Long-Term Engineering Abroad Program (LEAP, aka Semester Exchange)
LEAPs are available for students who want to experience living abroad for an extended period of time. Purdue partners with universities around the world and a majority of the programs have no language requirement. The lists shown below are preferred locations identified by your engineering school to ensure your academic success. A full list of all exchange opportunities can be found on the Study Abroad website.

Select LEAP locations by School
Open to All College of Engineering Undergraduates
Delft University of Technology - Netherlands
ETH – Switzerland
GEARE Karlsruhe - Germany
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – China
KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stokholm – Sweden
Lancaster University - UK
Leibniz University Hannover - Germany
Massey University - New Zealand (run by IPIA, College of Ag)
Monash University - Australia
Monash University Malaysia - Malaysia
Nanyang Technological University – Singapore
National University of Singapore – Singapore
Osaka University - Japan
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Tec de Monterrey-Monterrey - Mexico
Tec de Monterrey-Queretaro - Mexico
Technical University of Braunschweig - Germany
Technical University of Denmark – Denmark
Tohoku University – Japan
Universidad de los Andes - Colombia
Universidad del Norte – Colombia
Universidad EAFIT – Colombia
Universitat Politècnica València – Spain
University College London – UK
University of Canterbury – New Zealand
University of Magdeburg – Germany
University of New South Wales – Australia
University of São Paulo - Brazil (run by IPIA, College of Ag)
University of Southampton – UK
University of Stuttgart - Germany
University of Sydney - Australia
University of Western Australia - Australia
Waseda University - Japan
Yonsei University - South Korea
School Specific
(Note: Students interested in completing courses while abroad from Purdue colleges or departments that are not listed above should discuss this with their study abroad advisor before applying to the program.)
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
ESTACA – France
National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
University of Queensland – Australia
Biomedical Engineering
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
Chemical Engineering
Bogazici University –Turkey
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Germany
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Civil Engineering
Bogazici University –Turkey
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Germany
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Construction Engineering & Managment
Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bogazici University –Turkey
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan
National Taiwan University - Taiwan
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Germany
Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China
University of Campinas (Unicamp) - Brazil
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Spain
Environmental & Ecological Engineering
Federal University of Vicosa – Brazil
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
Engineering Education
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Industrial Engineering
Bogazici University –Turkey
Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Spain
Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Engineering
University of Queensland – Australia
Materials Science Engineering
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
University of Queensland – Australia
Mechanical Engineering
Bogazici University –Turkey
ESTACA – France
National University of Ireland - Galway – Ireland
National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Germany
Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China
Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain
Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
University of Queensland – Australia
University of Tsukuba - Japan
Nuclear Engineering
University of Tsukuba - Japan
Course equivalencies curated by CLA (College of Liberal Arts)
If you find a course that you are interested in that is not listed in this database please email Kyle Everman, Study Abroad Specialist for CLA at keverman@purdue.edu with a course approval form, linked here.