Undergraduate Rankings

Purdue's Undergraduates


Industrial Engineering
Undergraduate Program


Aerospace Engineering
Undergraduate Program


Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Program

Purdue Engineering undergraduate programs consistently rank high among their national peers. In the U.S. News & World Report survey “Best Engineering Schools 2024,” Purdue's College of Engineering ranked 6th nationally.

Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) graduate and undergraduate programs have consistently received first or second for more than a dozen years.

In the same rankings, six additional schools are in the top 10: Industrial Engineering (#2), Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (#3) Mechanical Engineering (#6), Civil Engineering (#4), Electrical Engineering (#8), and Computer Engineering (#7).

In May 2022, Purdue launched the nation's first comprehensive Semiconductor Degrees program—just one part of the College of Engineering's plan to educate the next generation of workforce leaders in semiconductors and microelectronics.

The College of Engineering is made up of 11 schools and two divisions: aeronautics and astronautics, agricultural and biological, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical and computer, engineering education, industrial, materials, mechanical, nuclear, construction engineering and management, and environmental and ecological engineering.

Also, the college houses programs such as Purdue Engineering Online, EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service), the Minority Engineering Program, the Women in Engineering Program, and Global Engineering Programs and Partnerships.