AAMED: Aero Astro MEDicine engineering

AAMED: This team will support skill development for students who are interested in space medicine, human performance, space biology, and astrobiology, with the parallel goal of producing meaningful engineering and scientific results in these fields.


Detailed Description

This team will support students who are interested in space medicine, human performance, space biology, and astrobiologyAll of this is very important from the perspective of the 2024 NASEM Decadal that emphasizes bioregenerative life support for future space exploration.  Future opportunities in space medicine in the workforce have the capacity to grow, and this team will develop skills and knowledge for students who wish to pursue these opportunities, while producing meaningful engineering and scientific results. This team will have different sub-teams related to astronautics, space medicine, or space life supportPotential technologies researched could include robotics and microfluidics, among others. 


Relevant Technologies

  • space
  • robotics
  • microfluidics
  • physiology