Race Horse Airway

RHA:Race Horse Airway team goal is to experimentally replicate the racing horse airway to investigate particle induced suboptimal function.


Curtis Marshall


Detailed description

The goal of this team is to use engineering to solve problems in veterinarian science.  One project will experimentally replicate the aerodynamics of the breathing path for racing equine.  A wind tunnel will be built that matches design criteria. The airflow will be measured using instrumentation normally use aerodynamics.  Another project will use 3-D printing to replicate the tendon in the equine neck. Puncture forces will be measured using mechanical engineering instruments to improve the science of arthritis relief in equine. 

Area of Interest

Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid/Structure Interaction, Physiology, Equine, Environmental Engineering, Fabrication, 3D Printing, Biomedical, Materials, Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Data Acquisition