High-Performance Buildings

Learn more about our High-Performance Buildings research

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Riley Barta
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ilias Bilionis
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
J. Stuart Bolton
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
James E. Braun
Herrick Professor of Engineering, and Director of the Center for High Performance Buildings


George T. C. Chiu
Assistant Dean for Global Engineering Programs, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
HLAB 1015, DUDL 2572


Patricia Davies
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Shirley J Dyke
Donald A. and Patricia A. Coates Professor of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering


Eckhard A. Groll
William E. and Florence E. Perry Head of Mechanical Engineering, and Reilly Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Neera Jain
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Kevin Kircher
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
HLAB 1022


Tian Li
Assistant Professor Of Mechanical Engineering
Yangfan Liu
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
ME 3061K, HLAB 1008


Amy Marconnet
Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Karthik Ramani
Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Educational Studies, College of Education (by courtesy)


David Warsinger
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
BRK 2266, HLAB 2030


Fu Zhao
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and EEE
Davide Ziviani
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Director of the Center for High Performance Buildings