Mentoring at Purdue ME

Read more about Jennifer's and Matthew's mentoring stories!

What is mentoring?

Mentoring offers Purdue ME students the chance to build one-on-one relationships with Purdue ME alumni, who have a variety of backgrounds and a wide range of experiences in industry. Through casual meetings over coffee, Zoom, email, or phone calls, mentorships help students grow both academically and professionally. It's one of the best ways to benefit from the experience of those who have gone before, and succeeded in Mechanical Engineering.

Get started today by filling out the Spring 2025 form or emailing Stephanie Winder:

Why participate?

  •    GROW: Build your resume, grow as a student, and stand out to employers
  •   LEARN: Learn from alumni, get tips for success, and more

Why be a mentor?

Support current Purdue ME undergraduate students with your insight, and share your experiences. Companies look for experiences like this! 71% of Fortune 500 companies offer mentorship programs.

You don't have to have all the answers, but here are some basic mentor expectations:

  •   Be available
  •   Provide direction

Details on our mentorship program (PDF)

Questions? Contact Stephanie Winder:

Why be a mentee?

Broaden your educational experience, utilize knowledge of experienced alumni, and develop as a professional. Gain knowledge from people who have participated in positions you are interested in. Find out how to present yourself through a well-designed resume and networking activities.

Successful relationships rely on your willingness to be prepared and ask questions. Here are some basic mentee expectations:

  •   Be prepared
  •   Be responsible
  •   Accept feedback
  •   Ask questions

How do you connect?

We ask that the majority of your interactions be face-to-face, Zoom, or a phone call. Email is acceptable, but shouldn't be the main form of communication. There are other great ways to connect too! Grab a coffee, go to lunch, or find common interests or activities. Be available and approachable, and you will be successful!


Fill out the Spring 2025 form or contact Stephanie Winder: