2024 Chorafas Foundation Award

Event Date: May 24, 2024
Contact Name: Brettley Ross
Contact Email: EngrResearch@purdue.edu
Priority: No
School or Program: Graduate Program
College Calendar: Show
Purdue University will nominate one PhD graduate student researcher for the 2024 Chorafas Foundation Award. The $10,000 award, made available by the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation, is intended as a prize for advanced studies and/or research during or shortly after graduation. The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation was founded in 1992 under the leadership of Prof. Dimitris N. Chorafas. The Foundation awards prizes to more than 20 universities each year to stimulate promising young researchers.


Applications are invited from eligible PhD students enrolled in any College at Purdue, must have been born after 5/31/1992, and must have graduated or be expected to graduate between May 31, 2023, and December 31, 2024. Candidates can only be nominated once.



  • Selection of a Purdue nominee will be a two-phase process. Students are invited to submit pre-proposals for the Chorafas Foundation Award by Friday, April 26, 2024.

  • A maximum of 5 finalists will be selected to submit a full nomination package. The deadline for submitting full nomination packets is Friday, May 24, 2024.

  • The cover page and all requirements and criteria for pre-proposals and final proposals are provided in the attachment.


All pre-proposals, regardless of students’ home College/Department, should be sent to the attention of Brettley Ross, College of Engineering, electronically as one PDF File emailed to EngrResearch@purdue.edu. Also, let Brettley know if you have any questions about the award procedures!