President, Savu Incorporated “My decision to obtain a mechanical engineering degree stemmed from an interest in how things work, mathematics and science and was solidified by the interdisciplinary nature of the field. That choice has enabled me to work in diverse topical areas such as electronic packaging & cooling, MEMS and environmental sensors. In a global society, the ability to create jobs through continuous innovation is critical to our countryʼs future. Although I did not realize at the time, the engineering principles and problem solving techniques learned at Purdue would form a solid foundation for my entrepreneurial future. Thank you to the many mechanical engineering faculty who taught me, provided undergraduate research opportunities and took a personal interest in my future.” Currently Fries serves as Chief Operating Officer of Bioplex Technologies, Inc., a provider of mobile diagnostic devices, assay chemistries and kits, samplers, sample preparation equipment and analytical equipment. BTI provides real-time detection for emerging global health and environmental needs, with products targeting users in areas of limited infrastructure that require simple operative and deployment solutions. Carolyn began her career at Paradyne Corporation in Largo, Florida, where she was employed from 1990-1996 and 1997-2000 as a senior mechanical engineer and project manager. She was an active player in Paradyne earning its ISO 9001 certification. She also previously held positions as a mechanical engineer at AT&T, Inc. and Digital Lightwave, Inc. From 2001- 2007, Ms. Fries was vice president of Intelligent Micro Patterning, LLC in St. Petersburg, Florida, which manufactures equipment for developing micro-devices such as mini-circuit boards and sensors, with features as tiny as 1/20th the diameter of a human hair. Although no longer employed with IMP, she and her husband still have ownership interest in the company. Fries is an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and has served as session chair at two ASME International Congresses. Ms. Fries has received numerous special awards, honors, and patents; she has been featured in 2008 Florida High Tech Magazine as one of “Ten Faces of Technology”, assisted Intelligent Micro Patterning, LLC in achieving record profitability in 2005, and received U.S. Patent No 6,878,930 B1 “Ion and Charged Particle Source for Production of Thin Films” in 2005, with co-investors R. Willoughby and E. Sheehan. In addition, she has assumed the ranks of Topical Organizer and Session Chair for the ASME MEMS Division at the 2005 ASME International Congress, Co-Track Manager and Session Chair for the ASME International Congress Integration & Packaging of Micro/Nano/Electronic Systems Track 2004-2006, and is a member of the Rotary Club of St. Petersburg-Board from 2010 to 2012..