Purdue Lunabotics mines moon dust for NASA
Purdue University is forever linked with the Moon, with Boilermakers as the first and last men to walk on the Moon. Now, the next lunar robot may also come from West Lafayette! Purdue Lunabotics students are building autonomous mining robots as part of the NASA Lunabotics Challenge.
Tiwei Wei receives Intel's 2024 Rising Star Faculty Award
Each year, the Intel Rising Star Faculty Award program selects early-career academic researchers who are leading the advancements in technology research that demonstrate the potential to disrupt the semiconductor industry. Tiwei Wei, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has received the 2024 Intel Rising Star Faculty Award, recognizing his exceptional work in the field of advanced semiconductor packaging and chip/package level thermal management.
Cooling across cultures: the International Refrigeration and Compressor Course
With increasing global energy and environmental challenges, international collaborations on energy systems and educational programs are more vital than ever. To address these needs, Herrick Labs has hosted a unique cross-cultural learning experience, which includes graduate students from Purdue University, Oklahoma State University (OSU), Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden), and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA).
Speed of light: Purdue Solar Racing successfully completes cross-country rally
Imagine driving 1,500 miles — from Nashville to Wyoming — without ever needing to refuel or recharge. That’s exactly what the students of Purdue Solar Racing accomplished in 2024: designing, building, and racing a custom solar-powered vehicle, which completed the American Solar Challenge for the first time in two decades.
NASA visits Purdue to discuss extra-terrestrial habitats
Humans have always aspired to live among the stars — and Purdue University researchers are now working to make it happen. The Resilient Extra-Terrestrial Habitat institute (RETHi), a NASA-funded Space Technology Research Institute, explores how to make future space habitats resilient to disruptions and able to deal with complex situations autonomously.
Rube Goldberg Machine Contest shows the hilarious side of engineering
The Rube Goldberg Machine Contest comes back to Purdue with a bang in 2025! This contest, designing a machine to perform a simple task in the most convoluted and entertaining way, brings together engineers and artists to create the most whimsical contraptions.
Wind turbines are CO2 eliminators
RoboMaster: video games brought to life
Imagine a first-person shooter video game, but brought to life in an actual arena with projectile-firing robots built by students. That’s the idea behind RoboMaster, an international collegiate robotics competition where Purdue’s BoilerBot team is giving deserving nerds their moment in the spotlight.
Welcome our new faculty members
Purdue University Mechanical Engineering is proud to welcome new faculty members for the upcoming school year. As of January 2025, 94 tenure/tenure-track faculty will have appointments in the School of Mechanical Engineering, in addition to professors of practice, research professors, visiting professors, adjuncts, lecturers, courtesy professors, and emeritus professors.