Starting in Fall 2024, Purdue University offers its world-renowned Mechanical Engineering degree, and a new Motorsports Engineering degree, entirely within the urban setting of Indianapolis!
Prototypes and patents: Purdue Engineers and IU Maurer Law students team up on innovations
The future of sustainable aviation: artificial intelligence for new clean propulsion models
Learning table tennis with augmented reality
Batch design cuts excess energy consumption in reverse osmosis desalination by 82%
Pavlos Vlachos elected a Fellow of American Physical Society
Faces of Purdue Engineering: Olan Sodunke
Fluid mechanics to help model the brain fluids of astronauts
Maha Conference showcases the best in fluid power
$7.3 million award to create new measurements and models for boiling heat transfer using machine learning
Purdue works with industry to teach 3D printing to high school students
Two Purdue Engineering students named Women in Defense Scholars
Seeing through metal with sound waves and X-rays