Welcome to the JAIN Research Lab

The Jain Research Lab is currently recruiting new PhD and MS students, as well as summer undergraduate researchers through the Purdue SURF program. Watch the video below to hear from Dr. Jain about our group!

Recent News

Ara Successfully Defends her M.S. Thesis!

June 18th, 2024

Ara Bolander successfully defends her M.S. Thesis. Congrats Ara!

JRL at IEEE ITherm 2024!

May, 2024

Demetrus, Pandu, and Prof. Jain participate in the IEEE ITherm 2024 Conference. Demetrius and Pandu are the runners up for the Best Poster Award in the System-Level Thermal Management Track. Congrats Demetrius and Pandu!

Ethan Successfully defends his M.S. Thesis

April 9th, 2024

Ethan Rabb successfully defends his M.S. Thesis. Congrats Ethan!

Jain Research Lab Showcases Research at RISE 2

March 30th, 2024

Jake, Madi, Michael, Sibi, and Prof. Jain showcase their human-machine interaction work at the second edition of the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Expo (RISE 2)!

Madi successfully completes her prelim!

March 25th, 2024

Madeleine Yuh successfully completes her preliminary exam. Congrats Madi!

Madi's and Trevor's papers are accepted to ACC 2024

January 15th, 2024

Madi's paper titled "Using Reward Shaping to Train Cognitive–based Control Policies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems" and Trevor's paper are accepted to the American Control Conference 2024.

Jianqi Ruan successfully defends his PhD thesis!

December 14th, 2023

Jianqi Ruan successfully defends his Ph.D. Thesis. Congratulations Jianqi!!

Congratulations to Jake Hunter for passing his preliminary exam!

December 4th, 2023

Jake Hunter presented his work for his preliminary exam. Congratulations Jake for passing!

Dr. Jain is receiving the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Outstanding Young Investigator Award

September 20th, 2023

Dr. Jain is receiving the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Outstanding Young Investigator Award for 2023. The award will be received at MECC 2023. Congratulations! Find more information here.

Welcome Demetrius, and Pandu to the lab!

August 15th, 2023

JRL welcomes Demetrius Gulewicz and Pandu Dewanatha to the lab! Demetrius and Pandu are both from Purdue University. Welcome!

Dr. Jain is a Co-principal investigator on two Department of Energy BENEFIT Awards

August 7th, 2023

Dr. Jain will be a Co-PI for the DOE's most recent Research Project on Thermal Energy Storage. The projects are lead by the University of Wisconsin and Copeland. Find more information here.

Good luck to Trevor and Uduak in their new roles!

August 15th, 2023

Trevor has joined PCKA and Uduak joined the University of Michigan Ann-Arbor. Congratulations to both of you!

Congratulations to the SURF and SIRI undergraduate researchers!

August 1st, 2023

Alex (SURF), Bao (SURF), Arghya (SURF), Matthew (SIRI) and Douglas (SIRI) completed their summer undergraduate research. Congratulations to Sibibalan for receiving the SURF graduate mentor award after being nominated by Alex. Everyone did a great job this summer!

Past and Current Funding Sources
