Electrified Non-equilibrium Chemical Conversion and Manufacturing

Event Date: January 19, 2023
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Yiguang Ju Robert Porter Patterson Professor Princeton University
Seminar: Thursday, January 19th 10:00 AM ME 2054
Q&A Immediately Following at 11 AM
Electrified Non-equilibrium Chemical Conversion and Manufacturing
With the increasing concern on climate change and intermitency of renewable electricity, electrified chemical conversion and manufacturing will play a critical role in transiton from today’s “fossil fuel energy” to “electron energy” to meet net zero carbon emissions. Nonequilibrium plasma and transient heang using renewable electricity provide a promising soluton to enable efficient nonequilibrium chemical conversion and manufacturing with higher efficiency, better selectvity, and lower environmental impact by manipulang excited states of molecules and creang surface charges and new reacton pathways. However, the challenge is how to control plasma chemistry, instability and surface charge to understand the kinetc mechanisms in nonequilibrium manufacturing. In this seminar, we will present the nonequilibrium physics and chemistry of plasma aided chemical conversion and manufacturing, and introduce a new concept of plasma thermochemical instability. We will then discuss the recent progress in insitu laser diagnoscs for nonequilibrium plasma and the development of plasma chemistry models. These insights will be used to demonstrate the applicaons of nonequilibrium electrified processes for the control of new combuson regimes, low temperature chemical looping, green recycling of electrode materials, and ammonia synthesis.
Yiguang Ju is the Robert Porter Paerson Professor at Princeton University. He received his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 1986, and his PhD degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Tohoku University in 1994. He was appointed as an Assistant and Associate Professor at Tohoku University from 1995 to 1999, and as a ChangJiang Professor and the Director of Thermophysics Instute at Tsinghua University in 2000. He joined Princeton University in 2001. Ju’s research interest includes combuson, alternave fuels, propulsion, plasma chemistry, and energy materials for low carbon energy conversion and manufacturing. He has published more than 260 journal arcles. He is an ASME Fellow and an inaugural Fellow of the Combuson Instute. He served as the chair of US Secons of the Combuson Instute, Board of Director
of the Combuson Instute, the NASA rocket study commiee, and the NAS steering commiee for NASA decadal survey on biological and physical sciences research in space. He received the Bessel Research Award from von Humboldt Foundaon, NASA Director’s appreciaon award, the AIAA Propellants and Combuson award (2021), and the Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal from the Combuson Instute (2022).