
April 16, 2024

Purdue-CORIA named global industrial technology center in partnership with Korea

Purdue University has been designated an overseas partnership institution for global technology cooperation by the Republic of Korea. The South Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced that Purdue is one of only five U.S. institutions named as a formal academic partner to foster and promote joint research and development opportunities in critical technology sectors. Martin Byung-Guk Jun will serve as director of the new center.
April 15, 2024

Helping robots find their sea legs

We've all seen those Internet videos of humanoid robots walking on balance beams and doing backflips. Those impressive feats are only possible because the environment is stationary — once the ground becomes unstable, so do the robots. However, Purdue University researchers are stepping in to teach these robots how to navigate the swaying deck of a boat or the uncertainty of a moving walkway, enabling their practical use in more real-world situations.
April 4, 2024

Let go of the thermostat: predictive heating control system demonstrates huge energy savings

Heat pumps are quickly overtaking traditional heating systems in American homes, as they are more efficient and environmentally friendly. But without a proper control system, they could spike your electricity bills. Purdue University researchers have demonstrated a novel predictive control system for heat pumps, which has the potential to reduce electricity usage by about 20% and save homeowners an average of $300 every year.
March 27, 2024

Flame control using electric fields

As a flame changes shape by the millisecond, its heat release and stability are affected. Galen King and Dustin Cruise have created patent-pending methods to dynamically manipulate a flame — from stable to oscillating to agitated — using electric fields and electrode configurations to control its heat release.
March 21, 2024

Cummins CEO Jennifer Rumsey reflects on her Purdue journey

In this episode of the official “This Is Purdue” podcast, we’re talking to Jennifer Rumsey, Chair and CEO of Cummins Inc. Jennifer discusses her experience as a Purdue mechanical engineering student and how that led her to four internships with Cummins during her Boilermaker journey. Her story is unique because not many people can say they interned for a company and later served in the most senior role — Chair and CEO — of that same company.
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