This page contains all the video links for ECE301 taught by Prof. Wang. It was the official course webpage for spring 2021 and thus all the dates were referring to spring 2021, not the current semester.  However, the videos are still useful as backup videos for the current semester.
The videos are permanently maintained in Mediaspace (assuming Purdue continues to use Mediaspace).


Backup Video Links


Spring 2021 - ECE 301 Signals and Systems – Lecture Videos and Notes


Table of Content (quick links):

Week 1 (1/18-1/22)

Week 2 (1/25-1/29)

Week 3 (2/1-2/5)

Week 4 (2/8-2/12)

Week 5 (2/15-2/19)

Week 6 (2/22-2/26)

Week 7 (3/1-3/5)

Week 8 (3/8-3/12)

Week 9 (3/15-3/19)

Week 10 (3/22-3/26)

Week 11 (3/29-4/2)

Week 12 (4/5-4/9)

Week 13 (4/12-4/16)

Week 14 (4/19-4/23)

Week 15 (4/26-4/30)


Instruction #1: Please first download and print the skeleton of the lecture notes. Then click through the links to watch the video. It is important to have the printed lecture notes with you before watching the video.

Instruction #2: The full lecture notes are also available for download.  However, please use it only as reference.  It is much better to take notes WHILE you are watching the videos.  Directly print and use the full lecture notes would be counterproductive.


An extremely short summary of the weekly materials.


Week 1: Total video time: 100 minutes. Monday of Week 1 is the MLK day.

Video 1.1: PP001-004. (duration: 23:31) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 1.1.1: What are signals?

·        Topic 1.1.2: What are systems?

·        Topic 1.1.3: Basic types of systems.

Video 1.2: PP005-009. (duration: 26:00)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 1.2.1: Why study signals and systems?

·        Topic 1.2.2: The high-level scope of this course.

·        Topic 1.2.3: Definition of linear systems.

Video 1.3: PP010-013. (duration: 24:29)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 1.3.1: Why study linear systems?

·        Topic 1.3.2: More discussion on CT signals versus DT signals.

Video 1.4: PP013-016. (duration: 26:30) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 1.4.1: Energy and power of a signal.

·        Topic 1.4.2: The algebra of signals.

Reading scope: Sections 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.1.


Week 2: Total video time: 91 minutes.

Demo video of HW1Q2.1. New!
Demo video of HW1Q6: Skeleton of the question and full solution.
Demo video of HW1Q7.

Video 2.1: PP017-020. (duration: 21:25)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 2.1: Time transformation of a signal.

Video 2.2: PP020-023. (duration: 25:34) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 2.2: Period of a signal.

Video 2.3: PP024-026. (duration: 20:23) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 2.3: Even / odd signals.

Video 2.4: PP027-031. (duration: 24:42) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 2.4.1: Basic definition of complex exponential signals.

·        Topic 2.4.2: Illustration of complex exponential signals.


Reading scope: Sections 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3.


Week 3: Total video time: 78 minutes.

Demo video of HW2Q20. New!
Demo video of HW2Q22.
Demo video of HW2Q24.


Video 3.1: PP031-034. (duration: 21:02)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 3.1.1: CT harmonically related complex exponential signals.

·        Topic 3.1.2: DT complex exponential signals.

Video 3.2: PP035-039. (duration: 29:30)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 3.2.1: First main difference between CT and DT signals.

·        Topic 3.2.2: DT harmonically related complex exponential signals (second main difference between CT and DT signals).

·        Topic 3.2.3: Why are we interested in HRCEs?

For Video 3.3 (duration: 27:41), please go to this link and watch Video 1.4.1 there.

Reading scope: Sections 1.4.1.

MT1 coverage: PP001-039; plus Video Lecture 1.4.1 in this link

Because of the evening exam next week, the total video time of Week 3 is reduced, per Purdue’s policy that an equal amount of lecture time needs to be canceled for each evening exam.


Week 4: Total video time: 113 minutes. This is also the week of MT1.

Demo video of HW3Q25: Skeleton of the question and full solution.
F20MT1Q5 demo video, regarding the linearity and even/odd signals.
F19MT1Q2 demo video, regarding finding the cases of x[k]h[n-k] summation. New!

Video 4.1: PP040-045 (part 1: 40-42 duration: 27:23, and part 2: 43-45 duration: 21:44).  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 4.1.1: Definitions of CT (unit) step and (unit) impulse signals, respectively.

·        Topic 4.1.2: Properties of CT (unit) step/impulse signals.

Video 4.2: PP045-049. (duration: 26:49) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 4.2.1: Interconnection of systems.

·        Topic 4.2.2: Definition and examples of memoryless systems

·        Topic 4.2.3: Definition and examples of invertible systems

·         Topic 4.2.4: A problem of finding the inverse system of sliding-window averaging systems.

For Video 4.3 (duration: 26:50), please go to this link and watch Video 1.6.345 there.


Reading scope: Sections 1.4.2, 1.5, and 1.6.


Week 5: Total video time: 113 minutes.

Demo video of HW4Q39: Skeleton of the question and full solution.  The video also contains the demonstration how to find the inverse of a sliding-window averaging system.
HW4Q38 demo video.
HW4Q40 demo video.

Video 5.1: PP050-055 (part 1: 50-52 duration: 14:18, and part 2: 53-55 duration: 27:19).  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 5.1.1: DT-LTI systems and convolution sum.

·         Topic 5.1.2: An example with two different interpretations: A computational one and a conceptual one.

Video 5.2: PP056-059. (duration: 18:22) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 5.2.1: CT-LTI systems and convolution integral.

·         Topic 5.2.2: A brief introduction on step responses.

Video 5.3: PP060-063. (duration: 20:31)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 5.3: Properties of LTI systems and convolution sum/integral

Video 5.4: PP063-067. (duration: 32:09)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 5.4: Using the impulse response h(t)/h[n] of an LTI system for classification.


Reading scope: Sections 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.


Week 6: Total video time: 135 minutes.

Demo video of HW5Q48: Skeleton of the question and full solution. 
HW5Q44 demo 
video. New!
HW5Q49 demo 
video. New!

Video 6.1: PP068-071. (duration: 25:10) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 6.1: CT-LTI frequency response.

For Video 6.2 (duration: 16:44), please go to this link and watch Video 2.3.10 there.

Video 6.3: PP072-074. (duration: 31:31)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 6.3: Basic definition of CTFS and the derivation of the CTFS formula.

Video 6.4: PP075-077. (duration: 24:45) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 6.4: Method #1 of solving the CTFS problem – By inspection.

Video 6.5: PP078-081. (duration: 37:33) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes. Please also download and print the Fourier Series demonstration pdf.

·        Topic 6.5: Method #2 of solving the CTFS problem – By direct computation.

Reading scope: Sections 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.


Week 7: Total video time: 117 minutes.

Demo video of HW6Q54. New!

Demo video of HW6Q56.

Demo video of HW6Q57. Long version w. background info, short version w/o background info.

Demo video of HW6Q58. New!


Video 7.1: PP082-087. (duration: 28:53)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 7.1.1: Convergence of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.1.2: Why study the properties of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.1.3: Linearity of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.1.4: Time-shift property of CTFS.

Video 7.2: PP088-090. (duration: 12:19)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 7.2.1: Time-reversal property of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.2.2: Time-scaling property of CTFS.

Video 7.3: PP091-095. (duration: 37:23)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 7.3.1: Differentiation property of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.3.2: Multiplication property of CTFS.

·        Topic 7.3.3: Parseval’s relationship of CTFS.

For Video 7.4 (duration: 38:43), please go to this link and watch Video 3.6 there.

Reading scope: Sections 3.4, 3.5. and 3.6.

MT2 coverage: PP040-095; plus Video Lectures 1.6.345, 2.3.10, and 3.6 in this link


Week 8: Total video time: 71 minutes. This is also the week of MT2.

Because of the evening exam this week, the total video time of Week 8 is reduced, per Purdue’s policy that an equal amount of lecture time needs to be canceled for each evening exam.

Demo video of HW7Q62. New!

Demo video of HW7Q63.

Video 8.1: PP096-099. (duration: 19:38)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 8.1.1: Linearity of DTFS.

·        Topic 8.1.2: Time-shift property of DTFS.

·        Topic 8.1.3: Time-reversal property of DTFS.

·         Topic 8.1.4: Multiplication property of DTFS.

Video 8.2: PP100-102. (duration: 30:24)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 8.2.1: Difference property of DTFS.

·        Topic 8.2.2: Parseval’s relationship of DTFS.

Video 8.3: PP103-106. (duration: 21:24)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 8.3.1: Convolution property of CTFS.

·        Topic 8.3.2: Convolution property of DTFS.

Reading scope: Sections 3.7, and 3.8.


Week 9: Total video time: 128 minutes.

Demo video of HW8Q68.

Demo video of HW8Q69.

Demo video of HW8Q74: Skeleton of the question and full solution. 


Video 9.1: PP107-110. (duration: 22:08) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 9.1: Basic definition of CTFT.

Video 9.2: PP111-114. (duration: 28:30) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 9.2: Two examples about the sinc signal.

Video 9.3: PP115-119. (duration: 35:32) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 9.3: Generalized CTFT for periodic signals.

Video 9.4: PP120-123. (duration: 31:05) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 9.4.1: Linearity of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.2: Time-shift property of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.3: Frequency-shift property of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.4: Time-reversal property of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.5: Time-scaling property of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.6: Linearity of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.7: Differentiation property of CTFT.

·        Topic 9.4.8: Parseval’s relationship of CTFT.

Video 9.5: PP124-126. (duration: 10:22)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 9.5: Convolution property of CTFT.


Reading scope: Sections 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4.



Week 10: Total video time: 100 minutes.

Demo video of HW9Q75. New!

Demo video of HW9Q77.

Demo video of HW9Q78.

Demo video of HW9Q81. New!

Demo video of HW9Q82. New!

Demo video of HW9Q85: Skeleton of the question and full solution. 

Video 10.1: PP127-131. (duration: 34:43)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 10.1: Four different ways of using the convolution property of CTFT.

Video 10.2: PP132-134. (duration: 17:36) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 10.2: The multiplication property of CTFT.

Video 10.3: PP134-138. (duration: 24:29)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 10.3: A preview of the Amplitude Modulation (AM).

Video 10.4: PP138-142. (duration: 23:51) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 10.4.1: A computation example of the multiplication property.

·        Topic 10.4.2: Differential equations and CTFT.

·        Topic 10.4.3: Six important CTFT pairs.


Reading scope: Sections 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8.

This week’s video time on the short side, only 100 minutes. One reason is that a big topic (long video) is relegated to next week because of the continuity of the materials when we switch gears from Chapter 4 to Chapter 8. As you can see, the next week’s videos are really long (166 minutes).  It is highly recommended that you start watching Video 11.1 in Week 10 so that you can balance the load.


Week 11: Total video time: 166 minutes.

Demo video of HW10Q87. New!


Video 11.1: PP143-147. (duration: 38:59) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 11.1.1: AM modulation.

·        Topic 11.1.2: AM demodulation.

Video 11.2: PP148-151. (duration: 38:41) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 11.2.1: AM synchronous demodulation.

·        Topic 11.2.2: AM asynchronous demodulation (envelop detector).

Video 11.3: PP151-155. (duration: 33:43)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 11.3: AM Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).

Video 11.4: PP156-160. (duration: 37:54)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 11.4: AM Single Side Band (SSB) modulation and demodulation.

For Video 11.5, (duration: 16:43) please go to this link and watch Video 5.1 there.


Reading scope: Sections 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 5.0 and 5.1.


MT3 coverage: PP096-160; plus Video Lecture 5.1 in this link


Week 12: Total video time: 140 minutes. This is also the week of MT3.

Because of the evening exam this week, there is no video for the last week, Week 15, per Purdue’s policy that an equal amount of lecture time needs to be canceled for each evening exam.


Video 12.1: PP161-165. (duration: 33:10) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 12.1: Generalized DTFT.

Video 12.2: PP166-169. (duration: 23:23) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 12.2.1: Linearity of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.2: Time-shift property of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.3: Frequency-shift property of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.4: Time-reversal property of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.5: Difference-in-time property of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.6: Differentiation-in-frequency property of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.7: Parseval’s relationship of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.2.8: Convolution property of DTFT.

Video 12.3: PP169-173. (duration: 45:20)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 12.3: Multiplication property of DTFT.

Video 12.4: PP174-178. (duration: 38:24) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 12.4.1: Solving difference equations via DTFT.

·        Topic 12.4.2: Six important pairs of DTFT.

·        Topic 12.4.3: Duality among CTFS, DTFS, CTFT, and DTFT.


Reading scope: Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9.


Week 13: Total video time: 141 minutes.

Video 13.1: PP179-183. (duration: 33:01)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 13.1: Basic definitions of sampling and reconstruction.

Video 13.2: PP183-187. (duration: 34:51) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 13.2.1: Impulse train sampling and its optimal reconstruction.

·        Topic 13.2.2: Sampling theorem.

Video 13.3: PP188-191. (duration: 26:23) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 13.3: How to implement the ITS optimal reconstruction in practice – The sinc-based band-limited interpolation.

Video 13.4: PP191-194. (duration: 25:33) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 13.4.1: Reexamine ZOH.

·        Topic 13.4.2: Reexamine linear interpolation.

Video 13.5: PP194-197. (duration: 21:08) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 13.5: Aliasing.


Reading scope: Sections 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.


Week 14: Total video time: 150 minutes.

Demo video of HW14Q118.

Video 14.1: PP198-204. (duration: 25:44)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 14.1: Discrete-time signal processing of continuous-time signals.

Video 14.2: PP205-210. (duration: 42:28) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes, plus two supplemental documents (doc1, doc2).

·        Topic 14.2.1: An example on digital differentiator.

·        Topic 14.2.2: An example on half-sample delay.

Video 14.3: PP211-214. (duration: 13:25)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 14.3: Basic definitions of Z-transform.

Video 14.4: PP215-219. (duration: 27:50) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 14.4: Region of convergence.

Video 14.5: PP220-224. (duration: 21:22) Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 14.5.1: Connection between Z-transform and DTFT.

·        Topic 14.5.2: Inverse Z-transform.

Video 14.6: PP225-227. (duration: 20:09)  Lecture Notes: Skeleton of lecture notes and full lecture notes.

·        Topic 14.6.1: Zeros and poles of Z-transform.

·        Topic 14.6.2: Convolution in time = multiplication in the Z-domain. 

·        Topic 14.6.3: Very brief comparison between ECE438 and ECE440.

Reading scope: Sections 7.4, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5.7.


Week 15: Total video time: 0 minute.

You have gone through all the videos of ECE301. Congratulations!