Karthik Ramani
Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Educational Studies, College of Education (by courtesy)
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088
Office: ME 3176
- B.S. IIT Madras, '85
- M.S. Ohio State, '87
- Ph.D. Stanford, '91
Research Interests
- Human Skill and Augmentation
- Collaborative and Hybridized Intelligence
- Deep Learning of Shapes and Computer Vision
- Human-Robot-Machine Interactions
- Making to Manufacturing (M2M)
- Factory of the Future and Robotics
- Manufacturing Productivity
Fundamental Research Area(s)
Awards and Recognitions
- NSF Invited lecture: Makers-to-Manufacturing, Washington DC, VA, 2018
- NSF Invited Panelist: Research Needs in Machining and Machine Tools, DC, VA, 2018
- General Motors Distinguished Lecture, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, 2018
- NSF Invited lecture: Cyber Learning, Washington DC, VA, 2017
- NSF Invited lecture: Next Generation Smarter Service Systems, San Jose, CA, 2017
- Google Invited Lecture: Mountain View, CA, 2017
- Amazon Invited Lecture: Palo Alto, CA, 2017
- Lindbergh Distinguished Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2016
- Best of Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2016) Finalist (ZeroUI), 2016
- Highly Cited Author Award from Elsevier Computer-Aided Design Journal, 2015
- Distinguished Lecturer, Designing Disruptive Learning Technologies, NSF, 2014
- Research Excellence Award, ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Division, 2014
- Kos Ishii Toshiba Award, ASME, 2013
- Distance Educator Award, Purdue University, 2013
- Design for Manufacturing and Lifecycle Best Paper Award, 2013
- Purdue Innovators Hall of Fame, 2013
- Ruth and Joel Spira Award, Outstanding Contributions to the ME (two time awardee), 2012
- All Conference Best Paper Award, ASME IDETC, Computers and Information in Eng., 2011
- Donald W. Feddersen Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2010
- Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010
- Best Student Paper Award, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2010
- Three of the top ten most cited paper awards, Computer-Aided Design Journal, 2010
- Outstanding Commercialization Award for Purdue University Faculty, 2010
- Best Paper Award, ASME IDETC, Computers and Information in Eng./CAPPD, 2009
- Most Highly Cited paper in the Journal of Computer-Aided Design (Elsevier), 2006
- Most Highly Cited paper in the Journal of Computer-Aided Design (Elsevier), 2007
- Thomas French Award, The Ohio State University, 2007
- Purdue University, College of Engineering’s only Research Excellence Award, 2007
- Purdue Acorn Award, 2006
- Innovation of the Year Award, Techpoint, Indiana, 2006
- Discovery in Mechanical Engineering Award, 2005
- University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, 2002
- Society for Manufacturing Engineers, Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer, 1999
- Ruth and Joel Spira Award, Outstanding Contributions to ME Curriculum, Purdue University, 1997
- Faculty Study in Second Discipline Award, Purdue University, 1997
- Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1996
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1996
- National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award, 1993
- Dupont Young Faculty Award, 1992
- Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering Student Award, 1991
- Best Academic Record Award for Junior and Senior Year, IIT Madras, India (1984-85), 1985
Selected Publications
Yunbo Zhang, Wei Gao, Luis Paredes, Karthik Ramani: CardBoardiZer: Creatively Customize, Articulate and Fold 3D Mesh Models. CHI 2016: 897-907.
Ayan Sinha, David F. Gleich, Karthik Ramani: Deconvolving Feedback Loops in Recommender Systems. NIPS 2016: 3243-3251.
Ayan Sinha, Jing Bai, Karthik Ramani: Deep Learning 3D Shape Surfaces Using Geometry Images. ECCV (6) 2016: 223-240.
Min Liu, Yunbo Zhang, Jing Bai, Yuanzhi Cao, Jeffrey M. Alperovich, Karthik Ramani: WireFab: Mix-Dimensional Modeling and Fabrication for 3D Mesh Models. CHI 2017: 965-976.
C. Piya, Vinayak, S. Chandrasegaran, N. Elmqvist, K. Ramani. "Co-3Deator: A Team-First Collaborative 3D Design Ideation Tool," CHI 2017, 6581-6592.
Sang Ho Yoon, Ke Huo, Yunbo Zhang, Guiming Chen, Luis Paredes, Subramanian Chidambaram, Karthik Ramani: iSoft: A Customizable Soft Sensor with Real-time Continuous Contact and Stretching Sensing. UIST 2017: 665-678
Ayan Sinha, Asim Unmesh, Qixing Huang, Karthik Ramani: SurfNet: Generating 3D Shape Surfaces Using Deep Residual Networks. CVPR 2017: 791-800.
Chiho Choi, Sangpil Kim, Karthik Ramani, Learning Hand Articulations by Hallucinating Heat Distribution In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2017: 3123-3132.
Ke Huo, Yuanzhi Cao, Sang Ho Yoon, Zhuangying Xu, Guiming Chen, Karthik Ramani, Scenariot: Spatially Mapping Smart Things Within Augmented Reality Scenes, Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2018 : 219.
K Huo, T Wang, L Paredes, AM Villanueva, Y Cao, K Ramani, SynchronizAR: Instant Synchronization for Spontaneous and Spatial Collaborations in Augmented Reality, The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2018), 19-30.