ACDA: Agricultural Crop Damage Assessment

ACDA: This team will design a rotary impact device to cause impact damage to agricultural crop materials then measure the degree of damage.

Faculty Mentors:


The objective of this project is to measure the damage to agricultural crop materials due to impactDamage to grain, fruits, and vegetables during harvesting and post-harvest handling results in significant food and feed lossesTo aid in the design of handling systems to reduce this damage, systematic measurements of material damage must be madeIn this project, a rotary impact device and an apparatus for quantifying damage will be designed and builtMeasurements of impact damage will be made for a variety of crop materials and the resulting data will be analyzed.

Relevant Technologies:

  • Mechanical Design, including CAD
  • Electric Motor and Controller Selection
  • Image Processing

Pre-requisite knowledge/skills:

  • Experience with mechanical design, CAD, motor and controller selection, and image processing will be helpful.
  • Although not needed, processing of images using machine learning may be helpful.
  • Basic knowledge of data analysis, e.g., curve fitting and goodness-of-fit testing will be helpful.