedy skills are needed but a willingness to improve your communication, active listening, and engagement skills is critical. Improvisation will teach you about heightening your awareness and improving your listening skills. It is more about connecting with your audience, than acting skills. It can also help you hone your key messages when speaking time is short at conferences and can actually increase the quality of audience-speaker interaction.
February 14, 2024

February Engineering Meet & Eat

As a reminder, this Wednesday, February 14th at 4:00 PM, we will have our next Engineering Meet & Eat Event in WALC 1121! During this time, we will spread positivity by creating a Wall of Kindness and some do-it-yourself treats together for the theme of Valentine's Day.
February 13, 2024


Learn the benefits of recognizing emotion, practicing self-compassion and being in the moment. This presentation relates mindfulness to everyday activities such as relationships, thoughts, and stress to help you learn how the skill of being mindful can help you relax and take back the present moment.
February 13, 2024

3rd Annual WiE Network Symposium

Sharing your voice, taking your next leap. The Grad WiE Network Symposium is an opportunity for women graduate students to build community, support your peers, hear about exciting research, and learn from inspiring alumnae.
February 9, 2024

Planning to Graduate On-Time

The biggest reason most graduate students don’t graduate on time is because they do not have a plan of attack. Usually, graduate students are successful in their courses, but it is the policies, processes, and politics that trip them up. This session is designed to help students plan for graduate school and create a target for finishing on time.
February 8, 2024

Interviewing for Industry Positions

This session will provide insights into hiring and interview processes when startups and large companies seek candidates with an advanced degree (MS or Ph.D.). This talk will cover everything from networking, where to find job openings, applying to jobs, earning an interview, how to ace the interview, what to expect during a technical interview, & behind the scenes: what happens after you leave.
February 8, 2024

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
February 7, 2024

Managing Uncertainty During Grad School

Due to their multiple roles and high expectations for success, graduate students are particularly vulnerable to disruption. This presentation will address ways to cope with uncertainty and how to use your own values to determine how best to move forward.
February 7, 2024

Eating Right When Your Budget is Tight

Do you feel like you’re trying to make changes to your meals and snacks but are spending a ton at the store? Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn tips and tricks for meal planning, grocery shopping, and food storage that won’t break the bank!
February 7, 2024

Computational Research PhD Fellowships Info Session

In this session for PhD students, several fellowship opportunities for doctoral computational researchers will be discussed along with key insights to the deadlines, proposal components, and application procedures. Many of these fellowships are open to international and domestic students from computer science, various fields of engineering, statistics, mathematics, and other computational research areas. Included in the session will be information regarding the Google and Apple PhD fellowships along with information on the Meta PhD Fellowship, IBM PhD Fellowship, DOE Computational Fellowship, Bloomberg Fellowship, Norton Labs Fellowship, Microsoft Dissertation Grant, and the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) Fellowship.
February 7, 2024

RIT's Strategies to Crafting a Strong Application Webinar

The program staff is hosting a webinar Strategies to Crafting a Strong Application—RIT’s Future Faculty Program on Wednesday, February 7, from 2:00 – 3:00pm ET to answer your questions about the program and application process. Learn how to craft a compelling application starting from your cover letter and CV, to what you should be including in your research, teaching, and diversity statements.
February 6, 2024

How to Plan a Research Project for a Grant or Fellowship Application

For grants and fellowships, applicants are required to write out research plans for an ongoing or future project in great detail. Attend this webinar to learn what is expected for project planning for grants and fellowship writing and gain the tools to form your plan well before the submission deadline.
February 6, 2024

Eating & Body Image

What are some of the warning signs that someone has an eating disorder? What are some ways to improve body image? In this workshop, we will discuss ways to improve self-esteem and body image & avoid the destructive behavior which causes people to dislike their bodies.
February 6, 2024

Getting the Mentoring You Need and Want

In this workshop, graduate student will reflect on their advising and mentoring experiences and learn strategies to get the mentoring they need and want from a network of mentors. This workshop will also introduce mentees to the FAIM (Faculty Advancing Inclusive Mentoring) resource Center, which provides a framework to support the development and advancement of inclusive and equity-minded mentoring practices within graduate education. The FAIM framework is comprised of an inclusive mentoring philosophy, key principles, and practical tools and resources intended to be adapted and adopted to meet the contextual need of mentors and mentees.
February 5, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
February 5, 2024

Resilience Practices for Graduate School Success

Join the Black Cultural Center for our inaugural Graduate Colloquium series as we tackle the topic of resiliency and graduate student life. Dr. Vernese Edghill Walden, Vice-President of Equity and
Inclusive Excellence at Bucknell University, will discuss practices of care for graduate students including practical strategies for managing and balancing multiple expectations.
February 2, 2024

Overview of ResearchRabbit

This session will provide an overview of the free online tool called ResearchRabbit. RR helps you find and manage articles in various content areas - essentially helping get your arms around the literature in your field (as well as keep track of new items). This workshop is great for new and seasoned researchers alike.
February 2, 2024

Women Empowered in STEM (weSTEM) Conference

WeSTEM is a forum for graduate students (of all gender identities and backgrounds, but especially women and underrepresented groups) to inspire one another to become leaders in their fields and to fuel their motivation to pursue their graduate degree in tackling the technological challenges of today's society. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for prospective graduate students to network with current graduate community members to discover what Illinois has to offer.
February 1, 2024

RCR: Research Integrity in Engineering and Technology

This Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop focuses on Research Integrity as it relates to authorship and publications in the fields of Engineering and Technology. This workshop can be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.*This workshop is meant for Engineering and technology students.
January 30, 2024

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
January 26, 2024

Eating Right When Your Budget is Tight

Do you feel like you’re trying to make changes to your meals and snacks but are spending a ton at the store? Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn tips and tricks for meal planning, grocery shopping, and food storage that won’t break the bank!
January 26, 2024

MERGE Kickoff Celebration

The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
January 25, 2024

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
January 24, 2024

How to Avoid Common Fellowship Application Mistakes

Prepare for Fellowship Season by learning how to avoid common mistakes that graduate students and postdocs make in their applications. This recording will cover the difference between academic journal writing and fellowship writing, as well as how you can make a good impression with reviewers.
January 24, 2024

Healthy Eating on the Run

Want to learn how to make good choices while on the go? What about some healthy snacks for studying? Learn how to choose the best foods for health while leading a busy life. This program discusses snacking, fast food and restaurants, healthy product alternatives, and more!
January 23, 2024

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
January 22, 2024

January Engineering Meet & Eat

Two Mondays from now, on January 22nd, we will have a Letter Writing Service Project for our Engineering Meet & Eat Event in WALC 1132! During this time, we will have stationery provided for you to write letters to engineering staff members who support all of your experiences at Purdue in addition to letters to the elderly through Letters Against Isolation.
January 22, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
January 19, 2024

RCR: An Overview

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will provide an overview of RCR topics, including Value-based Decision-making, Research Integrity and Misconduct, Protecting Research Subjects, Data Recording and Management, Managing Conflicting Interests, Authorship and Peer Review, and Intellectual Property.
January 18, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
January 18, 2024

Story Telling 101

Powerful storytelling can connect you with an audience in ways traditional presentation techniques couldn't. It can make your arguments more persuasive and transfer more information. If your presentations are more of a string of facts, rather than a cohesive story, this workshop is for you. In this workshop, we will create a few key stepping stones that you can use to progress through your story and work on the hook that will get an audience interested in your message early and keep them interested in the conclusion.
January 18, 2024

Preparing an Effective Lecture

This session will demonstrate ideas and strategies for delivering effective lectures. It will identify factors to consider when organizing a lecture. Examine techniques for delivering effective lectures and ideas for classroom interaction and engagement. The session will also examine procedures for effectively using media and other visual aids to enhance lecture material.
January 17, 2024

NIH Fellowship F31 Information Session

The NIH F31 fellowships are awarded to graduate students in the first few years of a Ph.D. program who wish to become research scientists. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advice about preparing the other required documentation. Note: US citizenship or permanent residency is required for applicants to the F31 award.
January 16, 2024

Mentoring Dialogues

Join Graduate Dean Emeritus Dr. Linda Masonfor an unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based onthe curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) andinclude the following topics ( but not limited to this... we will go where thediscussion takes us) this semester: maintaining effective communication withyour mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and how todevelop a mentoring team. The discussions are intended to help graduate studentsstrengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and othermentors in their academic careers.
January 16, 2024

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session, we will introduce examples of IS, and its implications on mental health, as well as its impact on social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
January 8, 2024

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
December 13, 2023

PGSG Grant Deadline

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
December 7, 2023


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
December 5, 2023

PGSG Coffee Corner

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
December 2, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 29, 2023

PGSG Senate Meeting

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 25, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 20, 2023

Dr. Lynn Schreyer Seminar: Compartment Models with Memory

The beauty and simplicity of compartment modeling makes it a useful approach for simulating dynamics in an amazingly wide range of applications, including pharmacokinetics (where e.g. a liver is considered a compartment), global carbon cycling (different depths of soils are considered compartments), and epidemiology and population dynamics. These contexts, however, often involve compartment-to-compartment flows that are physically incongruent with the conventional assumption of complete mixing that results in exponential residence times in linear models.
November 18, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 17, 2023

MHAW Bowling Night

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week with a Bowling Night!
November 16, 2023

MHAW Baking Night

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week with Baking Night!
November 16, 2023

Management of Change

Often when we spot a problem and suggest or work towards a solution, we watch in frustration as our attempts to make an improvement fail. Most people are resistant to change; yet change is critical and necessary. Whether or not you’ve already experienced this, change management is going to be a useful skill to know. Attend this presentation to learn: Why do some changes succeed, and others fail? Learn strategies to make YOUR changes successful.
November 15, 2023

Flu Shot Clinic

This event is open to current Purdue undergraduate and graduate students. Scan the QR code in the image to make an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome!
November 15, 2023

PGSG Senate Meeting

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 14, 2023

MHAW Knitting Night

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week with a Knitting Night!
November 14, 2023

MHAW Giving Thanks in Ink

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week with a "Giving Thanks in Ink" event!
November 14, 2023

3MT Prep Session: Successful Visual Aids

Second in a series of three 3MT preparatory workshops, this session will address the visual aid competent of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. When presenting, you are the star, not your visual aid. So, how can you design a visual aid that complements your presentation, without hijacking the audience’s attention. Learn that and more in this workshop.
November 13, 2023

Speed Networking Engineering Meet & Eat Event

Join us in the ARMS Atrium for Speed Networking Engineering Meet and Eat Event! Light snacks will be provided. We have a limited capacity for this professional development event; therefore, it will be first come, first served!
November 13, 2023

MHAW Painting Night

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week for a painting night!
November 13, 2023

MHAW Candle Giveaway

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week for a free candle giveaway!
November 13, 2023

MHAW Kick-Off Breakfast

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week at the Kick-Off Breakfast!
November 13, 2023

Breakout from Burnout

New studies show that negative health effects related to burnout are serious and can be long-lasting. We want you to have all the tools you need to break out from burn out. In this webinar, you will receive practical, neuroscience-based emotional regulation techniques to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and how to prevent and avoid burnout for a better quality of life.
November 11, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 10, 2023

PGSG Welcome Social

Come and enjoy friends, food and board games at Lafayette Brewing Co. Food served on a first come, first served basis!
November 10, 2023

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
November 10, 2023

Women in 3D Printing: Networking Event

The new chapter of Women in 3D Printing would like to invite you to their first social Friday, November 10! Free coffee and pastries will be provided!
November 9, 2023

PGSG Movie Night

Join us for a PGSG movie night featuring Dune Pt 2. Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 9, 2023

Sandia Top Talent Reception

Sandia National Laboratories will host its 3rd annual Purdue STTaR Event this year! STTaR (Sandia Top Talent Reception) is an event exclusively for selected graduate students to learn more about Sandia and network with recruiters and hiring managers.
November 9, 2023

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
November 9, 2023

3MT Prep Session: Successful Visual Aids

Second in a series of three 3MT preparatory workshops, this session will address the visual aid competent of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. When presenting, you are the star, not your visual aid. So, how can you design a visual aid that complements your presentation, without hijacking the audience’s attention. Learn that and more in this workshop.
November 8, 2023

Introduction to Transformer Neural Network

In this workshop, I will talk about the intuition behind transformers, the popular language model that is used as the backbone for many large models like GPT-3. I will also give example codes to demonstrate the performance of transformers.
November 8, 2023


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
November 8, 2023

Let's Talk Taxes

An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.
November 8, 2023

PGSG Grant Deadline

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 7, 2023

3MT Prep Session: Identifying the Problem/Solution Structure

First in a series of three 3MT preparatory workshops, this session will address the most important aspect of a successful Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation – identifying the problem/ solution structure. One of the key aspects of successful research communication is helping the audience understand why your research matters. This workshop will help you learn how best to articulate the problem that your research is solving.
November 6, 2023

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
November 4, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information!
November 3, 2023

Grad Student Social

Join graduate students at Lafayette Brewing Company for a night of fun! Visit the PGSG website or social media pages for more information.
November 1, 2023

Application & Information Session | 2024 Dean's Teaching Fellowship

Want to learn more about the Dean's Teaching Fellowship and how to apply? Join us at an information session and apply today! During this session, students will hear the perspectives of the current Fellows and have the opportunity to ask them questions about the application process, their general responsibilities, and the commitment required for this fellowship.
November 1, 2023

Mentoring Dialogs

Join Dean Linda Mason for a unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and do you need multiple mentors? Each discussion will feature one of these topics. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic career.
November 1, 2023

Introduction to Deep Learning

This workshop will provide an introduction to deep learning and its applications. Attendees will learn about different types of neural networks such as feedforward networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The workshop will cover the basics of deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
October 31, 2023

Improv Techniques for the Researcher

No comedy skills needed but a willingness to improve your communication, active listening and engagement skills is critical. Improvisation will teach you about heightening your awareness and improving your listening skills. It is more about connecting with your audience, than acting skills. It can also help you hone your key messages when speaking time is short at conferences and can actually increase the quality of the audience-speaker interaction.
October 31, 2023

Preparing a Teaching Demonstration

This workshop will discuss the different formats the teaching demonstration may take during an academic interview. We will also talk about expectations, methods for engaging students and setting yourself up for success.
October 30, 2023

October Engineering Meet & Eat

Come learn about how to set yourself up for success during and after graduate school with Purdue Alum, Dr. Sydney Hollingshead! Seasonal fall drinks and treats will be served!
October 28, 2023

PGSG Literacy Club

Visit the PGSG website and social media pages for more information!
October 27, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
October 26, 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
October 26, 2023

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
October 26, 2023

3MT Prep Session: Identifying the Problem/Solution Structure

First in a series of three 3MT preparatory workshops, this session will address the most important aspect of a successful Three Minute Thesis (3MT) presentation – identifying the problem/ solution structure. One of the key aspects of successful research communication is helping the audience understand why your research matters. This workshop will help you learn how best to articulate the problem that your research is solving.
October 25, 2023

Atoms for Humanity Symposium

Atoms for Humanity aims to highlight the role of nuclear energy in achieving a clean energy ecosystem through synergisms and complementarities with various energy sources. Topics include, but are not limited to, decarbonization, hydrogen production, electrification of transportation, integrated energy storage with renewables, district heating/CHP, desalination, agriculture, and manufacturing.
October 25, 2023

Introduction to PyTorch

In the workshop, the presenter will introduce PyTorch workflow, namely creating training and test sets, creating models with PyTorch, making predictions with the model, training a model with PyTorch, writing a testing loop, and saving the model.
October 25, 2023

How to Write a Teaching Philosophy

Participants will examine the different elements of a Teaching Philosophy and how to present it for an Academic Job Search. Examples of successful Teaching Philosophies will be presented.
October 23, 2023

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
October 22, 2023

Fall Merit Fund Application

The Purdue Engineering Student Council (PESC) is excited to announce that applications for the 2023 Fall Merit Fund are now open! The goal of Merit Fund is to support engineering organizations across campus in the creation and implementation of engineering-related activities and programs that positively impact the Purdue community.
October 20, 2023

Mentoring Dialogs

Join Dean Linda Mason for a unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and do you need multiple mentors? Each discussion will feature one of these topics. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic career.
October 20, 2023

Conference Paper Writing and Presenting: Strategies for Success

Wanting to (re)learn the fundamentals of writing a successful conference paper? Wondering how to translate semesters of research into a 20-minute presentation? Eager for a refresher on best practices for presenting at conferences? Conference Paper Writing and Presenting: Strategies for Success is created to guide graduate students of all stages through the process of crafting a conference paper that you can be proud of.
October 19, 2023

Preparing for Academic Interviews

This interactive workshop will examine the academic job market and common experiences of the on campus interview processes. Participants will gain experience answering faculty, administrator, and student-posed questions that commonly occur in on-campus job interview scenarios.
October 18, 2023

Clustering Techniques in Machine Learning

This workshop will introduce attendees to the concept of clustering in machine learning, including different types of clustering such K-Means clustering algorithm, Hierarchical clustering, and DBSCAN. Participants will also learn about the different evaluation metrics for clustering such as silhouette score. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a good understanding of how to use clustering techniques to analyze and group different types of data.
October 18, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
October 18, 2023

The Push and Pull of Mentoring

Mentoring others while getting the mentoring you need for the next phase of your life. Focused on postdocs who are currently mentoring students and/or considering an academic career with graduate students. We will also discuss getting the right mentors for your future career
October 18, 2023

Entrepreneurship as a Career Path

Graduate students make up almost 25% of Purdue’s student population and within this large group, one would think there would be many budding entrepreneurs. But, only a small percentage of graduate students pursue entrepreneurship as a career path. Graduate students may not realize until very late in their graduate studies that commercializing technology is a viable career choice. Students are also unaware of the strong infrastructure in place to help them succeed in this journey. This workshop will expose the audience to entrepreneurship as a potential career path and expose them to some of the resources available to them on campus.
October 18, 2023

Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review requires the writer to extensively gather and analyze scholarship related to their topic, to explain how their work fits into the larger conversation, and to justify their own research project. This session will help you find the most relevant and useful sources to review the literature related to your research question and keep track of what you find.
October 18, 2023

Healthy Eating on the Run

Want to learn how to make good choices while on the go? What about some healthy snacks for studying? Learn how to choose the best foods for health while leading a busy life. This program discusses snacking, fast food and restaurants, healthy product alternatives, and more!
October 17, 2023

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
October 16, 2023

F-1 Student Career Planning Grad Edition

The F-1 student visa program provides many opportunities to invest time in gaining practical experience in your field of study. As with all investments, you should invest prudently for the best outcome. Material presented are intended to help spark ideas and provide resources to help participants develop plans to achieve their career and life goals.
October 16, 2023

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
October 13, 2023

US Immigration and Visa for International Postdocs

Two attorneys from Ellis Potter, Jonathan Goslow and Marc Topoleski, will first present the different options available for international postdocs and graduate students. Then, they will answer questions from the audience.
October 13, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
October 12, 2023


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
October 12, 2023

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
October 12, 2023

RCR: Authorship and Publishing

Dr. James Mohler, Associate Dean of Graduate Education, will address topics including: How do you determine authorship on a publication? What are the rules for publication? Who owns the data? What are the rules associated with research misconduct? What really is plagiarism? This workshop may be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.
October 11, 2023

NSF Fellowship Help Session

This help session is for applicants to the NSF Graduate Fellowship who would like to ask questions, receive feedback, and/or undergo a peer review with another student. There is no presentation; just a casual environment for receiving guidance on your NSF Fellowship application. In-person attendance will garner the best outcome however, hybrid space is available upon request.
October 11, 2023

CVs and Cover Letters for Academic Jobs

The biggest hurdle to preparing effective CVs and cover letters for academic jobs is to stop thinking like a grad student. In this workshop we will address the following: key information to include, optimizing organization, prioritizing information according to each position, what academic jobs value (and what they do not), and we will develop templates you can use for future job searches.
October 11, 2023

Introduction to PyTorch 1

In the workshop, the instructor will introduce the fundamentals of PyTorch including what are tensors, tensor attributes, manipulating tensors, matrix multiplication, reshaping tensors, squeeze and unsqueeze, selecting data, and comparing between PyTorch and NumPy, and accessing GPUs, etc.
October 10, 2023

Fall Blitz: "From PhD to Life" Career Workshops

Navigate your career path with confidence! Join us for the Fall Blitz event featuring Dr. Jen Polk, founder of "From PhD to Life" who will facilitate a full day of workshops.
October 5, 2023

Flu Shot Clinic

Sign up to get your flu shot today! This clinic is open for all university staff and students. Graduate students, if you are insured through Purdue, the shot is 100% covered by your plan!
October 5, 2023

RCR: Overview of RCR

Dr. James Mohler, Associate Dean of Graduate Education, will provide an overview of RCR topics, including: Value-based Decision Making, Research Integrity & Misconduct, Protecting Research Subjects, Data Recording and Management, Managing Conflicting Interests, Authorship & Peer Review, and Intellectual Property.
October 5, 2023

Preparing an Effective Lecture

This session will demonstrate ideas and strategies for delivering effective lectures. It will identify factors to consider when organizing a lecture. Examine techniques for delivering effective lectures and ideas for classroom interaction and engagement. The session will also examine procedures for effectively using media and other visuals aids to enhance lecture material.
October 4, 2023

How to Deliver a Winning Presentation

This interactive course will discuss the basics for presenting a compelling presentation. Topics include organizing your message, delivering your message with impact, engaging your audience, and constructing effective slides.
October 4, 2023

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

This workshop will cover the basics of time series analysis and forecasting. Attendees will learn how to visualize time series data, perform time series decomposition, and build forecasting models using statistical models like ARIMA as well as ML-tree based models like xgboost.
October 4, 2023

NSF Fellowship Help Session

This help session is for applicants to the NSF Graduate Fellowship who would like to ask questions, receive feedback, and/or undergo a peer review with another student. There is no presentation; just a casual environment for receiving guidance on your NSF Fellowship application. In-person attendance will garner the best outcome however, hybrid space is available upon request.
October 4, 2023

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

This workshop will cover the basics of time series analysis and forecasting. Attendees will learn how to visualize time series data, perform time series decomposition, and build forecasting models using statistical models like ARIMA as well as ML-tree based models like xgboost.
October 4, 2023

Classiq Technologies Quantum Computing Workshop

Explore the world of quantum computing and algorithm with expert guidance. Forge connections with both peers and leaders in the quantum industry. Translate theory into action by participating in stimulating club projects. Enjoy exclusive free access to quantum hardware on cloud. Uncover scholarship opportunities and more!
October 3, 2023

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
September 29, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
September 29, 2023

Let's Talk Taxes

An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.
September 28, 2023

Between Two Bricks Fireside Chat with Dr. Lindsay Millard

Do you think we can trust autonomy to operate spacecraft, instead of humans? Are you concerned about space technology and policy solutions given our increasing reliance on satellites? Do you wonder how an engineer can influence change within the government? Join us for an exciting conversation with Dr. Lindsay Millard, a Purdue AAE alumna and the Principal Director, Space Technology, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, who will answer questions about her journey from studying aerospace tech to now driving space technology integration at the U.S. Department of Defense.
September 28, 2023

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
September 28, 2023

NIH F32 and K99/R00 Info Session

Both experienced graduate students and postdocs in the life sciences, medical sciences, and related subjects are encouraged to attend. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation. The F32 fellowship and the career-focused K-awards, such as the K99, will be covered. K-awards do not require US citizenship.
September 28, 2023

Immigration Information Session

The Office of International Students and Scholars in partnership with the Office of Executive Vice President of Research is hosting an information session on September 28 for Faculty and Graduate students (current, nearing graduation, recently graduated), and postdocs interested in knowing about their Immigration Options and Limits regarding industry collaboration and entrepreneurship (Faculty and staff); post-graduation and entrepreneurship-related options (students and post-docs).
September 27, 2023

Why Does Quantum Matter?

An introduction into the world of quantum information science and technology, and the role of quantum beyond the laboratory.
September 27, 2023

Letters of Recommendation for Fellowships

This webinar for grad students, postdocs, and faculty provides templates and strategies for both writing and requesting letters of recommendation for fellowship applications.
September 27, 2023

Data Visualization Using Python

The workshop covers two popular libraries used for data visualization in Python: matplotlib and Seaborn. I will introduce how to create line plots, bar plots, scatter plots, box plots, and histograms using matplotlib. In addition, I'll demonstrate how visual datasets using Seaborn and how it compares to matplotlib.
September 27, 2023

NSF Fellowship Help Session

This help session is for applicants to the NSF Graduate Fellowship who would like to ask questions, receive feedback, and/or undergo a peer review with another student. There is no presentation; just a casual environment for receiving guidance on your NSF Fellowship application. In-person attendance will garner the best outcome however, hybrid space is available upon request.
September 27, 2023

Using Data to Tell a Story

This interactive workshop will present ideas on how to use your data to tell a captivating story that will engage and persuade your audience. The latest research will be examined and participants will have the opportunity to practice the techniques in the workshop.
September 27, 2023

GRIP Workshop: Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
September 26, 2023

OPT Overview

Optional Practical Training is a benefit of the F-1 student visa program. In addition to gaining practical experience in the student’s field of study; understanding the benefits and responsibilities for participating in Optional Practical Training will help participants take the next steps toward completing the objectives of their career and life plans.
September 26, 2023

Power and Control

Interpersonal violence is a complex problem that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone at some point. This workshop is designed to increase students understanding of how power and control dynamics influence interpersonal violence and the barriers in breaking the patterns of violent behaviors within relationships.
September 26, 2023

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
September 25, 2023

Accountability Group

During this two-hour gathering, we extend an invitation to graduate students to convene in a relaxed atmosphere, fostering the opportunity to engage in their academic or personal pursuits. The essence of this event is to offer a conducive space for progress, enabling graduate students to advance while concurrently building a supportive social circle within their community.
September 25, 2023

RCR: Authorship and Publishing

Dr. James Mohler, Associate Dean of Graduate Education, will address topics including: How do you determine authorship on a publication? What are the rules for publication? Who owns the data? What are the rules associated with research misconduct? What really is plagiarism? This workshop may be used to meet the requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.
September 25, 2023

Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
September 25, 2023

Improv Techniques for the Researcher

No comedy skills needed but a willingness to improve your communication, active listening and engagement skills is critical. Improvisation will teach you about heightening your awareness and improving your listening skills. It is more about connecting with your audience, than acting skills. It can also help you hone your key messages when speaking time is short at conferences and can actually increase the quality of the audience-speaker interaction.
September 25, 2023

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
September 22, 2023

September Engineering Meet & Eat

Join us for the this semester's first Engineering Meet & Eat Event in the ARMS Atrium! City BBQ will be provided first come first served, so make sure to RSVP here!
September 22, 2023

LinkedIn Tips

Attend this presentation to learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and use the website for networking, information gathering, and job searches.
September 22, 2023


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
September 21, 2023

Interviewing for Industry Positions

This session will provide insights into hiring and interview processes when startups and large companies seek candidates with an advanced degree (MS or Ph.D.). This talk will cover everything from networking, where to find job openings, applying to jobs, earning an interview, how to ace the interview, what to expect during a technical interview, & behind the scenes: what happens after you leave.
September 21, 2023

An Overview of ResearchRabbit

ResearchRabbit is an AI-based citation-based literature mapping tool and is freely available. It is incredibly useful for creating collections of literature around various research topics. It particularly useful for research groups. This workshop will provide a brief overview of the tool and discuss various possibilities for its use.
September 20, 2023

Postdoc Appreciation Pizza Lunch

Postdocs are welcome to come grab pizza and socialize anytime during this three-hour period. This event is sponsored by Proteintech.
September 20, 2023

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
September 20, 2023

Recommender Systems

In this workshop, attendees will learn about different recommendation techniques used in the industry, including collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid filtering. The instructor will cover both classic machine learning methods and deep learning methods for building recommender systems. The instructor will also give example codes to demonstrate the application of recommender system.
September 20, 2023

How to Condense a Fellowship Draft to Meet Page Requirements

As you work on fellowship and grant proposals, it is common to have so much content that cannot fit into a one, two, or three-page format to meet page requirements. This webinar will provide a strategy for how to discern what content is essential and what is not, as well as how to keep details while shortening your draft. The content presented can be applied to various types of research-based funding documents regardless of your academic discipline.
September 20, 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
September 20, 2023

Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review requires the writer to extensively gather and analyze scholarship related to their topic, to explain how their work fits into the larger conversation, and to justify their own research project. This session will help you find the most relevant and useful sources to review the literature related to your research question and keep track of what you find.
September 20, 2023

NSF Fellowship Help Session

This help session is for applicants to the NSF Graduate Fellowship who would like to ask questions, receive feedback, and/or undergo a peer review with another student. There is no presentation; just a casual environment for receiving guidance on your NSF Fellowship application. In-person attendance will garner the best outcome however, hybrid space is available upon request.
September 19, 2023

Negotiating the Job Offer

Attend this presentation to learn about the evaluation and negotiation process, how to evaluate your job offer(s), identify points for negotiation, and negotiate effectively.
September 19, 2023

NDSEG (Defense Research) Fellowship Info Session

Come hear about the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, which provides 3 years of funding to PhD students in their first or second year in a STEM field. The details of the benefits of the fellowship along with tips for submitting a competitive application will be discussed. PhD students in a variety of sciences and engineering disciplines are welcome to apply.
September 19, 2023

Digital Ag Fest

Calling all undergraduates, graduates, staff, and faculty members intrigued by or currently involved in digital agriculture topics, regardless of their background or school affiliation. Come immerse yourself in a fusion of Purdue's pioneering research, global sports vibes, and classic backyard party games, all set against the picturesque backdrop of Lafayette's Loeb stadium. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 19th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and gear up for an evening of off-campus fun.
September 18, 2023

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
September 18, 2023

Elevator Pitch Workshop

Have you ever struggled to answer questions such as, "What do you do?" & "Can you tell me about your research?" these questions arise at job interviews, networking events, academic conferences, and even in the halls of your department. This workshop will help you develop a concise one to two-minute pitch about you and your work.
September 15, 2023

Mentoring and Dissertation Process

Among the most consequential documents that writers produce in graduate school is the dissertation. Strong mentoring at specific critical junctures in the dissertation process can strengthen both the document itself and graduate students’ abilities to later support their own graduate students. Unfortunately, most faculty receive little to no training about the writing instruction central to the dissertation process, from invention to final deposit. Instead, they rely upon their own experiences producing a doctoral thesis, which might have been problematic and trauma producing or wonderful yet still mystifying.
September 14, 2023

NDSEG (Defense Research) Fellowship Info Session

Come hear about the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, which provides 3 years of funding to PhD students in their first or second year in a STEM field. The details of the benefits of the fellowship along with tips for submitting a competitive application will be discussed. PhD students in a variety of sciences and engineering disciplines are welcome to apply.
September 14, 2023

Enhance Your Study Skills

Are you becoming frustrated completing countless hours of studying and still not feeling confident about the topic? Are you searching for additional ways to learn your course material so that you can improve your course grades? We understand and have all experienced not feeling confident with course material, frustration while studying, and a lack of interest. We encourage you to join this workshop to learn how you can boost your studying strategies beyond memorization and practice problems to become more prepared for your assignments and exams. Keep yourself from cramming by developing effective study times to focus in key concepts and stay on track throughout the semester!
September 13, 2023

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
September 13, 2023

Publishing a Scientific Paper

Publishing scientific papers is a complex and challenging process. Your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. This workshop will cover important concepts, process and strategies in preparing and publishing scientific papers.
September 13, 2023

Introduction to Python

In the workshop, we will introduce the basics of Python programming language including data types, lists, tuples, if conditions, loops, dict and set, slicing, iteration, functions, and popular libraries like NumPy and pandas.
September 13, 2023

How to Avoid Common Fellowship Application Mistakes

Prepare for Fellowship Season by learning how to avoid common mistakes that graduate students and postdocs make in their applications. This webinar will cover the difference between academic journal writing and fellowship writing, as well as how you can make a good impression with reviewers.
September 13, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
September 12, 2023

Mentoring Graduate Writers

A good deal of research indicates that mentoring graduate students on their writing is fraught with problems. This initial workshop will share a range of best practices around mentoring and writing in the disciplines, with the hope of making mentoring graduate writers more empowered, effective and sustainable. Participants will learn strategies for sound response and receive materials to take away and study. Depending on faculty interest, additional workshops will be scheduled to address needs that arise during the conversation.
September 12, 2023

Personal Branding

This presentation will provide an introduction to how advanced degree seekers can develop and refine their professional brand, and how they can convey it via career tools like elevator pitches and LinkedIn summaries, and during career events like networking and informational interviews. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
September 12, 2023

NSF Fellowship - Research Statement (Grantsmanship)

The final of the three NSF Fellowship workshops for graduate students and undergrads will center on preparing students for the composition of their research statements. Attendees will learn how to refine their research plan into a specific goal with accompanying broader Impacts and Intellectual merit. Formatting, supporting details, journal references, and theme connections in their personal statements will be addressed.
September 12, 2023

Combating Bias and Hate on College Campuses

Stop the Hate is a program that breaks down bias and hates and how these things impact our campus community in both small and big ways. Come learn about these impacts as well learn about how we can be allies and make a difference with our peers, family, and campus community.
September 11, 2023

Accountability Group

During this two-hour gathering, we extend an invitation to graduate students to convene in a relaxed atmosphere, fostering the opportunity to engage in their academic or personal pursuits. The essence of this event is to offer a conducive space for progress, enabling graduate students to advance while concurrently building a supportive social circle within their community.
September 11, 2023

Setting Yourself Up to Win in Grad School

Join Dr. Theresa Nutten, a representative from Purdue's Counseling and Psychological Services, to discuss the common pitfalls that graduate students face and strategies for success!
September 7, 2023

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
September 7, 2023

Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Certificate

EACC and Purdue American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), will have Professor Audeen Fentiman provide information on the Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Certificate. This talk will introduce engineering students to the Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Certificate, offered by Purdue's School of Engineering Education (ENE). This certificate program consists of four courses taught each semester.
September 7, 2023

Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) Fall Callout

The Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) is a group of engineering graduate students and postdocs passionate about helping each other move towards careers in academia. Want to hear more? Come check us out at our upcoming hybrid callout. We will discuss the club's mission, fall events, network with other College of Engineering (CoE) people interested in faculty positions.
September 6, 2023

RCR: Overview of RCR

Dr. James Mohler, Associate Dean of Graduate Education, will provide an overview of RCR topics, including: Value-based Decision Making, Research Integrity & Misconduct, Protecting Research Subjects, Data Recording and Management, Managing Conflicting Interests, Authorship & Peer Review, and Intellectual Property.
September 6, 2023

Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms

In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to various supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, KNN, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Regression algorithms. The instructor will demonstrate these algorithms with code examples.
September 5, 2023

Boiler Up & Intervene

Interpersonal violence is a complex problem that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone at some point. This workshop is designed to increase students understanding of how power and control dynamics influence interpersonal violence and the barriers in breaking the patterns of violent behaviors within relationships.
September 5, 2023

NSF Fellowship - Personal Statement (Grantsmanship)

The second workshop in the NSF Fellowship preparation series emphasizes how to write a competitive personal statement. Topics covered will include how to write in a persuasive tone & how to discern which experiences to include.
September 1, 2023

Planing to Graduate On-Time

Most graduate students don’t graduate on time because they do not have a plan of attack. Usually graduate students are successful in their courses, but it is the policies, processes and politics that trip them up. This session is designed to help students plan for graduate school and create a target for finishing on time.
August 31, 2023

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
August 30, 2023

The Cover Letter

This presentation will describe the fundamentals of writing a professional and compelling cover letter. Attendees will get an overview of writing letters for academic as well as industry and nonprofit positions. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
August 30, 2023

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
August 29, 2023

Protecting Your Mental Health During Graduate School

Everyone knows that grad school is academically rigorous, but we sometimes don't realize that there are several foreseeable pitfalls related to grad school. This workshop will help you to recognize those pitfalls before they arrive, and identify steps you can take to protect your mental health.
August 29, 2023

NSF Fellowship - Getting Started

In this workshop, undergraduates and 1st & 2nd-yr grad students will begin planning their NSF GRF applications through learning writing strategies and requirements for competitive applications. Recommended timelines & methods for requesting letters of recommendation will also be explained. Note: US Citizenship or Permanent Resident status is required to apply for the NSF Fellowship.
August 29, 2023

Converting Your CV Into a Resume

This presentation will discuss how to convert an academic CV into a resume for industry and nonprofit careers. If you already have a resume, this presentation will provide strategies to convey your advanced degree skills more effectively to employers. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
August 29, 2023


The goal of the Multicultural Engagement for Researchers & Grads in Engineering (MERGE) Lunches is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs who want to help create an inclusive space where people who identify as a minority in engineering can build community and excel. The program is open to all engineering graduate students and postdocs.
August 28, 2023

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
August 28, 2023

GRIP Workshop: Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
August 26, 2023

Algebra by 7th Grade (Ab7G) Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking for ways to volunteer/build the next generation of engineers, then please consider volunteering for Algebra by 7th Grade in Fall 2023 through the Minority Engineering Program (MEP).
August 25, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
August 25, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
July 24, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
July 20, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
July 18, 2023

Publishing a Scientific Paper

Publishing scientific papers is a complex and challenging process. Your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. This workshop will cover important concepts, process and strategies in preparing and publishing scientific papers.
July 14, 2023

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
July 7, 2023

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
July 7, 2023

Power & Control

Interpersonal violence is a complex problem that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone at some point. This workshop is designed to increase students understanding of how power and control dynamics influence interpersonal violence and the barriers in breaking the patterns of violent behaviors within relationships.
June 29, 2023

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Communication between mentors and mentees

Communication between mentors and mentees is essential for a productive and positive working relationship. In this interactive training session participants will discuss barriers to good communication and identify strategies to enhance understanding from both the perspective of the mentee and the mentor.
June 28, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
June 27, 2023

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
June 27, 2023

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
June 26, 2023

Stem as Art Gallery Exhibition

The second annual Stem as Art Gallery Exhibition “SHowcasing Images in Nature and Engineering” will be held in the Ringel Gallery this summer beginning June 26th. You are invited to submit research images to be considered for inclusion in the gallery.
June 22, 2023

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
June 22, 2023

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Communication between mentors and mentees

Communication between mentors and mentees is essential for a productive and positive working relationship. In this interactive training session participants will discuss barriers to good communication and identify strategies to enhance understanding from both the perspective of the mentee and the mentor.
June 19, 2023

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
June 15, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers. The presenter for this event is Anthony Cawdron. Anthony Cawdron is the Events Coordinator and House Manager at ‘Westwood’, The Purdue President’s official residence.
June 15, 2023

Postdoc Grant Writing: Logic Flow

In this workshop postdocs will practice creating new grant outlines or refining current outlines by using logic steps. Participants will gain experience helping each other identify and correct the gaps in their research proposals through a systematic process. Emphasis will be given to summary pages or other short grant documents to master the underlying main idea of your proposal and demonstrate the value of your research project.
June 15, 2023

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
June 14, 2023

RCR: Discipline-Specific Training

Dr. James Mohler, Purdue University Research Integrity Officer, will host an RCR workshop designed to help all grad students, faculty, staff, and postdocs meet the 2-hour, discipline-specific RCR training required under University policy S-20.
June 12, 2023

Food Trucks & Families Event

Bring yourself, bring your labmates, bring your families, and join us for our Food Trucks & Families Event on Monday, June 12th, from 11:00am to 2:00pm! See the flyer for more information. We ask that you complete the RSVP by Monday, May 29th. Cost is free!
June 6, 2023

CARE-ing Support

Research shows that students are more likely to disclose experiences of interpersonal violence to informal sources, like their peers. This workshop is intended to educate the students about how to respond to peer disclosures of interpersonal violence.
June 6, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
June 5, 2023

Publishing a Scientific Paper

Publishing scientific papers is a complex and challenging process. Your publishing record will have a crucial impact on your career. This workshop will cover important concepts, process and strategies in preparing and publishing scientific papers.
June 5, 2023

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
June 2, 2023

Purdue I-Corps

These online workshops will help you explore the commercial viability of your deep tech innovation/idea. The workshops are free, online programs open to faculty, postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students.
May 30, 2023

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
May 26, 2023

Materials at Purdue Symposium (M@PS)

The Materials at Purdue Symposium (M@PS) will be the first interdisciplinary materials research event at Purdue, and the Materials Engineering Graduate Student Association (MSEGSA) invites students from across the College of Engineering to participate. Talks will be given by Purdue graduate students and postdocs researching materials topics, providing a diverse celebration of contemporary work in this exciting field.
May 26, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
May 24, 2023

USDA AFRI Fellowship Information Session

PhD students and postdocs in agricultural-related research are encouraged to attend to learn about the USDA's predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships. The PhD fellowship offers $35,000 stipend for up to three years and the postdoctoral fellowship provides one to two years of postdoc salary. Please note: US Citizenship or permanent residency is required for the USDA AFRI fellowships.
May 22, 2023

Trailblazers in Engineering Workshop for Future Faculty

Trailblazers in Engineering is a future faculty program designed to change the landscape in engineering academia. If you are interested in a faculty career, please consider applying to the program by May 22nd!
May 22, 2023

Boiler Up & Intervene

Bystander intervention is an evidence-based strategy for preventing interpersonal violence. This workshop is designed to educate students about recognizing an unsafe situation, the different methods for safe intervention, and how to identify and mitigate the barriers that may prevent them from intervening in situations they determine to be unsafe.
May 18, 2023

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers. The presenter for this event is Anthony Cawdron. Anthony Cawdron is the Events Coordinator and House Manager at ‘Westwood’, The Purdue President’s official residence.
May 18, 2023

NIH F32 and K99/R00 Info Session

Both experienced graduate students and postdocs in the life sciences, medical sciences, and related subjects are encouraged to attend. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation. The F32 fellowship and the career-focused K-awards, such as the K99, will be covered. K-awards do not require US citizenship.
May 18, 2023

IEEE Ethics Conference

IEEE ETHICS-2023 will draw together the global community of technology and ethics practitioners and theoreticians from industry, academia, government, and civil society. Issues will be explored from industry, scientific and societal perspectives, in a global and multicultural manner. ETHICS-2023 is a conference of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) (series originally launched in 2014).
May 17, 2023

The Cover Letter

This presentation will describe the fundamentals of writing a professional and compelling cover letter. Attendees will get an overview of writing letters for academic as well as industry and nonprofit positions. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
May 16, 2023

Convert your CV to a Resume

This presentation will discuss how to convert an academic CV into a resume for industry and nonprofit careers. If you already have a resume, this presentation will provide strategies to convey your advanced degree skills more effectively to employers. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
May 15, 2023

GRIP Workshop: Conducting a Literature Review

A literature review requires the writer to extensively gather and analyze scholarship related to their topic, to explain how their work fits into the larger conversation, and to justify their own research project. This session will help you find the most relevant and useful sources to review the literature related to your research question and keep track of what you find.
May 14, 2023

Spring Commencement

Division IX Commencement: Masters and Doctor of Philosophy (all colleges/schools)
May 12, 2023

I-Corps Jumpstart

FREE Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program! Learn more about nanotech and advanced materials.
May 12, 2023

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
May 5, 2023

HBCU Alma Mater Technical Talk Program

Interested in giving a technical talk about your research to undergraduate students at your Alma Mater? Learn more about the opportunity here!
April 27, 2023

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Managing expectations and setting goals

In their work, postdocs are mentored but also frequently serve as mentors. In this interactive training postdocs will learn strategies to identify expectations of their mentor and mentees through creating individualized mentor-mentee compacts. Individual Development Plans (IDPs) and how to prepare for mentoring others will also be discussed.
April 27, 2023

HVC Global Recruitment Session

Hyundai will be holding their Hyundai Vision Conference (HVC) in Seoul this coming August. Dr. Taeyun Paul Choi will be in the Class of 1950 Lecture Hall 121 next Thursday, April 27th, from 10:00am to 5:00pm representing Hyundai and chatting about the conference. HVC is NOT an exclusive event for Korean nationals, and it is open to students of ALL nationalities and backgrounds who are pursuing their education in the US.
April 27, 2023

Marie Curie-Sklodowska Action Postdoc Fellowship Info Session

The Purdue Postdoc Assocation (PPDA) is hosting invited speakers to share information on the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Action Fellowships. These postdoctoral fellowships are sponsored by the European Union and are meant to support researchers who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers.
April 27, 2023

2023 Design Expo

Undergraduate and Graduate Student teams are invited to showcase their research projects before a group of judges to receive prizes for their designs, the impact of their work, and their overall presentation abilities at this event. As we are in the process of planning, we would like to invite you to the Design Expo to judge some of the contestants!
April 27, 2023

NASA's Webb Telescope Seminar

Astronomy is arguably in a golden age, where current and future NASA space telescopes are expected to contribute to this rapid growth in understanding of our universe. A summary of our current space assets will be given, including the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), our most recent addition. Future telescopes will also be discussed, including the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST), the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), as well as mission concept studies being prioritized in the 2020 Decadal Survey in Astrophysics.
April 26, 2023

Engineering Career Exploration: Postdoctoral Researchers

Have you ever wondered what postdoctoral research positions are like after you graduate with your PhD? If so, you should plan to attend our upcoming virtual webinar, where a panel of four current Purdue postdocs will share their experiences and advice.
April 26, 2023

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us at PGSC (Purdue Graduate Student Center) for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
April 24, 2023

Meet and Eat

Join us for the April Engineering Meet & Eat Event! Located in Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering.
April 20, 2023

Nominate Yourself for 2023-2024 EACC Leadership Team

Are you interested in having a leadership role in the Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC)? Do you want to have more exposure working with a team of like-minded graduate students and postdocs who are also interested in becoming a Professor and/or pursing an academic career?
April 20, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
April 20, 2023

EACC Mentoring Circles: Virtual Kickoff Training

Mentoring Circles are focused on preparing for a career as a faculty member. Circles will be made of two Professors and 4-6 graduate students or postdocs. EACC will provide circles with sample schedule and discussion topics. The required virtual kickoff training will be for mentors and mentees.
April 19, 2023

2023 Awards Luncheon

Graduate student Research, Teaching, Service, Postdoc and Distinguished Dissertation Awards Program.
April 19, 2023

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
April 18, 2023

"Talk It Out" Session

Graduate School can be stressful – attend one of our “Talk It Out” sessions to meet with Graduate School leadership, share what’s on your mind, and get connected to valuable resources!
April 18, 2023

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
April 14, 2023

Lunch and Learn on Inclusive Mentoring

What is inclusive mentoring, and why is it important? What does it look like? How can I be a good mentor for those from different backgrounds? Register below! Lunch will be provided.
April 14, 2023

Postdoc Coffee Hour

Postdocs are welcome to grab coffee and socialize anytime from 3:30 - 5 pm to help wind-down after a busy week.
April 13, 2023

Caring for Self and Others

Learn warning signs of someone struggling with a mental health concern, how to advocate for self and others, and common misconceptions of mental health. This presentation aims to empower listeners with the knowledge of how to care for others and themselves when undergoing a mental health concern while making mental health a comfortable topic of conversation.
April 12, 2023

Silicon Heartland: Book Talk and Reception

Rebecca Fannin is a CNBC contributor, media entrepreneur and author of four books including her latest one, Silicon Heartland: From Rust Belt to Tech Belt (2023). Rebecca's forward-looking and resource-rich books (Silicon Dragon, Startup Asia and Tech Titans of China) have launched her as a commentator and public speaker. A guest on BBC, Bloomberg, Fox News, and NPR, and a quoted expert in the New York Times, she has spoken at SXSW, the Brookings Institution, Asia Society, Harvard, Yale, and Oxford.
April 12, 2023

Mentoring Graduate Women

Join Purdue's College of Engineering Graduate Mentoring Fellows and the Graduate Women in Engineering Network (GWEN) for a discussion on mentoring graduate women. Open to all graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP by Friday, April 7th!
April 12, 2023

Mentoring Fellows

As part of a 3-year initiative to improve mentoring at Purdue, the Graduate School has initiated the Mentoring Fellows Program. This program engages faculty and graduate students who are passionate about mentoring, have some unique interest or experience with mentoring programs, or are engaged in research about the mentoring relationship in higher education. This program seeks to recognize strengths and to identify possible opportunities for improvement in mentoring relationships within each college.
April 12, 2023

Weights and Bias Workshop

Join Andrea Parker, a machine learning engineer, at a weights and biases workshop! Track, visualize, and improve your experiments. Zoom link will be emailed to all the registrants.
April 11, 2023

2023 I2D Expo

Join the Shah Family Global Innovation Lab for the 2023 I2D (Innovation for International Development) Expo! There will be three sessions throughout the day including a student poster session, seed grant showcase, and keynote and awards presentation. Register for these events here!
April 10, 2023

Careers in International Assistance

Interested in a career in international assistance? This session will provide a brief overview of key existing and emerging trends in international assistance and career opportunities.
April 7, 2023

Grad Student Appreciation Week: Pint Night!

The first 130 students to register for Pint Night will receive a free meal and drink from Walk On's in the PMU! Pint Night will take place from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Only registered students will be admitted.
April 5, 2023

How to Avoid Common Fellowship Application Mistakes

Prepare for Fellowship Season by learning how to avoid common mistakes that graduate students and postdocs make in their applications. This webinar will cover the difference between academic journal writing and fellowship writing, as well as how you can make a good impression with reviewers.
April 5, 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
April 5, 2023

Speaking Up: How Bystanders Can Change the Conversation about Social Bias

This innovative experience will pair leading research with an engaging applied theatre program—providing participants with an opportunity to increase their knowledge and awareness of how bias may occur in everyday settings, as well as to practice effective conversational strategies for responding to bias.
April 3, 2023

Grad Student Appreciation Week: Doughnut Day!

Stop by the Office of Professional Development's Hybrid Conference room in Young Hall, Room B-83 between 9:00 am - 11:00 am and grab yourself a delicious treat from Mary Lou doughnuts!
April 3, 2023

Boilers Work Internship Program

The Boilers Work internship program is now open and accepting submissions for the summer of 2023! This internship program provides ten graduate students per year with a stipend to pursue an unpaid summer internship. This year, the stipend award has increased to $7,500! This program is intended to help students garner real-world work experience, refine soft skills, and establish career connections before graduation.
April 3, 2023

Movie Night

RSVP with the link below to sign up!
March 31, 2023

College of Agriculture & Engineering Joint Poster Session

Save the date and watch for the request for posters for this opportunity to present a poster on your research! This will be a combined College of Ag and College of Engineering event. More details will be forthcoming.
March 30, 2023

Caring for Self and Others

Learn warning signs of someone struggling with a mental health concern, how to advocate for self and others, and common misconceptions of mental health. This presentation aims to empower listeners with the knowledge of how to care for others and themselves when undergoing a mental health concern while making mental health a comfortable topic of conversation.
March 30, 2023

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us at PGSC (Purdue Graduate Student Center) for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
March 28, 2023

Speaking Up: How Bystanders Can Change the Conversation about Social Bias

This innovative experience will pair leading research with an engaging applied theatre program—providing participants with an opportunity to increase their knowledge and awareness of how bias may occur in everyday settings, as well as to practice effective conversational strategies for responding to bias.
March 28, 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
March 28, 2023

Graduate School 101

Learn all you need to know about Grad School in less than 60 minutes! What it is, should you do it, how to prepare for it, and how to get paid to go.
March 27, 2023

CEGSAC Diversity and Inclusion Panel

The Civil Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Council (CEGSAC) Cultural and Community Outreach Committee is presenting a Panel on Diversity and Inclusion. This panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities underrepresented groups face in engineering. The panel will also discuss Teaching Assistants (TAs) in classrooms and how best to deal with students and their diverse backgrounds. Snacks will be provided.
March 27, 2023

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
March 24, 2023

2nd Women's Quantum Programming Workshop

The IQ-PARC at Purdue recognizes the crucial role that women have played in driving software development during the digital revolution. In light of this, IQ-PARC is hosting a half-day hybrid
hands-on workshop for female engineers and scientists at Purdue.
March 23, 2023

Let's Talk Taxes

An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.
March 22, 2023

Breakout from Burnout

New studies show that negative health effects related to burnout are serious and can be long-lasting. We want you to have all the tools you need to break out from burn out. In this webinar, you will receive practical, neuroscience-based emotional regulation techniques to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and how to prevent and avoid burnout for a better quality of life.
March 22, 2023

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
March 21, 2023

Let's Talk Taxes

An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.
March 15, 2023

EACC Mentoring Circles: Application Deadline

Mentoring Circles are focused on preparing for a career as a faculty member. Circles will be made of two Professors and 4-6 graduate students or postdocs. EACC will provide circles with sample schedule and discussion topics. The goal of this Mentoring Circle program is for graduate students/postdocs to identify achievable goals for themselves, which will help them establish a timeline from PhD to Professorship.
March 10, 2023

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
March 9, 2023

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
March 8, 2023

Mentoring Philosophies & Unconscious Bias

Join Purdue's College of Engineering Graduate Mentoring Fellows for a discussion on how to design your own mentoring approach and decrease the impact of biases on mentoring relationships. Open to all graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP by Friday, March 3rd!
March 8, 2023

Mentoring Fellows

As part of a 3-year initiative to improve mentoring at Purdue, the Graduate School has initiated the Mentoring Fellows Program. This program engages faculty and graduate students who are passionate about mentoring, have some unique interest or experience with mentoring programs, or are engaged in research about the mentoring relationship in higher education. This program seeks to recognize strengths and to identify possible opportunities for improvement in mentoring relationships within each college.
March 8, 2023

"Talk It Out" Session

Graduate School can be stressful – attend one of our “Talk It Out” sessions to meet with Graduate School leadership, share what’s on your mind, and get connected to valuable resources!
March 7, 2023

Blue Origin Information Session

At Blue Origin we envision a future where millions of people are living and working in space. We are developing human spaceflight systems, including reusable launch vehicles and rocket engines, that will dramatically lower the cost of access to space. Internships and full-time opportunities available.
March 7, 2023

A Day in the Life at Tesla Keynote and Q&A Panel

Join a panel of alumni and engineers from a mix of backgrounds as they highlight their teams and journey from Purdue to Tesla. This session will be open to all majors interested to learn more about pathways to Tesla and allow for panel Q&A.
March 7, 2023

Tesla Specific Career Fair

Tesla will be hosting their own career and networking fair for students pursuing opportunities in engineering and computing.
March 7, 2023

Power & Control

Interpersonal violence is a complex problem that has directly or indirectly impacted everyone at some point. This workshop is designed to increase students understanding of how power and control dynamics influence interpersonal violence and the barriers in breaking the patterns of violent behaviors within relationships.
March 6, 2023

Mentoring Dialogs

Join Dean Linda Mason for a unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and do you need multiple mentors? Each discussion will feature one of these topics. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic career.
March 6, 2023

Ergonomics for Postdocs

Kristi Evans, occupational safety specialist in the office of Radiological and Environmental Management (REM), will present on how to take care of your muscles and health while working using the science of ergonomics.
March 2, 2023

PurSysT Research Colloquium

The speaker will be Dr. James Martin, an Enterprise Architect and a Principal Systems Engineer at The Aerospace Corporation. His research interests include aspect-oriented architecting using architecture frameworks, enterprise systems engineering and systems engineering in general.
March 2, 2023

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
March 1, 2023

Eating Right When Your Budget is Tight

Do you feel like you’re trying to make changes to your meals and snacks but are spending a ton at the store? Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn tips and tricks for meal planning, grocery shopping, and food storage that won’t break the bank!
February 28, 2023

"Talk It Out" Session

Graduate School can be stressful – attend one of our “Talk It Out” sessions to meet with Graduate School leadership, share what’s on your mind, and get connected to valuable resources! Coffee and snacks are provided!
February 24, 2023

Nanotechnology Conference & Distinguished Lecture

The Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC) would like to invite you to attend our conference & distinguished lecture on Friday, 24 Feb., 2023. Read more for a summary of all the most important details.
February 23, 2023

Mentoring and the Dissertation Process

Among the most consequential documents that writers produce in graduate school is the dissertation. Strong mentoring at specific critical junctures in the dissertation process can strengthen both the document itself and graduate students’ abilities to later support their own graduate students. Unfortunately, most faculty receive little to no training about the writing instruction central to the dissertation process, from invention to final deposit. Instead, they rely upon their own experiences producing a doctoral thesis, which might have been problematic and trauma producing or wonderful yet still mystifying. This workshop incorporates current research on graduate student writing and builds on insights about graduate student struggles that the Writing Lab gains through working with dissertation writers.
February 22, 2023

Making the Most of Your Presentation

Strong oral presentation skills are a key to success for engineers, scientists, and other professionals, yet many speakers are at a loss to tackle the task. Systematic as they otherwise can be in their work, they go at it intuitively, sometimes haphazardly, with much good will but seldom good results. Based on Dr. Doumont’s book “Trees, maps, and theorems” discussing effective communication strategies for rational minds, this lecture proposes a systematic way to prepare and deliver presentations. Among other topics, it covers structure, slides, and delivery, as well as stage fright.
February 22, 2023

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us at PGSC (Purdue Graduate Student Center) for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
February 22, 2023

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
February 22, 2023

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
February 22, 2023

Mentoring Fellows

As part of a 3-year initiative to improve mentoring at Purdue, the Graduate School has initiated the Mentoring Fellows Program. This program engages faculty and graduate students who are passionate about mentoring, have some unique interest or experience with mentoring programs, or are engaged in research about the mentoring relationship in higher education. This program seeks to recognize strengths and to identify possible opportunities for improvement in mentoring relationships within each college.
February 21, 2023

Mentoring Dialogs

Join Dean Linda Mason and Associate Dean Melanie Morgan for a unstructured discussion on mentoring. Discussions are loosely based on the curriculum developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) and include the following topics this semester: maintaining effective communication with your mentor, aligning expectations in your mentoring relationship, and do you need multiple mentors? Each discussion will feature one of these topics. The discussions are intended to help graduate students strengthen their mentoring relationships with their major professors and other mentors in their academic career.
February 17, 2023

Michael Ladisch Distinguished Professor Seminar

University policy requires that Named and Distinguished Professors be reviewed every five years. This seminar marks the renewal of Michael Ladisch's distinguished professorship.
February 17, 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
February 16, 2023

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Communication between mentors and mentees

Communication between mentors and mentees is essential for a productive and positive working relationship. In this interactive training session participants will discuss barriers to good communication and identify strategies to enhance understanding from both the perspective of the mentee and the mentor.
February 16, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
February 16, 2023

PurSysT Research Colloquium

The speakers at this event will be Tiantian (Olivia) Li and Leonardo Pollettini Marcos, who are PhD students in Engineering Education here in Purdue. They will be speaking on the topic: Different uses of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) online modules and how it can impact MBSE education.
February 15, 2023

Mentoring Graduate Writers

A good deal of research indicates that mentoring graduate students on their writing is fraught with problems. This initial workshop will share a range of best practices around mentoring and writing in the disciplines, with the hope of making mentoring graduate writers more empowered, effective and sustainable. Participants will learn strategies for sound response and receive materials to take away and study. Depending on faculty interest, additional workshops will be scheduled to address needs that arise during the conversation.
February 15, 2023

SURF 2023 Project Proposals

Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO) is accepting SURF 2023 project proposals through the EURO web portal. Purdue faculty initiates the project wherein they can approve graduate students and post-doctoral researchers as project managers. Being a research mentor for a SURF student provides an unparalleled mentorship experience. Last year multiple labs at Purdue hosted close to 200 students from Purdue and outside Purdue. If your lab has hosted a SURF student in the past or is willing to host a student this year, kindly initiate a discussion with your professor. The student application portal opens on January 9, 2023; getting the project in sooner is better. Project posting is relatively easy and takes 10-12 minutes to create one.
February 14, 2023

Protecting Your Mental Health During Graduate School

Everyone knows that grad school is academically rigorous, but we sometimes don't realize that there are several foreseeable pitfalls related to grad school. This workshop will help you to recognize those pitfalls before they arrive, and identify steps you can take to protect your mental health.
February 13, 2023

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
February 13, 2023

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
February 10, 2023

Celebrating Our Associate Professors: Lunch Session #2

Leaving no good deed unknown, the College of Engineering is pleased to present its Spring 2023 Celebrating Our Associate Professors lunch sessions. This session will honor Brandon Boor (CE), Meng Cui (ECE), Shweta Singh (ABE/EEE), and Joaquin Goni Cortes (IE).
February 8, 2023

Building a Winning Resume

Learn how to develop a winning resume from the experts at Purdue University – office of the Centre for Career Opportunities (CCO). Useful resources for job/internship search will be shared by CCO.
February 8, 2023

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
February 7, 2023

GWEN Symposium

Calling all graduate women in engineering! Grow your confidence. Present your amazing work. Cultivate your networks. The GWEN Symposium is an opportunity for women graduate students to build community, support your peers, hear about exciting research, and learn from inspiring alumnae.
February 7, 2023

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
February 6, 2023

Celebrating Our Associate Professors: Lunch Session #1

Leaving no good deed unknown, the College of Engineering is pleased to present its Spring 2023 Celebrating Our Associate Professors lunch sessions. The first session will celebrate Harsha Honnappa (IE), Joseph Rispoli (BME), Ivan C. Christov (ME), and Christopher S. Goldenstein (ME).
February 6, 2023

CARE-ing Support

Research shows that students are more likely to disclose experiences of interpersonal violence to informal sources, like their peers. This workshop is intended to educate the students about how to respond to peer disclosures of interpersonal violence.
February 3, 2023

Postdoc Coffee Hour

Postdocs are welcome to grab coffee and socialize anytime from 3:30 - 5 pm to help wind-down after a busy week.
February 3, 2023

Planning to Graduate On-Time

Most graduate students don’t graduate on time because they do not have a plan of attack. Usually graduate students are successful in their courses, but it is the policies, processes and politics that trip them up. This session is designed to help students plan for graduate school and create a target for finishing on time.
February 1, 2023

Copyrights: An Overview for Scholars

This sessions will provide an overview to copyright and its implications for scholars. An overview of what they are and what they protect will be provided in addition to a discussion of topics such as Creative Commons, licensing and releases.
January 31, 2023

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
January 26, 2023

Negotiating Workshop: Feel More Confident Negotiating Your Next Offer

Join the teams at 81cents and Rora to get the tools, information, and data you need to negotiate your next offer more confidently. Our mission is to help underrepresented professionals have the confidence to negotiate. Candidates, especially women and minority candidates, receive the short end of the stick, and our mission is to help candidates understand their market worth and negotiate every penny of it.
January 26, 2023

NIH F32 and K99/R00 Info Session

Both experienced graduate students and postdocs in the life sciences, medical sciences, and related subjects are encouraged to attend. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation. The F32 fellowship and the career-focused K-awards, such as the K99, will be covered. K-awards do not require US citizenship.
January 26, 2023

President Chiang and Provost Wolfe host graduate and professional student Town Hall

January 26th, from 1:30-2:30pm in the Carole and Gordon Mallett Theatre in Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and Performing Arts, President Chiang and Provost Wolfe will be holding their second Town Hall for graduate and professional students. They would like you to share your perspectives, questions, and aspirations as valued campus community members. In addition to taking questions from those in attendance, you may submit your questions in advance.
January 25, 2023

Healthy Eating on the Run

Want to learn how to make good choices while on the go? What about some healthy snacks for studying? Learn how to choose the best foods for health while leading a busy life. This program discusses snacking, fast food and restaurants, healthy product alternatives, and more!
January 19, 2023

Purdue System Thinkers Callout

PurSysT is a student organization dedicated to systems thinking and the new methods and approaches that address complex global problems. We host research colloquia that represents a wide range of systems research, with research applications in engineering, mathematics, agriculture, economics, philosophy, etc. At the callout we will discuss the club's activities, the rise of systems thinking, methods and engineering and our upcoming guest speakers for this semester.
January 13, 2023

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
December 22, 2022

PGSG Literary Club

Join the PGSG Literary Club at their monthly meeting! Open to all graduate students.
December 21, 2022

PGSG Grant Deadline

Please have your grant application submitted by today! See more information in the link below:
December 12, 2022

Graduate School travel grant applications are now open

The Graduate School offers four travel grant opportunities for current West Lafayette residential graduate students. Three of the travel grants were made possible by their named sponsors and have specific travel/program requirements, while the fourth is funded by the Graduate School’s Office of Professional Development. More information on each of these grant opportunities can be found below:
December 9, 2022

PostDoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
December 6, 2022

PGSG Coffee Hour

Join us at Greyhouse (Campus House location) for Coffee Hour with colleagues!
December 1, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Maria Whipple, M.A.

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
December 1, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at PGSC for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
November 30, 2022

NAECC 15th Anniversary Closing Celebration

Celebrate with us as we close out Native American Heritage Month and the conclusion of the NAECC's 15th anniversary. We'll highlight the successes and accomplishments of 15 years on campus and be our guest for the closing community dinner featuring traditional Native American foods.
November 30, 2022

PEDLS- Richard Lester- Understanding Tomorrow's Nuclear Energy Lectures Series

Understanding Tomorrow's Nuclear Energy Lecture Series – Purdue University and Duke Energy are jointly exploring the feasibility of using advanced nuclear energy to meet the West Lafayette campus long-term energy needs. The Understanding Tomorrow’s Nuclear Energy lecture series is designed for all audiences from industry experts to community members. All events will be presented in a hybrid format for both in-person and virtual attendance.
November 30, 2022

Women's Health in the Tech Nation

Join us for this virtual interview series with Dr. Moira Gunn! Learn more about Dr. Gunn and her accomplishments here:
November 21, 2022

Purdue's GERRI Summer Residential Program Application

We are seeking high-quality educators with experience in the STEM fields and/or the humanities to design their own course(s) and share their expertise with our students with high ability in 5th-12th grades. Our students rank in the top five to ten percent of their age group nationally and are highly motivated to explore an area of personal interest. They can typically master material two to three years above grade level and require accelerated or enriched learning opportunities to meet their full potential.
November 21, 2022

AAARCC and NAECC Friendsgiving

Join us for this annual celebration of friends and fellowship of the AAARCC, NAECC, and all cultural centers. Food, beverages, and activities will be available. This event is open to the Purdue community.
November 18, 2022

Fall Harvest Cooking Demonstration

Explore Indigenous food systems and discussion on decolonizing diets as we prepare fall harvest dishes. Pre-registration is required, two sessions will be featured with limited capacity.
November 18, 2022

Black and Red Dance Party

The PGSG along with ECEGSA, IEGSO and PAMR is excited to host the largest spooky bash this semester with the BLACK and RED party on the 18th of November, 2022.

Come join us at the Black and Gold gym beginning at 6:30 pm for a party to remember. There will be lots of good food, music and dancing.

Come see our favorite local band --- Victor Lee and the locals, they are a group of very talented musicians who play at gigs around town.
We also have the amazing DJ INDIANA, who has promised to make our venue the hippest dance floor in town.
November 17, 2022

PGSG Movie Night

Join us for Movie Night at Wabash Landing for a fun night with colleagues!
November 17, 2022

PGSG Literary Club

Join the PGSG Literary Club at their monthly meeting! Open to all graduate students.
November 17, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Mili Jha

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program
November 16, 2022

Student Seminar Series on Recent Quantum Advances

We will explain the basic concepts and experimental platforms in the quantum science and technology field and review recent groundbreaking results. Refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome! This weeks speaker will be Thrinadha Ashwin Kumar Boddeti, a PhD student in the Dept of Physics and Astronomy.
November 16, 2022

PGSG Grant Deadline

Please have your grant application submitted by today! See more information in the link below:
November 16, 2022

Joe Lonsdale Networking Night

Are you an Engineering, Business, or Computer Science student? Join experienced Silicon Valley CEO, founder, board member, chairman and investor Joe Lonsdale to chat and personally network for career opportunities.
November 11, 2022

Grad School Pint Night

Join fellow colleagues for a fun, social night! Open to all graduate students.
November 10, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Dr. Hwanseok Sang

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
November 10, 2022

Mentoring, Managing, and Diversifying Graduate Student Research Groups

Join Purdue's College of Engineering Graduate Mentorship Fellows for this panel discussion. The research is clear on how stereotypes impede the participation and advancement of individuals from groups underrepresented in academia, especially in engineering. Here Engineering faculty share their efforts to address this through the development of mutual understanding, introspective awareness towards inclusion, improved mentoring and intentionality in recruiting and supporting diverse graduate students. Open to all graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. Refreshments will be provided!
November 10, 2022

Purdue Systems Thinkers (PurSysT) Research Colloquium

Purdue Systems Thinkers (PurSysT) would like to invite you to our next Research Colloquium! Our speaker will be Xiao Liu, a Purdue PhD student in Purdue's School of Biomedical Engineering. His research interests focus on computational approaches to systems biology of viral infections. He will be speaking about a Computational study on the assembly and budding process of EBOV: an ODE-based modeling approach.
November 9, 2022

Student Seminar Series on Recent Quantum Advances

We will explain the basic concepts and experimental platforms in the quantum science and technology field and review recent groundbreaking results. Refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome! This weeks speaker will be Aashish Poudel, a PhD student in the Dept of Physics and Astronomy.
November 9, 2022

Apply to be a College of Engineering Dean's Teaching Fellow

Are you interested in establishing and implementing your own approaches to teaching undergraduates? Are you looking for a meaningful teaching experience to put on your resume/CV? If so, please consider applying for the College of Engineering Dean's Teaching Fellowship!
November 9, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at PGSC for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
November 3, 2022

Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company Performance

Join us for a transformative theatrical dance performance featuring Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company - Native American dancers sharing their authentic stories with traditional songs and dance. This performance will feature a combination of traditional, jingle, fancy, hoop, and grass dance styles representing Ojibwe, Potawatomi, Lakota, Menominee, and Apache nations.
November 3, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Dr. Mindy Tan

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
November 3, 2022

Indiana Native American Heritage Month Celebration

Opening event to kick off Native American Heritage Month in Indiana. Join us for educational presentations, interactive activities, and featured dance performance by Woodland Sky Native American Dance Company.
November 2, 2022

Art Workshop with Karen Ann Hoffman

Karen Ann Hoffman (Oneida Nation of Wisconsin/Haudenosaunee) is an award winning artist whose traditional Iroquois beadwork has been on display across the country and is in the permanent collection of the National Museum of the American Indian, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, and the State of Wisconsin. Join us as Hoffman leads an interactive workshop featuring her unique beading designs. She is the Eiteljorg Museum's featured Artist-in-Residence for November.
November 2, 2022

AAARCC Fall Speaker Series: Dr. Jenny Wang

Dr. Jenny Wang is an author of Permission to Come Home: Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans. She is also a Houston-based licensed psychologist who offers individual psychotherapy within a compassionate, client-centered, and non-judgmental framework. Dr. Wang works from a social justice and intersectional framework focused on understanding the impact of racial trauma and racial identity on mental health.
November 1, 2022

PGSG Coffee Hour

Join us at Greyhouse (Campus House location) for Coffee Hour with colleagues!
October 29, 2022

Faculty Career Opportunities

If you are looking to go into a faculty career, then please APPLY TO the following future faculty workshops and opportunities. These workshops help prepare/expose students to other academic institutions and faculty careers.
October 28, 2022

Information Session: 2022 Dean's Teaching Fellows

During this session, you will hear the perspectives of the current Fellows and have the opportunity to ask them questions about the application process, their general responsibilities, and the commitment required for this fellowship. If you have questions ahead of the event, please let us know!
October 27, 2022

Professional Practice Hall of Fame: Inductee Panel

The Office of Professional Practice is proud to announce the induction of seven distinguished individuals to our
Hall of Fame. These alumni have made a significant impact on programs, like Co-op and GEARE, and in their
industries. Join us for a panel discussion with our inductees and ask the experts about their professional
experiences. You don't want to miss out on this great networking opportunity!
October 27, 2022

PGSG Literary Club - Book Reading Event

We invite you all to attend the "PGSG Literary Club" October event with Violet Kupersmith's novel Build Your House Around My Body - collection of short stories. Spots are limited, RSVP ASAP!
October 27, 2022

Purdue Systems Thinkers Research Colloquium

Our speaker will be Dr. Bill Bihlman, a Purdue IE PhD alum, who is the founder of Aerolytics, a strategic management consultancy dedicated to aerospace materials, manufacturing, and the global supply chain. He will be talking on Using Systems Engineering to facilitate Aircraft Certification.
October 26, 2022

Eat Right When Your Budget is Tight

Do you feel like you’re trying to make changes to your meals and snacks but are spending a ton at the store? Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn tips and tricks for meal planning, grocery shopping, and food storage that won’t break the bank!
October 26, 2022

AAARCC Fall Speaker Series: Dr. Todd Honma

In collaboration with the Purdue Libraries, the AAARCC is hosting Dr. Todd Honma, Associate Professor of Asian American Studies, at Pitzer College who will be leading a lecture and a workshop on the topic of Zines and its use in activism.
October 26, 2022

PGSG Grant Deadline

Please have your grant application submitted by today! See more information in the link below:
October 26, 2022

Student Seminar Series on Recent Quantum Advances

We will explain the basic concepts and experimental platforms in the quantum science and technology field and review recent groundbreaking results. This week, hear from Christian Lange, a PhD student in the Dept of Physics and Astronomy.
October 25, 2022

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask Lisa (Dr. Lisa Nielsen, grant writer) any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek her advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
October 25, 2022

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
October 25, 2022

Using Data to Tell a Story

This interactive workshop will present ideas on how to use your data to tell a captivating story that will engage and persuade your audience. The latest research will be examined and participants will have the opportunity to practice the techniques in the workshop.
October 25, 2022

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
October 24, 2022

AAARCC Fall Speaker Series: Dr. Claire Kim

In collaboration with the Black Cultural Center, the AAARCC is hosting Dr. Claire Jean Kim, Professor of Political Science and Asian American Studies at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Kim will lecture about the intersectional experiences of Black and Asian communities of the United States.
October 20, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Dr. Mojgan Sarmadi

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
October 20, 2022

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
October 19, 2022

Engineering Career Exploration Webinar

Have you ever wondered what the Engineering Professorship is like at Research 1 Universities? If so, you should plan to attend our upcoming virtual webinar where a panel of three engineering faculty members will share their expertise. Mark your calendars and join us this Wednesday, October 19th, at 12:00pm (EDT) for a virtual webinar: Engineering Career Exploration - Professorship at Research 1 Institutions!
October 19, 2022

William E. Boeing Distinguished Lecture 2022: Grazia Vittadini, Rolls Royce

The power that connects us: Rolls-Royce pioneering sustainable aerospace
Aviation is on the rise. Even if not matching pre-pandemic levels yet, demand for global air traffic is rapidly taking-off again. This upsurge reemphasizes the urgent question: How can we connect people, cultures, and markets around the globe in the most sustainable way?

From new engine architectures, smart materials and optimized air traffic management to sustainable aviation fuels, hydrogen and hybrid-electric propulsion – the list of potential solutions is long and sometimes confusing. Grazia Vittadini, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at Rolls-Royce, will connect the dots and navigate us through the complexity to narrow down the challenge of how to achieve zero-emission flying.
October 19, 2022

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
October 19, 2022

How to Write a Diversity Statement

Participants will examine the different elements of a Diversity Statement and how to present it for an Academic Job Search. Examples of successful Diversity Statements will be presented.
October 18, 2022

Breakout from Burnout

New studies show that negative health effects related to burnout are serious and can be long-lasting. We want you to have all the tools you need to break out from burn out. In this webinar, you will receive practical, neuroscience-based emotional regulation techniques to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and how to prevent and avoid burnout for a better quality of life.
October 18, 2022

Setting Yourself Up to Win in Grad School

Join Dr. Drew Zaitsoff, a representative from Purdue's Counseling and Psychological Services, to discuss the common pitfalls that graduate students face and strategies for success!
October 18, 2022

Converting Your CV Into a Resume

This presentation will discuss how to convert an academic CV into a resume for industry and nonprofit careers. If you already have a resume, this presentation will provide strategies to convey your advanced degree skills more effectively to employers. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
October 14, 2022

Exam and Degree Only Deadline

October 14, 2022, is the last day for thesis-option master's and doctoral students registered as Exam/Degree Only for fall to submit the appropriate Report of the Final Examination, and to finalize all aspects of the deposit process for the thesis/dissertation.
October 14, 2022

Grad School Pint Night

Join fellow colleagues for a fun, social night! Open to all graduate students.
October 13, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Mahit Vaddadi

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
October 12, 2022

Elevator Pitch Workshop

Have you ever struggled to answer questions such as, "What do you do?" & "Can you tell me about your research?" these questions arise at job interviews, networking events, academic conferences, and even in the halls of your department. This workshop will help you develop a concise one to two-minute pitch about you and your work.
October 12, 2022

Healthy Eating on the Run

Want to learn how to make good choices while on the go? What about some healthy snacks for studying? Learn how to choose the best foods for health while leading a busy life. This program discusses snacking, fast food and restaurants, healthy product alternatives, and more!
October 11, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at Lily Tent for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
October 7, 2022

Improv Techniques for the Researcher

No comedy skills needed but a willingness to improve your communication, active listening and engagement skills is critical. Improvisation will teach you about heightening your awareness and improving your listening skills. It is more about connecting with your audience, than acting skills. It can also help you hone your key messages when speaking time is short at conferences and can actually increase the quality of the audience-speaker interaction.
October 7, 2022

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
October 7, 2022

LinkedIn Seminar

Attend this presentation to learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and use the website for networking, information gathering, and job searches.
October 6, 2022

AAARCC Fall Speaker Series: Dr. Fredy Gonzalez

In collaboration with the Latino Cultural Center, the AAARCC is hosting Dr. Fredy Gonzalez, Associate Professor of Global Asian Studies and History at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Gonzalez will lecture on the topic: "Chinese Mexicans and Mexicanidad." In this talk, Dr. Gonzalez will give a brief history of Chinese immigration to Mexico during the twentieth century and illustrate some of the ways the Chinese contributed to and claimed belonging to the Mexican nation. Despite experiencing consistent hate and harassment from anti-Chinese activists who claimed that the Chinese would never fit into the Mexican nation, some migrants found ways to survive and set down roots in their new country.
October 6, 2022

PGSG Movie Night

Join us for Movie Night at Wabash Landing for a fun night with colleagues!
October 6, 2022

How to Condense a Fellowship Draft to Meet Page Requirements

As you work on fellowship and grant proposals, it is common to have so much content that cannot fit into a one, two, or three-page format to meet page requirements. This webinar will provide a strategy for how to discern what content is essential and what is not, as well as how to keep details while shortening your draft. The content presented can be applied to various types of research-based funding documents regardless of your academic discipline.
October 6, 2022

The Academic Job Market & Interview: An Overview

This interactive workshop will examine the academic job market and common experiences of the on campus interview processes. Participants will gain experience answering faculty, administrator, and student-posed questions that commonly occur in on-campus job interview scenarios.
October 5, 2022

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
October 5, 2022

Citation Management with Zotero

After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies.
October 4, 2022

Graduate Mentorship Seminar: Navigating Toxic Environments

Join this virtual seminar featuring Dr. Vanessa Gonzalez-Perez from Princeton University to learn how to better identify attributes that can lead to poor mentorship relationships or environments and mitigating tips. Open to all graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. Refreshments will be provided!
October 4, 2022

PGSG Coffee Hour

Join us at Greyhouse (Campus House location) for Coffee Hour with colleagues!
October 4, 2022

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask Lisa (Dr. Lisa Nielsen, grant writer) any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek her advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
September 30, 2022

What doors will your PhD open for you?

Learn about the choices Purdue PhDs made that led them to careers in consulting, nonprofit leadership, and higher education program management.
September 30, 2022

September's Engineering Meet & Eat

The Engineering Graduate Student Organizations present September's Engineering Meet & Eat Event! These occur once per month throughout the semester at various engineering and graduate student locations across campus. The goal is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs from different disciplines, make new academic colleagues and friends, learn more about the wide breadth of engineering research at Purdue, and energize yourself.
September 30, 2022

Grad School Pint Night

Join fellow colleagues for a fun, social night! Open to all graduate students.
September 29, 2022

PGSG Literary Club

Join the PGSG Literary Club at their monthly meeting! Open to all graduate students.
September 29, 2022

Entrepreneurship as a Career Path

Graduate students make up almost 25% of Purdue’s student population and within this large group, one would think there would be many budding entrepreneurs. But, only a small percentage of graduate students pursue entrepreneurship as a career path.
September 29, 2022

Planning to Graduate On-Time

Most graduate students don’t graduate on time because they do not have a plan of attack. Usually graduate students are successful in their courses, but it is the policies, processes and politics that trip them up. This session is designed to help students plan for graduate school and create a target for finishing on time.
September 28, 2022

PGSG Fall Picnic

Join us on Krach Lawn for a fun, fall picnic with colleagues!
September 28, 2022

Letters of Recommendation for Fellowships

This webinar for grad students, postdocs, and faculty provides templates and strategies for both writing and requesting letters of recommendation for fellowship applications.
September 28, 2022

Ask a Postdoc Panel

Interested in becoming a postdoc? Come get your questions answered! A panel of current Purdue postdocs will share their experiences and give advice for applying for postdoc positions and becoming a postdoc.
September 27, 2022

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
September 24, 2022

Homecoming Watch Party

Family, friends and football! Come cheer on the Boilermakers to victory at the Homecoming Watch Party! Game day swag, appetizers and cash bar available.
September 24, 2022

Homecoming Brunch + Day Party

Kick off Homecoming Day with a wonderful brunch and party with a purpose! Don't miss this opportunity to connect and learn more about exciting NPHC and Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives.
September 23, 2022

Homecoming Happy Hour

Welcome home! Mix, mingle, and make new memories with fellow Purdue Boilermakers! Learn more about Purdue for Life and how you can get involved. Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar available.
September 23, 2022

PGSG Movie Night

Join us at Wabash Landing for a fun way to relax with colleagues!
September 22, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Dr. Humaira Gowher

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
September 22, 2022

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
September 22, 2022

How to Deliver a Winning Presentation

This interactive course will discuss the basics for presenting a compelling presentation. Topics include organizing your message, delivering your message with impact, engaging your audience, and constructing effective slides.
September 22, 2022

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
September 21, 2022

PGSG Grant Deadline

Please have your grant application submitted by today! See more information in the link below:
September 21, 2022

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers.
September 21, 2022

Preparing to Buy a House

First Time Home Buyer- A review of the basics for financial preparation to purchase a home and expert help about financing with a mortgage.
September 20, 2022

Caring for Self and Others

Learn warning signs of someone struggling with a mental health concern, how to advocate for self and others, and common misconceptions of mental health. This presentation aims to empower listeners with the knowledge of how to care for others and themselves when undergoing a mental health concern while making mental health a comfortable topic of conversation.
September 20, 2022

Fellowship Office Hour for Grad Students and Postdocs

This open office hour gives you the opportunity to ask Lisa (Dr. Lisa Nielsen, grant writer) any questions you have about fellowship or grant applications as well as seek her advice for your application drafts. There is no PowerPoint presentation - just questions and answers on everything and anything related to grant writing.
September 20, 2022

Professional Development: Cultural Edition

Developing cultural self-identity is the first step in one’s next leap toward cultural awareness. Join us for an interesting and provocative 50 minutes presentation intended to help participants understand and identify their our cultural identity, and use tools and tips to help understand others.
September 20, 2022

Diet, Stress, & Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. Discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
September 20, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at PGSC for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
September 15, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Rabita Rajkarnikar, AICP

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program.
September 14, 2022

Postdoc Fellowships and Postdoc Positions

In this session for grad students who wish to become postdocs, participants will learn strategies for applying for postdoc positions (where and how) as well as how to search for and apply to postdoc fellowships.
September 14, 2022

Budgeting and Saving Money

Do you know how to budget? Do you know how to save? Learn better ways of budgeting and saving to build a strong financial foundation.
September 13, 2022

Let's talk

Every Tuesday, 12 pm - 2 pm
Purdue Graduate Student Center Rm 112
Let's Talk is a program that provides confidential informal in person drop- in consultations for Purdue students throughout the academic year.
September 13, 2022

NSF Fellowship - Research Statement (Grantsmanship)

The final of the three NSF Fellowship workshops for graduate students and undergrads will center on preparing students for the composition of their research statements. Attendees will learn how to refine their research plan into a specific goal with accompanying broader Impacts and Intellectual merit. Formatting, supporting details, journal references, and theme connections in their personal statements will be addressed.
September 13, 2022

Setting Yourself Up to Win in Grad School

Join Dr. Drew Zaitsoff, a representative from Purdue's Counseling and Psychological Services, to discuss the common pitfalls that graduate students face and strategies for success!
September 10, 2022

Algebra by 7th Grade Volunteers Needed

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer in the Algebra by 7th Grade (Ab7G) program through the Minority Engineering Program, then please reach out to Renee Gibert ( All are welcome to volunteer.
September 9, 2022

Activating Your Mentoring Network

Graduate students and postdocs from all disciplines are invited to this interactive workshop designed to provide practical tools to activate a mentoring network with breadth and depth. Participants will be led through a series of exercises to identify their own professional development priorities and intentionally link those priorities to individuals that can contribute to their professional development in those areas. Time will be given to conversations about how to engage current and future mentors in ways that are mutually beneficial and sustainable.
September 9, 2022

Field of Memories- Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for college students. This event invites students to write messages of hope to their fellow students who may be struggling or remember those who have died by suicide. Resources will be available during the event.
September 8, 2022

EACC Callout Event

Are you looking for resources to help you become a competitive candidate for academic jobs? We have good news - you are not alone!
The Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) is a group of engineering graduate students and postdocs passionate about helping each other move towards careers in academia. Want to hear more?
September 8, 2022


Attend this presentation to learn effective strategies for networking, including informational interviews, social media usage, & follow-up. This presentation is most relevant for industry positions though individuals pursuing tenure track careers will also benefit from understanding networking fundamentals. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
September 8, 2022

AAARCC Lunch & Learn Series: Dr. Tanya Paes

Every week on Thursdays from noon to 1 pm, the Purdue AAARCC holds a Lunch & Learn program featuring faculty members, staff members, and students from Purdue who will present on a diverse array of topics from their area of expertise. After the presentation, participants can enjoy lunch and network with attendees of the program
September 8, 2022

Culturally Responsive Mentoring

In this workshop designed for academic leaders and faculty, Dr. Melissa McDaniels from the Center for the Improvement of Effective Mentorship will introduce research and practices in culturally responsive mentorship. She will facilitate reflection and conversation among colleagues about how culturally responsive practices are evident (and not evidence) in current mentorship practices in departments and research programs. Time will be allocated for questions, answers, and resources.
September 8, 2022

Postdoc Grant Writing: Logic Flow

In this workshop postdocs will practice creating new grant outlines or refining current outlines by using logic steps. Participants will gain experience helping each other identify and correct the gaps in their research proposals through a systematic process. Emphasis will be given to summary pages or other short grant documents to master the underlying main idea of your proposal and demonstrate the value of your research project.
September 7, 2022

Data Scraping and Analysis with Python

In this workshop, we will learn how to use python, beautiful soup, and scrapy to extract data from the web. We will also learn how to clean, process, and store the data to be used in data science applications. Some exploratory data analysis topics we will cover are - handling missing data, incorrect data, outliers, standardization of values, and finding correlation of different features.
September 6, 2022

Success Over Stress

This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts.
September 6, 2022

"Talk it Out" Sessions

Graduate School can be stressful – attend one of our “Talk It Out” sessions to meet with Graduate School leadership, share what’s on your mind, and get connected to valuable resources!
September 1, 2022

Insights on the Faculty Job Market: Preparing for the Application Season

Virginia Tech Postdoctoral Affairs Program Administrator, Chris Smith, will share data from a set of faculty job market surveys from 2018 to the present as well as an overview of the Academic Career Readiness Assessment developed at UCSF. Attendees will leave with insights on some of the critical factors and metrics associated with landing a faculty position as well as an appreciation of the different qualifications needed to be competitive at different types of institutions. While the presented data are mostly from STEM and the biological sciences fields, general advice on applying for faculty positions will be shared.
September 1, 2022

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
August 30, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch

Join us from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at Lily Tent for free lunch! Check your email for lunch reservation updates.
August 27, 2022


Conexiones is the LCC's annual student retreat where students are able to connect to one another, faculty, staff, and resources on campus while preparing them for academic success through facilitated workshops about Latinx identities and cultures. All students are invited to participate!
August 25, 2022

NIH F32 and K99/R00 Info Session

Both experienced graduate students and postdocs in the life sciences, medical sciences, and related subjects are encouraged to attend. This webinar session will provide a writing strategy for research plans as well as advise about preparing the other required documentation. The F32 fellowship and the career-focused K-awards, such as the K99, will be covered. K-awards do not require US citizenship.
August 24, 2022

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
August 24, 2022

Express Fest

Co-Sponsored with Asian American and Asian Resource Cultural Center and Native American and Educational Resource Center, and SFAB.

Express Fest is the LCC's, AAARCC's, and NAECC's annual resource and welcome fair. It bridges students, faculty and staff to the resources available at Purdue University and the Cultural Centers. Departments, academic units and community organizations are invited to participate in the fair. Express Fest occurs on the first Wednesday of the Fall semester. All are welcome!
August 18, 2022

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
August 18, 2022

STPF Program Area Musketeers

The AAAS S&T Policy Fellowships (STPF) offers fellowship placements in all three branches of the federal government: legislative, judicial and executive. Applicants can apply to two in any given year. Before you make your selection, join us on August 18 at 3 p.m. ET to hear from the “STPF Program Area Musketeers” representing all three fellowship program areas. Find out what it’s like to be a fellow in each branch of the federal government. Learn how to tailor your application to your selection(s). And find out about an additional legislative branch placement that is being offered this year.
August 17, 2022

Business Meal Etiquette

This workshop is intended for graduate students who are going on employment interviews. Topics will include the dos and don’ts of having meals with potential employers. The presenter for this event is Anthony Cawdron. Anthony Cawdron is the Events Coordinator and House Manager at ‘Westwood’, The Purdue President’s official residence. A position he also held at Iowa State University before making the transition to Purdue almost eighteen years ago with now president emeritus Martin Jischke. He continues to manage the day-to-day operations of the house and oversees the events and entertaining for Purdue’s twelfth president Mitch Daniels. Anthony teaches business etiquette and advanced service courses in the Hospitality and Tourism Management department at Purdue, and advises numerous student groups on interview and work-preparedness skills. He has a Masters degree in Hospitality and has held a variety of positions including banquet manager, restaurant manager, hospitality faculty in Switzerland and three years as a butler in two of England’s finest stately homes Blenheim Palace and Sutton Place.
August 16, 2022

Airport Cooperative Research Program's University Design Competition

The FAA-sponsored Airport Cooperative Research Program’s University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs provides an outstanding opportunity for individual students or student teams working under the guidance of faculty advisors to design solutions to real-world issues addressing our nation’s airports and the National Air System.

August 12, 2022

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
August 11, 2022

Summer Queer Grad Coffee Hour

Come chill with fellow LGBTQ+ grads and peeps :) Coffee and snacks will be provided. Masks are required outside of eating and drinking.

If weather is nice we will go outside and drink our coffee !
August 10, 2022

Grad Student Summer In Person Writing/Working Group

Find it hard to get work done at home? Want to work with others, have some coffee and light conversation? Come join us as we try and get some work done weekly on Wednesdays. You can bring whatever you like, creative writing to share, assignments, lab work, dissertation/thesis etc. Be sure to bring ear buds just in case there are conversations going on and you need to work in more of a silent set up.
August 4, 2022

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
August 4, 2022

Summer Queer Grad Coffee Hour

Come chill with fellow LGBTQ+ grads and peeps :) Coffee and snacks will be provided. Masks are required outside of eating and drinking.
August 2, 2022

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
June 30, 2022

Building Mentoring Relationships

This guest presentation is by Dr. Chiara Bertipaglia from Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute for Mind Brain and Behavior: Learn how to find and build mentor relationships with strategic communications as a mentor and a mentee.
June 23, 2022

NSF Fellowship Panel Discussion

In this session current NSF Fellows from engineering disciplines will provide
their advice for the NSF Fellowship. Examples of winn ing fellowship
applications will also be discussed.
June 22, 2022

Food Trucks and Families Event

Bring your families and join us for our Food Trucks & Families Event on Wednesday, June 22nd, from 11:00am to 2:00pm!

What: Food Trucks & Families Event | College of Engineering - Graduate Education
Food Options Include: Food Trucks!
Crabby Mike's BBQ
V's Delicacies
Igloo Frozen Custard

When: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm
Location: Purdue Memorial Mall
Cost: FREE!
Activities for Families: Yard games and activities including cornhole bag toss, ladder ball, balloon artists, face painting, and more!
June 14, 2022

Allyship and the Improv Mindset

Allyship is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability. In this interactive applied improv workshop postdocs will participate in improv exercises which sharpen their inductive reasoning, refine their capacity to listen and contextualize information, and enhance their ability to build relationships through peer-to-peer dialogue. Participants will leave with a more nuanced understanding of teamwork and allyship.
June 7, 2022

NSF Fellowship Workshops

Join in for 3 NSF Fellowship workshops. NSF Fellowship provides 3 years of funding for Graduate School. These workshops cultivate grant writing skills and provides tips and strategies for submitting a competitive application.
June 3, 2022

Postdoc Orientation

New postdocs are welcome to log-in to learn about campus resources, medical benefits, and best practices for navigating your postdoc term.
June 2, 2022

Leading Across Cultures

In this interactive session, attendees will hear about studies and tips indicating how culturally diverse teams can better utilize their differences to build trust, work together effectively, and drive innovation and outcome.
June 2, 2022

Using Data to Tell a Story

This interactive workshop will present ideas on how to use your data to tell a captivating story that will engage and persuade your audience. The latest research will be examined and participants will have the opportunity to practice the techniques in the workshop.
June 2, 2022


Attend this presentation to learn effective strategies for networking, including informational interviews, social media usage, & follow-up. This presentation is most relevant for industry positions though individuals pursuing tenure track careers will also benefit from understanding networking fundamentals. There will be time at the end for audience questions.
June 1, 2022

How to Find and Prepare for Fellowship Applications

New and experienced graduate students are encouraged to attend this webinar to learn how to search for fellowship opportunities. Strategies for preparation and online resources will also be presented to help students get started with their writing.
May 31, 2022

Time Management

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely.
May 19, 2022

Healthy Minds

This chat session is for Purdue graduate students to connect with Graduate School representatives who can share valuable resources.
May 17, 2022

Summer Opportunities | Professional Development

The Office of Graduate Professional Development has several workshops available this summer to help students with Research & Ethics, Career Preparation, Wellness, Mentoring, Grant Writing, and Communication! For more information visit
May 16, 2022

International Engineering Graduate Students Callout

We are excited to discuss some next steps for bringing new programming and support to international students in the College. Please join us in person for this callout session on Monday, May 16th, at 3:30pm at the PGSC!

May 4, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch - May 4, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
May 4, 2022

OIGP Spring Reception-POSTER and AWARD Applications

Please plan on joining The Graduate School’s Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (OIGP) for our annual Spring Reception in celebration of interdisciplinary graduate student research on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Purdue Memorial Union North and South Ballrooms. Please encourage your students to submit presentations and apply for the Most Outstanding Interdisciplinary Project Award (MOIPA—winner receives $1000).

Poster and Award Submission Deadline: Monday, February 28, 2022. Details can be found at the links below.
Poster Submission Application and Details

Award Application and Details
April 27, 2022

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Communication between mentors and mentees

Communication between mentors and mentees is essential for a productive and positive working relationship. In this interactive training session participants will discuss barriers to good communication and identify strategies to enhance understanding from both the perspective of the mentee and the mentor.
April 27, 2022

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Communication between mentors and mentees

Communication between mentors and mentees is essential for a productive and positive working relationship. In this interactive training session participants will discuss barriers to good communication and identify strategies to enhance understanding from both the perspective of the mentee and the mentor.
April 22, 2022

SKY Happiness Retreat

SKY Happiness Retreat is a total well-being training offered across the country. Participants gain foundational stress-management skills, develop a personal evidence-based breathing and meditation practice, learn a short personal yoga practice, and increase social connection and leadership skills.
April 20, 2022

Engaging with Diversity: A Workshop for Postdocs

Participants will learn about the concepts of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging as they are often used in higher education. With a special focus on post-docs, the session will include how to engage with DEI themes, common mistakes to avoid, and resources to refer to later on.
April 20, 2022

Schmidt Science Fellowship Nominations

The Schmidt Science Fellowship is a globally competitive, year-long postdoctoral position, and a great opportunity that comes with a generous $100,000 stipend. Applicants must be graduating with their PhD from Purdue in any engineering discipline between June 1, 2022, and July 30, 2023.
April 20, 2022

Raytheon Technology Visit

Raytheon Technologies is visiting Purdue to recruit engineering students—both US citizen and non-US citizens, for internships, full-time professional roles, and postdoctoral researchers. Attend an info session next Wednesday, April 20, in ARMS 1103 and stay for free pizza and networking with representatives of Raytheon Technologies in the ARMS Atrium
April 16, 2022

Engineering Formal Night

Join Grad Student orgs on April 16th from 6PM to 10PM in STEW 302 for a fun night filled with music, dance, Italian dinner, photo booth and many more. Dress code for the event is Cocktail Attire(Dress code is Optional).
April 14, 2022

Debt Management

Good debt (yes, that exists!) and bad; learn strategies to reduce and eliminate debt.
April 13, 2022

Postdoc Grant Writing Lecture: Language and Style, Extreme Editing

Follow along with these steps to polish your grant, fellowship application, or research article using the fast-paced “extreme editing” process. If you are not currently working on a draft, you are welcome to attend and use any document you are written as we go through the process. During this session you will also learn about the tone, style, and format for grant writing and the differences between grant writing language and the language used in academic articles. This session is for any postdoc regardless of grant writing experience or academic discipline.
April 13, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch - April 13, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
April 13, 2022

Purdue Engineering Design Expo

The Expo is an opportunity for you and your design team to showcase your work and have a chance to win a multitude of prizes!
April 12, 2022

Judges Needed for Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference

Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) will be held in a Hybrid format during April 11-18, 2022, and the Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO) needs your support to judge our outstanding undergraduate researchers posters and research talks.
April 11, 2022

CoE Free Mini-Health Screenings

CoE Graduate Engineering Office and the School of Pharmacy are offering FREE cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry for engineering graduate students/ postdocs and their spouses. There are 4 dates to choose from this Spring.
April 11, 2022

Data Reporting - Graduate Assistant

The College of Engineering is looking for a graduate assistant with experience in data reporting. Online and professional master’s students are not eligible. Must be graduating May 2024 or later to be considered. Ideal candidates will have python, data querying and visualization, and similar experience. Please see attached for details and to apply by April 11.
April 8, 2022

In-Person Super Summer Camp Instructor Position

The Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute (GER2I) invites you to apply for a position as an instructor  for our upcoming 2022 in-person Super Summer Camp and Summer Residential Camp! 
April 8, 2022

Coffee Corner

Come by and get a free beverage on us. Until supplies last!
April 8, 2022

Grad Student Appreciation Pint Night

Free meal and drink for the first 150 Graduate Students to register for Pint Night @ Walk On's - Purdue Memorial Union. Pint Night will take place from 7:00 pm through 9:00 pm and will be followed by a fireside chat with the Dean from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm!
April 8, 2022

Paint Night

First Come, First Serve!
Max capacity of 24 people
Grab some Snuggs Pizza, chocolate truffles & sprakling water on us!
April 8, 2022

Plant Giveaway

Treat yourself to a free succulent. While supplies last. Come by anytime.
April 8, 2022

Graduate School Mentoring Award for Postdoctoral Scholars

The Graduate School wants to acknowledge the essential role postdoctoral trainees play in our research, teaching, and engagement missions here at Purdue University. If you work with a postdoc that has made a difference in your academic career and models the attributes of what we think great mentors should be, please consider nominating them for this inaugural award. Postdocs dedicate a great deal of time and energy in mentoring other postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates whether this is in the lab, field, or classroom. Anyone can nominate a postdoc for this award (i.e., graduate students, undergraduates, staff, faculty, or other postdocs).
April 7, 2022

Bowling & Billiards Night

Join us at the PMU Rack and Roll for bowling and billiards night in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week!
April 6, 2022

Sleeping for Success

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep.
April 6, 2022

Snack Pack Day!

In honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week, stop by the PGSC for free snack packs!
April 6, 2022

Coffee Corner

Come by and get a free beverage on us, until supplies last!
April 5, 2022

Virtual Trivia Night

Visit for Zoom link
First come, First serve.
Limited to 100 players.
3 chances to win prizes like a mini projector, an air fryer, massage gun, and more!
Trivia Topics: Holidays, World Facts, and Black History
April 5, 2022

Credit Cards and Credit Scores

How do I establish credit? What's a credit score and do I need one? Learn about building and maintaining good credit.
April 5, 2022

Pint and Game Night

Food available while supplies last. Join us anytime!
Minors should not attempt to buy alcohol, and those of age should not purchase alcohol for minors.
April 4, 2022

Free Doughnut Day!

Stop by the Purdue Graduate Student Center (PGSC) anytime throughout the day to get a free doughnut in honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Week!
March 31, 2022

Diet, Stress, and Emotional Eating

Learn how stress and diet are connected. We will discuss how to recognize and manage emotional eating and explore specific nutrients that are helpful in times of stress.
March 28, 2022


Learn the benefits of recognizing emotion, practicing self-compassion and being in the moment. This presentation relates mindfulness to everyday activities such as relationships, thoughts, and stress to help you learn how the skill of being mindful can help you relax and take back the present moment.
March 25, 2022

Graduate School Mentoring Award for Graduate Students

The Graduate School wants to acknowledge the essential role graduate students play in our research, teaching, and engagement missions at Purdue University. If you work with a graduate student that has made a difference in your academic career and models the attributes of what we think great mentors should be, please consider encouraging them to apply for this award. Graduate students dedicate a great deal of time and energy in mentoring other colleagues, and undergraduates whether in the lab, field, or classroom.
March 24, 2022

Caring for Self and Others

Learn warning signs of someone struggling with a mental health concern, how to advocate for self and others, and common misconceptions of mental health. This presentation aims to empower listeners with the knowledge of how to care for others and themselves when undergoing a mental health concern while making mental health a comfortable topic of conversation.
March 23, 2022

CoE Free Mini-Health Screenings

CoE Graduate Engineering Office and the School of Pharmacy are offering FREE cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry for engineering graduate students/ postdocs and their spouses. There are 4 dates to choose from this Spring.
March 21, 2022

IEGSO Virtual Internship Info Session

IE students currently pursuing internships/co-ops will be joining us to talk about their journey and share their experiences at IEGSO Virtual Internship Info Session.
March 9, 2022

Imposter Syndrome

Part of maturing as a graduate student is finding your voice and the confidence to know that you belong in your academic discipline. Any individual can be impacted by the impostor syndrome (IS), but minorities in a field are more susceptible, so addressing this early in your career is important. In this session we will introduce examples of IS, implications on mental health and social justice. Quick tips on the power of positive thinking will be given.
March 9, 2022

Eating Right When Your Budget is Tight

Do you feel like you’re trying to make changes to your meals and snacks but are spending a ton at the store? Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn tips and tricks for meal planning, grocery shopping, and food storage that won’t break the bank!
March 8, 2022

Let's Talk Taxes

An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.
March 8, 2022

Eating & Body Image

What are some of the warning signs that someone has an eating disorder? What are some ways to improve body image? In this workshop, we will discuss ways to improve self-esteem and body image & avoid the destructive behavior which causes people to dislike their bodies.
March 8, 2022

CAPS Drop-In Session

These sessions are free,
open only for graduate students, and you CHOOSE what the topic of discussion is! Examples include advisor conflict, racism, work-life balance, & more.
March 7, 2022

PLaCE Short Courses for International Students

Are you an international student who wants to improve your communication skills and language proficiency? If so, consider PLaCE Short Courses! They provide flexible, focused options for you to meet your English language needs and to fit your schedule.
March 4, 2022

Movie Trivia Night

Movie Trivia Night on March 4th in GRIS 103 at 6:30PM. Free Pizza!
March 3, 2022

Graduate Industrial Research Symposium

Do you want an opportunity to present your research to a diverse audience?

Submit a Poster, Oral Presentation and/or 3 Minute Thesis at the Graduate Industrial Research Symposium (March 3, 2022). Check out the attached flyer for more information (research areas) as well as the following website to register:
March 2, 2022

CoE Free Mini-Health Screenings

CoE Graduate Engineering Office and the School of Pharmacy are offering FREE cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry for engineering graduate students/ postdocs and their spouses. There are 4 dates to choose from this Spring.
March 2, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch - March 2, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
February 24, 2022

Beyond Academia Conference 2022

Beyond Academia is a non-profit organization run by UC Berkeley graduate students and postdocs with the goal of empowering graduate students and postdocs to expand their career options beyond the traditional academic track. We accomplish this career education through a series of events including an annual conference, workshops, tutorials, and panels that connect academics with those who have made a transition to non-academic jobs.
February 23, 2022

Mentorship Training for Postdocs: Managing expectations and setting goals

In their work, postdocs are mentored but also frequently serve as mentors. In this interactive training postdocs will learn strategies to identify expectations of their mentor and mentees through creating individualized mentor-mentee compacts. Individual Development Plans (IDPs) and how to prepare for mentoring others will also be discussed.
February 23, 2022

Postdoc Fellowships and Post Doc Positions

In this session for grad students who wish to become postdocs, participants will learn strategies for applying for postdoc positions (where and how) as well as how to search for and apply to postdoc fellowships.
February 22, 2022

From My Resource Bucket to Yours: Sharing the Know-How to Promote a Successful Community of International Postdocs

Dr. Andrea Pereyra, National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) Board Member and former NPA International Officer, will share resources for international postdocs who are new to the United States. As a current postdoc at East Carolina University and a former Purdue Postdoc Association (PPDA) leader, Andrea will share her personal journey and will talk about experiences and resources available to establish a professional reputation in the United States as a foreign national. Please note that although this presentation will include references to immigration-related issues commonly faced by postdoctoral scholars it will not provide or constitute legal advice on the matter.
February 21, 2022

CoE Free Mini-Health Screenings

CoE Graduate Engineering Office and the School of Pharmacy are offering FREE cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry for engineering graduate students/ postdocs and their spouses. There are 4 dates to choose from this Spring.
February 21, 2022

Amazon Pathways Program

Amazon Pathways Program coordinator will be answering questions and educating students about the potential opportunities and interview process at Amazon. This event will be conducted virtually over Zoom on February 21st from 7PM to 9PM.
February 14, 2022

Dean's Panel: Leadership and Success in a Faculty Position

Do you want to learn not only the mechanics of getting a tenure track faculty
position, but also how you can optimize for success?
Come join the Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) and Purdue
Engineering’s Dean and Leadership Team to learn how you can hit the
ground running for leadership and success in your future faculty career!
February 9, 2022

How to Find and Prepare for Fellowship Applications

New and experienced graduate students are encouraged to attend this webinar to learn how to search for fellowship opportunities. Strategies for preparation and online resources will also be presented to help students get started with their writing.
February 9, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch - February 9 (date changed)

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
February 9, 2022

Ask a Postdoc Panel

Interested in becoming a postdoc? Come get your questions answered! A panel of current Purdue postdocs will share their experiences and give advice for applying for postdoc positions and becoming a postdoc.
February 8, 2022

CAPS- Drop-In Sessions

These sessions are free,open only for graduate students, and you CHOOSE what the topic of discussion is! Examples include advisor conflict, racism, work-life balance, & more
February 3, 2022

Exploring the Horizons of Academic Job Opportunities

You know that Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions exist, but have you ever wondered what other types of positions there are in the University setting for someone with a MS or PhD training?

Come join the Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC) for a presentation and Q&A session on Exploring the Horizons of Academic Job Opportunities. Here you can hear first-hand from members of our College of Engineering community - including an overview of their background, career path, and the hiring process for their respective positions at Purdue.
February 2, 2022

Interviewing for Industry Positions

This talk will provide you the insights into hiring and interview processes when startups and large companies seek candidates with an advanced degree (MS or PHD). This talk will cover everything from: networking, where to find job openings, earning an interview, what to expect during a technical interview, & behind the scenes: what happens after you leave.
February 1, 2022

Comparing Job Offers

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes."
January 27, 2022

RCR: What you should understand about copyright before publishing your research (Research & Ethics)

Dr. Donna Ferullo, J.D., University Copyright Office will address the ethical copyright issues associated with publishing your research work. What is copyright? What are copyright requirements? What are copyrightable works? What are the exceptions to the copyright laws? Where does it fit in the research cycle? What is the Fair Use Doctrine? Where does plagiarism fit into this concept? Dr. Ferullo will cover these important topics and more. Come prepared for questions. It can be used to meet a requirement of face-to-face ethics training required of many departments, colleges, and granting agencies.
January 26, 2022

Intercultural Communication and Mentoring

Intercultural mentoring requires both the mentor and mentee to fluidly move between general situational awareness, cultural situational awareness and situation specific awareness. This project investigates the efficacy of online modules in developing cultural situational awareness among mentors.
January 19, 2022

Managing Your Mentoring Relationships by Mentoring Up: A Workshop for Graduate Students at Purdue University

This presentation is geared toward graduate students interested in optimizing their mentoring relationships with their faculty. In the workshop, participants will: (1) discuss challenges they face and strategies they utilize in relationships with their mentors; (2) engage in self-assessment to identify the domains of professional development in which they need mentoring; (3) learn about evidence-based practices they may employ as they negotiate their constellations of mentoring relationships.
January 12, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunch - January 12, 2022

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
January 12, 2022

Fireside Chat- Hosted by CoE

Monthly Fireside Chat hosted by Dean Chiang and the College of Engineering with special event co-host Mark Gee, MS ABE. Faculty Presentation by Associate Head James Krogmeier, ECE and Asst. Professor John Evans, ABE
January 10, 2022

OFE Graduate Assistant Position

Please see the attached job description for a half-time Grad Assistant to begin Spring 2022. While the posting recommends engineering education or similar background, it is open to any graduate student with the relevant skills, experience, and interest. Please read the posting carefully for details and contact the Office of Future Engineers with any questions.
December 15, 2021

How to Be a Better Reviewer - for Engineers

Join the Purdue Postdoc Association (PPDA) as we host a question-and-answer session with Drs. Rajamani Gounder and Luis Gomez about how to become a better reviewer in engineering. The speakers will share their valuable expertise and answer questions from postdocs about peer-reviewing for academic journals. This is the first event in a planned seminar series, with each tailored to postdocs in different fields. Grad students are welcome to attend.
December 2, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunch - December 2, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
November 18, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunch - November 18, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
October 20, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunch - October 20, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
October 19, 2021

Flu Vaccine Clinic

Flu Vaccine Clinic Open to all Engineering Graduate Students
Purdue Graduate Student Center - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
October 15, 2021

Sky Happiness Retreats

SKY Happiness Retreat is a total well-being training offered across the country. Participants gain foundational stress-management skill, develop a personal evidence-based breathing and mediation practice, learn a sort personal yoga practice, and increase social connection and leadership skills.
October 7, 2021

Flu Vaccine Clinic

Flu Vaccine Clinic open to all Engineering Graduate Students
Purdue Graduate Student Center - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
September 23, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunch - September 23, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
August 26, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunch - August 26, 2021

Minority Engineering Lunches are an opportunity for BIPOC Graduate Students and Postdocs in Purdue Engineering to get to know one another and build community across the College. For 2021-2022, lunches will either be in a To-Go format or outside to maximize safety. Keep an eye on the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) Graduate student list-serv for dates and details!
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