Comprehensive Semiconductors and Microelectronics Program

Chips are the New Oil and America is Spending Billions to Safeguard it's Supply

"Mung Chiang, president of Purdue University, [...] said Purdue has created a dedicated semiconductor program it hopes will award more than 1,000 certificates and degrees annually by 2030 in person and online."

The Wall Street Journal

"Differentiated technologies that address a growing diversity of applications will characterize the next wave of electronics. This next wave will be driven by creative engineers with a broad understanding of microelectronics from materials, devices, and circuits to systems, packaging, and qualification. I am delighted to see Purdue leading the way with the kind of comprehensive and innovative program that companies like SkyWater critically need."

Thomas Sonderman

Industry Endorsements

Applied Materials CMC Materials efabless Global Foundries Graphcore IBM Intel Lattice Semiconductor Marvell Nantero NVIDIA semi Semiconductor Industry Association Skywater Semiconductor Research Corporation Synopsys Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

Comprehensive Semiconductors and Microelectronics Program Degrees