
The default setting for this page is to show Indianapolis and West Lafayette teams for Spring 2025. Use the filters below to help identify VIP teams and/or teams working on projects in a particular area of interest, applicable for ECE Senior Design, etc. Visit "Register for a Team" webpage for updated VIP subject code details.



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3D Printing Ceramics

3D Printing Ceramics - This team will conduct 3D printing of ceramics and metallic materials. The students will use the ceramic printer in the lab and/or the metal printer in the Purdue MMRL to manufacture functional components.
Indianapolis First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research 3D Printing Embedded Systems Energy Harvesting Firmware Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


A-Camera: Our team aims to invent next-generation cameras and visual sensors by designing novel optics, electronics, and computer vision algorithms.
West Lafayette Optics Signal Processing Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AAMED: Aero Astro MEDicine engineering

AAMED: This team will support skill development for students who are interested in space medicine, human performance, space biology, and astrobiology, with the parallel goal of producing meaningful engineering and scientific results in these fields.

West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Robotics Space Physiology Microfluidics Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

ABC-PV: Agri, Building, Car Integrated Solar Photovoltaics

ABC-PV: The survival of our planet depends on, among other things, the effective generation and use of renewable energy. In this project, we will explore experimentally and theoretically how solar modules can be integrated with cities, cars, building, agricultural land, to create a vast/vibrant energy resource for the humanity.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community CAD/CAM Computer Vision Micro-Controllers Plant Genetics Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

ACDA: Agricultural Crop Damage Assessment

ACDA: This team will design a rotary impact device to cause impact damage to agricultural crop materials then measure the degree of damage.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Fall 2025 

AERO: Aerodynamic research

AERO: Aerodynamic research team goal is to gain thorough knowledge of the state of the art in experimental aerodynamics research through publications and gain hardware skills for further discovery in an academic or industrial research laboratory.

West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Aerodynamics Data Acquisition Instrumentation Technical Writing Signal Processing Aerodynamics Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AI Omics: Omics and AI for Disease Biomarker Discovery

AI Omics: This team uses mass spectrometry-based proteomics, machine learning and data visualization strategies to discover disease biomarkers from biofluids for certain diseases
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Analytical Chemistry Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Biochemistry Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AI Racing

AI Racing: Systems integration for robotics in high speed environments and software development for high speed autonomous racing.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AI Use in Disaster Response

AI UDR: This team uses machine learning and deep learning techniques to analyze social media posts, including text and images, for disaster response tasks.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community AI Deep Learning Image Processing Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Fall 2025 

AI for Education

AI for Education: The AI in Education (AIE) team investigates the broad potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in education, ranging from AI chatbot tutor to adaptive learning systems, intelligent content creation, and automated assessment.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design AI Deep Learning Education Machine Learning Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AI-Thirst: Synthesizing Water Consumption Datasets in Computing

AI-Thirst: This team will synthesize facility-level water consumption data for computing facilities, with a focus on datacenters and semiconductor manufacturers, by using machine learning.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Fall 2025 

AIM: Artificial Intelligence in Music

AIM: Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Music Performers' training and practice. This project will investigate how AI technology could transform the work of future music performers for both individual practice and collaborative practice.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AI_Industrial IoT Implementation (AI IIOT)

AI IIoT: AI IIOT team will implement sensors and internet of things (IoT) solutions at local manufacturing companies for data collection, visualization, and AI-based predictive analytics.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

ARES: Autonomous Race-Engineering Systems

ARES: In ARES (Autonomous Race-Engineering Systems), we explore robotics, perception, controls, AI-ML methods, and adversarial racing strategies to develop solutions to address a variety of multi-disciplinary problems in high-speed. Autonomous Racing (AR) with real world applications across multiple modes and platforms.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community AI Autonomous Racing Business Controls Motorsports Physical AI Robotics Software Systems Transportation Fall 2025 

ASME PROST: ASME Prosthetics

ASME PROST: Work in small teams to create a unique and viable prosthetic hand using 3D-printing technology.

West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

ASOL: Adaptive Systems and OPtimization Lab

ASOL: Adaptive Systems and Optimization Lab will focus on advancing real-time state estimation, control, and optimization techniques by integrating systems engineering principles with cutting-edge machine learning methodologies.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Accessibility and Usability Research

Conduct accessibility and usability research and analyze research data to make web-based tools, specifically CATME, more accessible.
Faculty-led Research Fall 2019 Spring 2019 

Advanced Engineering Calculator

This team will work on developing a scientific calculator from scratch that will enhance the efficiency of how engineering students interact with calculators.
Design Instrumentation Software Design Fall 2020 Spring 2021 

Aerodynamic Design of Pikes Peak Vehicle

Pikes Peak racing is one of the most open aerdoynamic motorsports series. This project will design a vehicle for Pikes Peak racing. This is a design project with simulation testing but not fabrication.
Indianapolis Faculty-led Research VIP Global 3D Printing Aerodynamics Automotive Autonomous Racing CAD/CAM Design Fluid/Structure Interaction Aerodynamics Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Air Force Research Laboratory - Unmanned Aerial System (PURT-UAS)

PURT-UAS: Formerly AFRL-UAS is hands-on Unmanned Aerial Systems research at Purdue’s world class indoor motion capture environment, Hangar 4. Direct collaboration and support from AFRL (Air Force Research Labs) Aerospace Systems Directorate.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Student Competition Team Autonomous Systems Embedded Systems Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Alle IoT - Improving Battery Life in IoT Security Solutions

AlleIoT: The Allegion Improving Battery Life in IoT Security Solutions team (ALLE-IoT). In security/access control applications the preferred energy source is battery power. The ALLE-IoT team works to improve battery life by working on other sources besides the primary cell.
Indianapolis Industry Sponsored Embedded Systems Firmware Fluid Mechanics Fluid/Structure Interaction Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AutoIC: Automation and Intelligent Construction

AutoIC: This team leverages computer vision techniques (e.g., object detection, object localization, and object tracking) to support automation in engineering data analytics and construction operations using robots.

West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

AutoVeh: Autonomous Vehicles

AutoVeh: Experience real Autonomous Racing, the Autonomous Karting Series brings together students and industry professionals to push the boundaries of innovation and showcase the future of motorsports.
Indianapolis ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored VIP Global 3D Printing Automotive Autonomous Racing Autonomous Systems Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Automated Layered Materials and Structures Lab (LMSL)

This team works on nanomaterial research: working with Purdue’s LMSL to synthesize and characterize novel layered materials, such as 2D MXenes via the development of an automated laboratory environment.
Indianapolis ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored VIP Global 3D Printing Nanotechnology Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Autonomous Motorsports Purdue

AMP: Autonomous racing project including both software and hardware aspects, with emphasis on path planning, sensor fusion, and machine learning techniques.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Student Competition Team Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Automotive Autonomous Systems CAD/CAM Fall 2021 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


Purdue Baja Racing: This team designs, builds, and races a single-seat off-road buggy.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Student Competition Team Automotive CAD/CAM Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

BEFM: Biological and Environmental Fluid Mechanics

BEFM: The goal of this team is to use engineering to solve biological and environmental problems with fluid mechanics. This project will collaborate with a professor in the veterinary school by designing and fabricating an experimental setup to mimic the equine airway for measurement of particle transport in the pulmonary pathway.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community 3D Printing Aerodynamics Biomedical Data Acquisition Environmental Engineering Equine Fabrication Fluid Mechanics Fluid/Structure Interaction Instrumentation Materials Signal Processing Aerodynamics Physiology Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Bechtel IoT

Bechtel IoT: Research and Development in IoT and Edge Processing in the world of Industry 4.0
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Embedded Systems Machine Learning Safety Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Beyond 5G

Beyond 5G: In this VIP team, the students will lead the efforts of prototyping and evaluating various technologies that could be used in the next generation wireless communication systems.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Wireless Communication Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Bio-Inspired Digital Twins

Bio-inspired digital twins (BioTwins) - The team will continue previous work on bio-inspired designs of the morpho butterfly and snake skin to update functional designs, manufacture, and test bio-inspired structures.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Design Image Processing Manufacturing Spring 2021 

BioNanoTech - Assisting Nerves with Data Communication

The Biomedical Nanotechnology team will explore the use of nanotechnology to assist nerves with data communication in biomedical applications, such as vision restoration, cancer treatment, and nerve communication.
Indianapolis ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Biotechnology Nanotechnology Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


The Biotransport team uses machine-learning approaches and physical models to enhance biotransport for medical and pharmaceutical applications.
ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored CAD/CAM Manufacturing Microfluidics Fall 2024 

Build My Startup

This team provides opportunities for student entrepreneurs to work with experienced entrepreneurs and build the students’ startup companies.
Entrepreneurship Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 

CAST: Child Automated Speech-to-Text Team

CAST: The focus of this project is developing an automated speech-to-text program that works with young children (ages 3-5). The team will develop the algorithms for transcription and a functional interface that is user-friendly.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Signals Software Design Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

CVGM: Computer Vision and Generative Models

CVGM: Computer Vision and Generative Models team will investigate methods of generative artificial intelligence to produce images or videos based on inputs that may include text, image, video, or music. This team will define metrics that evaluate generative models' abilities and limitations to produce desired outputs.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Computer Vision Machine Learning Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Cage Design - Measuring Brain Activity

This team works to develop a flexible, acrylic, live animal (rat) caging system and wire tether support system to enable measurement of EEGs (brain electrical activity) during epileptic seizures.
Indianapolis ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Biomedical Biotechnology Nanotechnology Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


ChainVisor: analyzing the security posture of IoT device software. The ChainVisor uses cybersecurity tools to understand and study how IoT devices are made and how they can be hacked.
West Lafayette Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Computational Quantum Electromagnetics (CQEM)

CQEM: This team will support the development of large-scale quantum information preserving computational electromagnetics modeling methods to improve the design/optimization process of a wide range of quantum technologies.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Design Optimization Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Data Science for Smart Cities

Smart Cities: This project aims to conduct interdisciplinary research to develop data analytics tools using robotics and autonomous sensing.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Computer Vision Data Analytics Machine Learning Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Digital Forest Measurement

DFM: Digital Forest Measurements team will collect ground measurements, set up permanent plots, and compile existing ground and digital datasets for the ArborAmerica Walnut Thinning test plots near West Point, IN. This builds upon work that a previous student has already done on the sites.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Fall 2024 Spring 2025 This team maintains and develops a website to provide online access to hardware used in various ECE (and other) labs.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research PCB Design Website Development UX/UI Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 


We develop mobile and web-based digital health applications to improve health care operations so that community residents can maintain/improve their health outcomes and community-based care providers can plan their workforce in a more cost-benefit manner.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Industry Sponsored Behavior Sensing Data Analytics Visualization Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Fall 2024 

Earth History Visualization

EHV: This team will focus initially on making our planet's history easily accessible to both public and scientific audiences.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Data Mining Machine Learning Visualization Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Earth Remote Sensing with Signals of Opportunity

ERS: Design instrumentation and conduct field experiments to collect VVHF/P-band and S-band satellite signals.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Design Instrumentation Signals Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 

EdTechDev: Educational Technology Development

ETD: This team develops innovative tools to enhance online learning in engineering, focusing on AI-enhanced automated grading systems, interactive content delivery, and personalized assessments.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Data Mining Machine Learning Visualization Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Electric & Autonomous Vehicles

This course aims to create a collaborative learning environment in which students will learn, discuss, and practice various aspects of electric and autonomous vehicles. Through popular open-source projects and other activities in support of evGrand Prix, students will apply their knowledge and gain real-world experience specific to the industry.
Automotive Autonomous Systems Design Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 

Electric Land Speed Record Vehicle

Students will design a complete electric land speed record vehicle. It will be a multi-year design project involving testing and simulation but not fabrication.
Indianapolis ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research VIP Global 3D Printing Autonomous Racing CAD/CAM Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

FEMTA Suborbital Spaceflight Test

FEMTA team will design and develop the hardware and software for a microgravity experiment to be flown in space on a reusable suborbital vehicle.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Design Software Design Space Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 

Formula SAE

FSAE: This organization has the goal of designing, testing, and manufacturing a competitive racecar.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Student Competition Team Automotive CAD/CAM Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

GAINS: Game-Dev AI NPC Simulation

GAINS: This team uses Unreal Engine to develop AI-driven NPCs and interactive environments for use in simulating complex human behaviors and dynamics. Students will develop skills in NPC and environment/level scripting, perception, and interactivity through machine learning based NPC performance trials.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Behavior Sensing Simulation and Analysis Software Design Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

GE Robotics and Autonomous Systems

GE AI: Manufacturing robotics: This team will work with GE research to develop innovative technologies to improve the scalability, flexibility, and agility of manufacturing automation platform with robotic operations.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Manufacturing Robotics Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Hand Assessment - Post-stroke Therapy Measurement using Webcam/SmartPhone

This project aims to develop measurements using phone/webcam video capture to enable at-home assessment of hand function to determine the effectiveness of post-stroke therapy.

Indianapolis ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Biomedical Biotechnology Nanotechnology Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Image Based Mobile Phone Applications (APPS)

APPS: The students will develop mobile phone applications that capture images of the scene and extract information from them using tools such as machine learning.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Image Processing Machine Learning Software Design Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Imaging Processing and Analysis (IPA)

IPA: This team uses imaging based processing and analysis for a variety of research projects.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Image Processing Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Integrated Photonics and Applications (formerly QUIP)

Integrated Photonics: This team will use data from benchtop quantum optics experiments and EM simulations to design photonic integrated circuits for quantum networking
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Design Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Laser-Assisted Processing

LAP: This team is to perform research work in the laser-based manufacturing and materials processing area.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Laser Manufacturing Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


Lbot: The team will design, build, test and prepare an autonomous robot for a lunar mining competition sponsored by NASA.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Student Competition Team Autonomous Systems Manufacturing Software Design Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

MEP: GoKart

MEP eKart: In collaboration with the Minority Engineering Program (MEP), the GoKart team will design, build, and test go-karts for Purdue's Grand Prix competition.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Design Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Machine Learning in Motion (MLM)

MLM: This team uses machine learning to build a system that detects humans, shapes, and motion in 3D space, with the objective to create an interface that all can use in the realm of dance performance and choreography. This team will work with Purdue Division of Dance DANC 351 students to develop this new technology.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Market Failure in Legal Research

There are benefits and pitfalls to the current method of law journal publication when compared to traditional systems of peer review. The result is that scholars from historically underrepresented groups or from under-resourced schools are priced out of this market. Purdue students will engage in direct research to map out this market failure and will help propose and design possible solutions.
West Lafayette Fall 2023 Spring 2024 

Mechanical Testing Chamber for Cell

All cells in the body exist in a mechanically active environment. This team will design and build a sterile chamber that can be used to test different types of mechanical stress on various cell types.
Indianapolis First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Biomedical Design Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


Milestones teams allow first-year and sophomore students to gain skills and knowledge within the context of three different areas: 1) automotive; 2) autonomous systems; and 3) grand challenges. After completing the a semester of Milestones, students will be prepared to effectively contribute to VIP teams that align with their interests and goals.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community CAD/CAM Design Fall 2020 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 

NanoHUB: Growing Global Impact Data Analytics and Machine Learning

NanoHUB: NanoHUB has served millions of visitors with online lectures and tutorials and enables 18,000 users annually to run over a million simulations. We have gathered millions of historical data sets over the last 10 years and are leaders in the world of science gateways. Can we use these data sets and make the user experiences better and grow the number of users? Can we develop business models that could help sustain NanoHUB in the long run?
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Data Analytics Spring 2020 Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Operations Research (ORSOL)

ORSOL: Operations Research (ORSOL) This team will work with industrial stakeholders to build prototype analytical solutions.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Industry Sponsored Data Analytics Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

PDE-STH: Plant Disease Epidemiology Sensor Technology Hub

PDE-STH: Plant Disease Epidemiology Sensor Technology Hub team uses advanced sensor-based technologies to better characterize plant disease epidemics.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Biotechnology Nanotechnology Summer 2024 

PPML: Privacy-preserving Machine Learning

PPML: This team will build a prototype for privacy-preserving machine learning to perform inference computations on the GPU without revealing sensitive data.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


PetroML: Machine learning for accelerating the optimal solution of oil blending problem
West Lafayette Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 

Pharmaceutical research with the Eli Lilly and Company and Purdue University Research Alliance Center (Pharma with the LPRC)

Pharma with the LPRC: Students in this team will work on forefront pharmaceutical innovation questions aimed at advancing medicine and patient care to change lives around the world.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Pharma Therapeutics Biomaterials Microscopy Data Curation Neural Networks Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Posse: Securing Open-Source Software Ecosystem

Posse: The high-level goal of the team is to secure an open-source software ecosystem using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. There are three main thrusts (i.e., groups) in this project: static vulnerability analysis and CI best practices and hardening.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Computer Security Program Analysis Vulnerability Detection Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Pre-Trained Models in Deep Learning

Pre-Trained Models in Deep Learning: This team’s goal is to develop new measurements and techniques for working with pre-trained models.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Pytorch/Tensorflow Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Privacy-preserving Machine Learning (PPML)

PPML: PPML team will build a prototype for privacy preserving machine learning to perform inference computations on the GPU without revealing sensitive data.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored 

Program Analysis as a Service

This group works on integrating security education into programming courses. Specifically, we focus on developing frameworks and infrastructure to use existing security tools in the curriculum.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Cloud Computing Spring 2021 Summer 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 

Purdue Aerial Robotics Team (PART)

Purdue Aerial Robotics Team (PART): This team works with the IEEE chapter's PART committee to develop autonomous UAV platforms with computer vision and machine learning applications.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Student Competition Team Autonomous Systems Computer Vision Design Robotics Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Purdue Electric Racing

PER: This team will design, build, and tests electrical systems and power electronics for an electric vehicle.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Student Competition Team Automotive CAD/CAM Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Purdue Solar Racing (PSR)

PSR mixes aerodynamics with solar energy and mechanical design to build a solar powered car to race across America.
West Lafayette Spring 2023 


Python2TikZ: The team will develop open-source python code to convert figures into TikZ code for laTeX documents.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Fall 2025 

Quantum Algorithm Development

QuantAlgo: The team collaborates with IQPARC@Purdue and industry partners to create educational demonstrations and develop algorithms involving quantum information and science.
West Lafayette Data Visualization Optimization Quantum Computation Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 

Race to Zero (R2Z): Supply Chain of Critical Minerals Needed in the Energy Transition for a Sustainable Future

R2Z: Supply Chain of Critical Minerals Needed in the Energy Transition for a Sustainable Future: The energy transition, which is increasing demand for critical minerals and metals, is putting pressure on the mining sector. Key to managing the critical minerals supply gap is assessing the inherent risks and opportunities. To hit net-zero emissions globally by 2050 (Race-to-Zero), the energy industry will require six times more mineral inputs by 2040.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Industry Sponsored VIP Global Alternative Energy Construction Design Sustainability Visualization Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Railside Robotics

Railside Robotics: This team will work on developing autonomous combat robots that interact and react to changing settings in an arena.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Autonomous Systems Computer Vision Design Dynamic Sensing Simulation and Analysis Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

RoBoat: Autonomous Maritime Maneuvers (formerly NSWC AIMM)

RoBoat: The Naval Surface Warfare Center has developed an artificial intelligence maritime maneuvering challenge for six Indiana universities to compete with autonomous boats.
Indianapolis West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Autonomous Racing Marine Operations Mechatronics Robotics Systems Engineering Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


RoboMaster: This team will develop computer vision and artificial intelligent systems for the robots in RoboMaster Club.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Student Competition Team Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Computer Vision Design Robotics Spring 2020 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Robotic Exploration

The team will design, build and test a set of land and water-based robots to monitor the physico-chemical conditions of watersheds.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Robotics Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 

S3: Surgical Scene Segmentation

S3: Surgical Scene Segmentation goal is to develop a Graphic User Interface (GUI) and associated backend system that can automate and visualize semantic segmentation of intraoperative imaging in keyhole surgery.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Computer Vision Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

SMART MAT: Self-Sensing Materials and Structures

SMART MAT: This team will create and analyze smart materials capable of intrinsically assessing their condition.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Autonomous Systems Embedded Sensing Smart Materials Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

SWARMS: Multi-Agent Control Simulation Platform

SWARMS: Multi-Agent Control Simulation Platform: Creating a customizable drone swarm control and simulation platform utilizing the cloud.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Autonomous Systems Cloud Computing Design Simulation and Analysis Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 


Enhance the regex engineering tools relied on by millions of open-source software projects.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Data Analytics Data Mining Software Design Fall 2020 Spring 2021 


Semiconductors@Birck: This team will work on semiconductor materials and device fabrication and characterization at Birck Nanotechnology Center
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Semiconductors Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Sigstore (Project Rekor)

Software Supply Chain Transparency: this team will work with industry and open source partners to build software infrastructure to cryptographically verify provenance of software
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Cloud Computing Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Fall 2023 

Smart Water Use for Smart Cities

This team will work with researchers from CE, EEE, and IE to model and visualize industrial water use.
West Lafayette Faculty-led Research Data Analytics Sustainability Visualization Fall 2020 

SoCET - System on Chip Extension Technologies

SoCET: The SoCET team provides students with a comprehensive System on Chip design, fabrication and testing that is as similar to industry practice.
Indianapolis West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Design System on Chip Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Solar Sail

Solar sail is a technology to propel spacecrafts using the optical pressure from the sun. Two video cameras will monitor the shape of the sail to estimate the optical pressure and the acceleration.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Alternative Energy Design Space Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 

Space-Based LyoHUB/Pharma Mfg

LyoHUB/Pharma Mfg: Participants will leverage cutting-edge technologies like CAD, virtual reality, and advanced systems to develop models and new technology in order to advance pharmaceutical manufacturing, crucial for making medicines more efficiently and accessible.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Image Processing Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

SpaceLaw: Legal Issues in Manned Spaceflight

SpaceLaw: This project involves research into legal issues arising in connection with manned spaceflight activities, with a particular focus on lunar exploration.
West Lafayette Faculty-led Research Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 

Study Spot Availability Tracker

The Study Spot Availability Tracker team is working on project that will make finding study spots easier for students by allowing them to check the availability of study spots on campus in real time.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Fall 2021 Spring 2022 

TensorFlow Model Garden

This team's goal is to create a standard for worldwide machine learning model development. We are creating high-quality implementations of state-of-the-art machine learning models.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Software Design Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 

Tovar Team

Tovar Team: Machine learning-driven experimental design of thermoplastic starch film
Indianapolis First-Year Learning Community Industry Sponsored Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Embedded Systems Machine Learning Spring 2025 Fall 2025 


TracSat: This team will build and test various subsystems of nanosatellite and laser communications systems.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Urban Tree Canopy

Urban Tree Canopy: students will analyze urban tree canaopies using Google earth photos and machine learning to determine the health and growth of urban forests.
Indianapolis First-Year Learning Community Agriculture Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Sustainability Spring 2025 Fall 2025 
ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Faculty-led Research Industry Sponsored Biotechnology Nanotechnology 

Video Analytics for Understanding Animal Behavior

VAA: This team image and video processing to analyze animals in their habitat.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design Faculty-led Research Animal Science Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Behavior Sensing Computer Vision Image Processing Machine Learning Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

Visual and Data Analytics

Develop a visual analytic system based on sensor data using Javascript CSS and other front-end software development.
West Lafayette Faculty-led Research Software Design Fall 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Spring 2020 

WMS - EVKart: Daniels/IBE EVKart

WMS - EV GoKart: Work as a team to modify and optimize the Krannert/IBE EV Go Kart. Strategize marketing tactics and sponsorship opportunities. Participate in community outreach projects. Combining all to have a chance to win the EV Go Kart Race.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Industry Sponsored Student Competition Team Automotive Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS - IoT: Integration

WMS - IoT: Work with Laser Scanners, 3D Printers, and Virtual Reality to integrate technologies together to develop an end result.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS - MetaHorizon: Quest Pro

MWS-MetaHorizon: The project will entail building a new world in Horizon world that emulates a social space for students in Purdue to experience using VR headsets.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS - UAS: Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Certificated Remote Pilot

WMS - UAS: Learn the ins and outs to pass the FAA’s initial aeronautical knowledge exam: “Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG). Earn your certificate drone pilot license.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS EVKart Marketing

WMS EVKart Marketing: This team strategizes outreach and engagement opportunities for the EVKart project.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS EmpRet: WMS Employee Retention

WMS Employee Retention: This team will work with a global manufacturing company to develop a new employee retention system that includes digital Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) and other means of connecting relevant employee and demographic data.
West Lafayette ECE Senior Design First-Year Learning Community Industry Sponsored Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 

WMS French Knot

WMS French Knot: Students in this VIP course will discover the key principles of effective warehouse space utilization and process optimization in the context of a design and shipping company.
West Lafayette First-Year Learning Community Fall 2023 Spring 2024