Let's Talk Taxes

Event Date: March 8, 2022
Hosted By: Junia McDole
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Contact Name: Allison Loy
Contact Email: profdev@purdue.edu
Open To: Graduate Student and Postdocs
Priority: No
School or Program: Graduate Program
College Calendar: Show
An introduction to basic taxation concepts through the lens of paycheck deductions. You will learn about gross pay, net pay and standard paycheck withholding.

The event is hosted by Junia McDole. Junia is the inaugural Program Director for Boiler Financial Track. Boiler Financial Track was started in 2019 with a collaboration between Purdue Student Life and Purdue Federal Credit Union. Her previous experience in providing education and guidance to students and families regarding financial aid, financial wellness and the scholarship process made for a smooth transition to run Purdue’s official financial wellness program. She received her MBA through Purdue University global and has maintained membership with the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education and the National Financial Educators Council. She is passionate about providing students with the financial education they need to ensure a strong financial foundation that will last throughout their lives.

Register here: https://gspd.gosignmeup.com/public/Course/browse?courseid=3633