2023 Design Expo

Event Date: April 27, 2023
Location: Purdue Armory
Contact Name: Cassie Vaughn
Contact Email: cassie@purdue.edu
Open To: Postdocs
Priority: No
School or Program: Graduate Program
College Calendar: Show
Undergraduate and Graduate Student teams are invited to showcase their research projects before a group of judges to receive prizes for their designs, the impact of their work, and their overall presentation abilities at this event. As we are in the process of planning, we would like to invite you to the Design Expo to judge some of the contestants!


Judges will be assigned a brief list (~5-10) of contestants from the list of around ~80 total and will be given a rubric to score each group. Please let us know if you are interested in helping out!

Visit the Design Expo website to learn more about the event! Applications opening soon!

If you are interested in helping judge, please email Cassie Vaughn at cassie@purdue.edu.