The future of sustainable aviation: artificial intelligence for new clean propulsion models
As a leader in propulsion technology, Purdue University is always searching for innovative ways to make aviation more sustainable. Their latest initiative is TRANSDIFFUSE, a €10 million collaborative project which promises to revolutionize the field of turbomachinery through an innovative model based on artificial intelligence.
Learning table tennis with augmented reality
Table tennis has experienced a worldwide surge of popularity as a competitive sport. But finding qualified coaches to teach table tennis can be difficult, costly, and time-consuming. That’s why Purdue University researchers have developed a 3D augmented-reality table tennis instruction system, giving instant feedback to beginning players.
Batch design cuts excess energy consumption in reverse osmosis desalination by 82%
Pavlos Vlachos elected a Fellow of American Physical Society
Faces of Purdue Engineering: Olan Sodunke
Fluid mechanics to help model the brain fluids of astronauts
Maha Conference showcases the best in fluid power
The nation's largest academic hydraulics lab opened its doors this fall to welcome more than 250 researchers from around the world, as part of the 2024 International Maha Fluid Power Conference.