Research Labs

Herrick Labs

Founded in 1957, Herrick Labs supports world-class research in HVAC and refrigeration; noise and vibration control; perception-based engineering; and engines and exhaust systems. Research is hosted in a $30 million LEED-GOLD certified building, which itself is a living lab for human-building interaction. Herrick Labs also hosts international conferences in compressor engineering, refrigeration and air conditioning, and high-performance buildings.

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Zucrow Labs

Established by jet propulsion pioneer Maurice J. Zucrow, Zucrow Labs is the largest academic propulsion lab in the world. Set on 24 acres next to the Purdue University Airport, facilities include labs for turbomachinery (jet engines and turbines); rocket engines and other high-pressure and supersonic combustion; propellant synthesis; and fluid dynamics. Zucrow researchers are in high demand at NASA, SpaceX, and other prominent industries and laboratories.

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Maha Labs

The largest academic hydraulics lab in the country is the Maha Fluid Power Research Center. From computer modeling of pumps and motors, to experimental verification on real-world equipment, every aspect of fluid power and motion control is explored at Maha. In their 15,000 square-foot off-campus facility, they've got room to work on big machinery like tractors and cranes, while also hosting unique diagnostic and testing equipment, a semi-anechoic chamber, and conference facilities for classes and group meetings.

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Researching at the Birck Nanotechnology CenterBirck Nanotechnology Center

Opening in 2005, Birck Nanotechnology Center houses 186,000 square feet of specialized laboratories, infrastructure, and office space. It has the largest academic cleanroom in the world, a 25,000 square foot ISO Class 3-4-5 nanofabrication cleanroom, contained in which is an ISO Class 6 pharmaceutical-grade biomolecular cleanroom that exchanges the air nine times a minute. More than 45 faculty and 200 graduate students, from numerous disciplines, conduct research at Birck.

More about Birck Nanotechnology Center...

Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (MMRL)

The Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (MMRL) at Purdue features state-of-the-art experimental facilities for physical domain manufacturing that will increase collaboration with industries and foundations, accelerate tech commercialization in manufacturing and attract top talent. As one of the first offshoots of Purdue's new eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO) initiative, MMRL focuses on manufacturing research and experimentation. Together MMRL and XMO are vital components of a renaissance in U.S. manufacturing, logistics and supply chains – part of our nation's fresh commitment to revitalizing its industrial legacy, by linking physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing into a resilient, sustainable ecosystem that ensures jobs and national security.

More about MMRL...

All ME Research Labs


Compressible Flow and Acoustics Lab (Carlo Scalo)
Thermoacoustics; fluid dynamic stability; compressible turbulence; high speed flow

Herrick Labs (Stuart Bolton, Patricia Davies, Charles Krousgrill, Yangfan Liu)
Acoustics; vibrations; noise


Tepole Lab (Adrian Buganza Tepole)
Computational approaches from applied mechanics and systems biology to advance translational medicine

Biotransport Phenomena Lab (Bumsoo Han)
Cell-fluid-matrix interactions; tumor-microenvironment-on-a-chip; 3D printing of hydrogel-based soft materials

Sticktronics Laboratory (Chi Hwan Lee)
Wearable, attachable, implantable, and bioresorbable electronics

Vlachos Research Group (Pavlos Vlachos)
Biomedical cardiovascular devices, measurement science and instrumentation, quantification of uncertainty


Goldenstein Group (Christopher Goldenstein)
Laser-based combustion sensing for energy, propulsion, defense

Gore Research Group (Jay Gore)
Combustion and radiation heat transfer with applications to pollutant reduction, efficiency enhancements, fire safety, and improved fundamental understanding of various combustion phenomenon

Applied Laser Spectroscopy Lab (Robert Lucht)
Laser diagnostics for flames and plasmas

McClain Team (Monique McClain)
Additive manufacturing of energetic materials

Advanced Diagnostics and Propulsion Research Laboratory (Terrence Meyer)
Laser and x-ray diagnostics of high-speed and reacting flows, and rotating detonation engines

Son Research Group (Steven Son)
Energetic materials: propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics

Computational Engineering  

Predictive Science Group (Ilias Bilionis)
Uncertainty quantification in complex engineering systems

Gomez Lab (Hector Gomez)
Computational mechanics; complex fluids; phase-field methods; biomechanics; tumor growth modeling

Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning Lab (Guang Lin)
Big data analysis; predictive modeling; uncertainty quantification; computational fluid dynamics; stochastic multiscale modeling

Koslowski Group (Marisol Koslowski)
Computational solid mechanics, multiscale modeling of materials, finite elements and phase field methods

Hierarchical Design and Characterization Lab (Ganesh Subbarayan)
Computational techniques for moving boundaries, discontinuities, and interfaces; modeling fracture in nano- and micro-scale electronic components


Design Engineering Lab at Purdue (Jitesh Panchal)
Complex systems engineering by self-organized virtual communities; analysis and design of socio-technical systems; Integrated design of products and materials; engineering design education

C Design Lab (Karthik Ramani)
3D design and collaboration; multi-touch interaction; shape understanding; novel fabrication; toy and game design

Fluid Mechanics  

Complex Flow Lab (Arezoo Ardekani)
Fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, microfluidics

Experimental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Lab (Jun Chen)
Advanced flow diagnostics; complex flow measurements; applied fluid mechanics

Transport: Modeling Numerics & Theory Lab (Ivan Christov)
Advanced mathematic modeling of flowing materials

Dabiri Research Group (Sadegh Dabiri)
Simulation of multiphase flows; cavitation and bubble dynamics; sprays and liquid atomization; heat transfer; mixing in supercritical conditions; solid particles transport in fluids

Maha Fluid Power Research Center (Lizhi Shang, Andrea Vacca)
Hydraulic powertrains; design of hydraulic pumps and motors; modeling fluid properties

High-Speed Compressor Research Lab (Nicole Key)
Blade row interactions on axial and centrifugal compressors

Purdue Experimental Turbine Aerothermal Laboratory (PETAL) (Guillermo Paniagua)
Advanced turbine aerodynamics and heat transfer technologies

Warsinger Water Lab (David Warsinger)
Water treatment, membranes, vapor harvesting

Heat Transfer  

Specere Lab (Thomas Beechem)
Thermophysics, spectroscopy, 2D materials, nanophotonics and polaritons

Cooling Technologies Research Center (Justin Weibel)
Microchannel heat transfer; thin-film transport; impingement cooling; surface engineering; thermal materials and interfaces

Marconnet Thermal and Energy Conversion Lab (Amy Marconnet)
Thermal transport and nanostructured materials

Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Lab (Issam Mudawar)
Heat transfer; electronic cooling; thermal management of aerospace systems

Energy and Transport Sciences Lab (Partha Mukherjee)
Mesoscale physics and stochastics pertaining to physicochemical and reactive transport phenomena coupling electrochemistry and electro-kinetics/statics, functional materials and manufacturing in clean energy

Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion Lab (Xiulin Ruan)
Thermal transport in nanomaterials; thermoelectric and solar cell nanomaterials

Semiconductor Packaging Laboratory (Tiwei Wei)
Electronic cooling and thermal packaging materials, advanced semiconductor interconnects and packaging

Xu Research Group (Xianfan Xu)
Nanoscale energy transport; nano-optics and laser-based nano-optical engineering

HVAC & Refrigeration  

Barta Research Group (Riley Barta)
Thermal systems, heat pumps, HVAC and refrigeration, refrigerant and lubricant properties

Center for High Performance Buildings (James Braun, Eckhard Groll, Davide Ziviani)
Building technology and systems; indoor environment and human perception; high performance equipment

Jain Research Lab (Neera Jain)
Dynamic modeling; control and optimization; thermodynamics

Kircher Research Group (Kevin Kircher)
Building electrification, distributing electrical loads, optimization, energy policy

Manufacturing & Materials  

Bansal Research Group (Shubhra Bansal)
Renewable energy materials, electro-optical-thermo-mechanical reliability, heterogeneous integration and advanced packaging

Laboratory for Advanced Multiscale Manufacturing (Martin Byung-Guk Jun)
Multiscale manufacturing; fabrication and development of fiber optic sensors and systems

Redesign Natural Materials for Energy, Water, Environment and Devices (Tian Li)
Naturally nanostructured materials; energy, water, and wearable technology

Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (Martin Jun, Mukerrem Cakmak, Ajay Malshe, Michael Sealy, Yung Shin, Luz Sotelo, Benxin Wu)
Manufacturing research and experimentation

Manufacturing Lab (Yung Shin)
Laser-based materials processing and manufacturing; control and automation; advanced machining

Zhao Lab (Fu Zhao)
Environment friendly design and life cycle engineering; bio-based materials in engineering

Mechanics & Vibration  

Programmable Structures Lab (Andres Arrieta)
Morphing structures; programmable materials; metamaterials and metastructures; nonlinear vibrations and energy harvesting

Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Lab (Shirley Dyke)
Infrastructure monitoring and simulation

Raman Lab (Arvind Raman)
Vibrations and nonlinear dynamics research; atomic force microscopy, micro/nanosystems, human biomechanics, and flexible electronics manufacturing

Structural Health Monitoring and Dynamics Lab (Fabio Semperlotti)
Structural health monitoring; wave propagation; dynamics of engineered materials

Wagner Research Group (Ryan Wagner)
Scanning probe microscopy, metrology, optomechanics, mass spectrometry, contact mechanics

Mechanics of Energy Materials (Kejie Zhao)
Mechanics of energy materials, such as Li-ion batteries; Deformation, stress, plasticity, fracture and mass transport; Multiscale modeling, first-principles, molecular dynamics simulations, and finite element modeling


Choi Lab (Jong Hyun Choi)
Biomolecular nanomanufacturing; DNA origami and self-assembly; nanoscale energy conversion

Plasmon-Assisted Nanomanufacturing Lab (Liang Pan)
Nano-scale lithography, imaging, and metrology for manufacturing; data storage; nanoscale energy conversion

Savran Research Group (Cagri Savran)
MEMS and nanotechnology for biology and medicine


RAAD Lab (Laura Blumenschein )
Growing robots, soft robotics, bioinspired systems, wearable robots, haptics

Multi-Scale Robotics and Automation Lab (David Cappelleri)
Microrobots; autonomous aerial vehicles

Bionic Interfaces Prototyping Lab (Alex Chortos)
Bio-inspired and mechanically adaptive electronics, multimaterial additive fabrication, soft actuators (artificial muscles), wearable actuators (haptics)

Bio-Robotics Lab (Xinyan Deng)
Biologically inspired robots

TRACE Lab (Yan Gu)
Legged locomotion, humanoid and quadrupedal robots, wearable robotics

Mahmoudian Lab (Nina Mahmoudian)
Autonomous vehicles and underwater robots

Yao Lab (Bin Yao)
Robotics; electro-hydraulics; manufacturing; automotive controls; piezo-actuators

Solid Mechanics  

Center for Particulate Products and Processes (Marcial Gonzalez, Aaron Morris, Carl Wassgren)
Particles and powder characterization; continuous solids processing pilot plant

Gonzalez Research Group (Marcial Gonzalez)
Computational mechanics; confined granular systems; manufacturing of particulate-based products; powder compaction; contact mechanics; predictive, multi-scale modeling

Mechanical Engineering Tribology Lab (Farshid Sadeghi)
Bearing rotor dynamics; fretting wear and fatigue; surface engineering and lubrication

Microstructure Testing and Analysis Lab (Thomas Siegmund)
Fracture and fatigue; material design; biomechanics; thin film mechanics

Systems, Measurement, & Controls  

Applied Optics Lab (Euiwon Bae)
Photonics, optical scattering, and spectroscopy in real-world applications, especially in biomedicine

Chiu Lab (George Chiu)
Mechatronics and dynamic systems for printing and imaging systems; motion and vibration perception and control

Shaver Lab (Greg Shaver)
Diesel engine systems and control; connected and automated tractor trailers; hybrid powertrains and energy storage systems; natural gas systems and control

XYZT Lab (Song Zhang)
High-speed 3D imaging; 3D video telepresence