Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (MMRL)

Leading the way in manufacturing research, experimentation, education, and workforce development

Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (MMRL)

The Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories (MMRL) at Purdue features state-of-the-art experimental facilities for physical domain manufacturing that will increase collaboration with industries and foundations, accelerate tech commercialization in manufacturing and attract top talent.

As one of the first offshoots of Purdue's new eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO) initiative, MMRL will focus on manufacturing research and experimentation. Together MMRL and XMO are vital components of a renaissance in U.S. manufacturing, logistics and supply chains – part of our nation's fresh commitment to revitalizing its industrial legacy, by linking physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing into a resilient, sustainable ecosystem that ensures jobs and national security.

Ajay Malshe, the R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and co-director of Purdue's new eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO) initiative, will serve as the inaugural director of MMRL. With its focus on manufacturing research and experimentation, MMRL represents one of the first offshoots of XMO.

MMRL initially brings together 10 Purdue faculty, especially young and emerging national leaders, from engineering disciplines, including the Schools of Mechanical, Materials, Industrial and Nuclear Engineering, with more to come.

In addition, MMRL will have a robust educational and workforce development component, helping to create interdisciplinary manufacturing-related professional Master's degrees, executive education programs and undergraduate minors and certificates. The aim is to increase Purdue's intellectual property portfolio around manufacturing science and engineering, industrial innovations and accelerate technology commercialization.

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