Exploring Equity-based Transferrable Skills Through an Inclusive Professional Framework

Event Date: April 28, 2022
Hosted By: Dr. Don Gillian-Daniel
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Contact Name: Andrea Ruiz
Contact Phone: (765) 496-0994
Contact Email: profdev@purdue.edu
Open To: Postdocs
Priority: No
School or Program: Graduate Program
College Calendar: Show
What would you say if I told you that there is a collection of foundational awareness, knowledge and skills that can promote more equitable interpersonal relationships… and that this foundational skill set can help you act more equitably across a range of professional roles you may hold?

As a result of attending this workshop, participants will: (a) Explore the Inclusive Professional Framework, developed by the NSF INCLUDES Aspire Alliance, as a tool for building equity at individual and organizational levels (b) Examine how social and cultural identity exploration are foundational to building more equitable interpersonal relationships (c) Apply this learning to different student-focused (e.g., teaching, advising and mentoring in research) and peer-focused (e.g., colleagueship and leadership) roles and (d) Reflect on the applicability of the session to their own current and future professional roles.

Presentation by Dr. Don Gillian-Daniel (U. Wis. Madison

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