Railside Robotics
Railside Robotics: This team will work on developing autonomous combat robots that interact and react to changing settings in an arena.
Railside Robotics builds and competes with small scale combat robots that fight one another in an arena. The goal of this course is to provide teams opportunities and skills to add autonomous capabilities to their robots. The inspiration of this project is that autonomous robots can react quicker than a human controller, and make use of other untapped capabilities of the electromechanical systems. Tools that will be used include a mixture of PLCs, sensors, and power electronics like batteries
Relevant Technologies:
- Autonomous Systems
- Computer Vision
- Dynamic Sensing
- Active participation in Railside Robotics is REQUIRED.
- No prerequisites required, but basic understanding of electronic systems, design principles, and PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) will be very useful for students to have.
Related Link: https://sites.google.com/view/railsiderobotics?usp= sharing&_ga=2.103834560.1341407278.1731597730 -1690316618.1693588378