Women Empowered in STEM (weSTEM) Conference

Event Date: February 2, 2024
Hosted By: University of Illinois
Location: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Contact Name: Mashiat Hossain
Contact Email: westemattendees@gmail.com
Priority: No
School or Program: Graduate Program
College Calendar: Show
WeSTEM is a forum for graduate students (of all gender identities and backgrounds, but especially women and underrepresented groups) to inspire one another to become leaders in their fields and to fuel their motivation to pursue their graduate degree in tackling the technological challenges of today's society. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for prospective graduate students to network with current graduate community members to discover what Illinois has to offer.


•WHAT: Women Empowered in STEM (weSTEM) conference

•WHERE: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

•WHEN: February 2nd-3rd, 2024; Registration is due by December 2nd, and our funding application is due by November 24th!

•WHO: Graduate students in STEM

•DESCRIPTION: Every year GradSWE at Illinois invites a group of accomplished speakers (with graduate degrees in STEM) to share their experiences and insights with current graduate students. The conference will include panel discussions, breakout sessions, and networking time to facilitate one-on-one interactions with the speakers as well as other conference attendees. Get ready to be inspired to excel in your field, stay motivated to complete your degree, and grow passionate about the positive impact you can have on the world following a graduate degree in STEM! Financial support for housing and travel is available, see funding application for details.

•QUESTIONS? Contact Mashiat Hossain, weSTEM Attendee Relations Coordinator (westemattendees@gmail.com)