J. Stuart Bolton
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Location: West Lafayette
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088
Office: HLAB 2002
- B.A.Sc. Toronto, '74
- M.Sc. Southampton, '76
- Ph.D. Southampton, '84
Research Interests
- Acoustics
- Active and passive noise control
- Sound field visualization
- Structural acoustics and wave propagation in structures
- Noise control material modeling
- Applied signal processing
Fundamental Research Area(s)
Selected Publications
Y.T. Cho, M.J. Roan and J.S. Bolton, “Dual surface beamforming and acoustical holography for sound field visualization in reverberant environments,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 223, In press, 17 journal pages, 2009.
Y.T. Cho, J.S. Bolton and M.J. Roan, “Acoustic source property prediction based on near-field measurements in planar coordinates,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 324, 587-607, 2009.
Y.T. Cho, M.J. Roan and J.S. Bolton, “A comparison of near-field beamforming and acoustical holography for sound source visualization,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 223, Issue: 4, 819-834, 2009.
M. Lee, S. Suh and J.S. Bolton, “Estimation of the combustion-related noise transfer matrix of a multi-cylinder diesel engine,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 20, Issue: 1, Article Number: 015106, 2009.
M. Lee, T. Yoo, J.S. Bolton, K. Yum and H. Ido, “Reduction of fan noise emission by enclosure modification,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 56, 4-15, 2008.
K.H. Yum, K.W. Hong and J.S. Bolton, “Influence of tire size and shape on sound radiation from a tire in the mid-frequency region,” Society of Automotive Engineers 2007 Transactions, Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, Vol. 116-6, 7 pages, 2008.
M. Lee and J.S. Bolton, “A one-step patch near-field acoustical holography procedure,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 122, 1662-1670, 2007.
Y.T. Cho, J.S. Bolton, H.S. Kwon and Y.J. Kim, “Holographic visualization of multi-component sources by using reference measurements only,” Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 55, 257-265, 2007.
M. Lee and J.S. Bolton, “Reconstruction of source distributions from sound pressures measured over discontinuous regions: Multipatch holography and interpolation,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 121, 2086-2096, 2007.
M. Lee and J.S. Bolton, “Source characterization of a subsonic jet by using near-field acoustical holography,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 121, 967-977, 2007.