BEFM: Biological and Environmental Fluid Mechanics
BEFM: The goal of this team is to use engineering to solve biological and environmental problems with fluid mechanics. This project will collaborate with a professor in the veterinary school by designing and fabricating an experimental setup to mimic the equine airway for measurement of particle transport in the pulmonary pathway.
Detailed description
The goal of this team is to use engineering to solve biological and environmental problems with fluid mechanics. One project will experimentally replicate the aerodynamics of the breathing path for racing equine. A wind tunnel will be built that matches the physiological design criteria. The airflow will be measured using aerodynamic instrumentation.
Area of Interest
Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid/Structure Interaction, Physiology, Equine, Environmental Engineering, Fabrication, 3D Printing, Biomedical, Materials, Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Data Acquisition