Approved Non-ME Technical Elective Courses
Below is a list of allowable non-ME courses for the ME Plan of Study. This list is not all-inclusive, so if you're interested in taking a course that you do not see below, please email, the course abbreviation/number/title for status.
All ME lecture-based courses are allowable to meet degree requirements, and will not show up on this list.
AAE 507 Principles of Dynamics
AAE 511 Intro to Fluid Mechanics
AAE 512 Computational Aerodynamics
AAE 514 Intermediate Aerodynamics
AAE 516 Computational Fluid Mechanics
AAE 518 Low-Gravity Fluid Dynamics
AAE 519 Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
AAE 520 Experimental Aerodynamics
AAE 521/AAE 590 Plasma Laboratory
AAE 523 Intro to Remote Sensing
AAE 532 Orbit Mechanics
AAE 534 Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
AAE 535 Propulsion Design, Build, Test
AAE 537 Hypersonic Propulsion
AAE 538 Air Breathing Propulsion
AAE 539 Adv Rocket Propulsion
AAE 545 Dynamic Behavior of Materials
AAE 548 Mechanical Behavior of Aerospace Materials
AAE 550 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
AAE 552 Nondestructive Eval of Structures
AAE 553 Elasticity in Aerospace Eng
AAE 554 Fatigue Struct & Materials
AAE 555 Mechanics of Composite Materials
AAE 556/ME 597 Aeroelasticity
AAE 558 Finite Element Methods in Aerospace Structures
AAE 560 Systems of Systems Modeling & Analysis
AAE 561 Intro to Convex Optimization
AAE 564 Systems Analysis & Synthesis
AAE 567 Intro to Applied Stochastic Processes
AAE 568/AAE 590 Applied Optimal Control & Estimation
AAE 575 Introduction to Satellite Navigation and Positioning
AAE 590 Aerospace Propulsion
AAE 590 Computational Combustion
AAE 590 Data Science in Mechanics of Materials
AAE 590 Des of Comp Mat & Struct
AAE 590 Mfg of Advanced Composite Materials
AAE 590 Molecular Gas Dynamics
AAE 590 Multi-Agent Autonomy & Control
AAE 590 Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flow
AAE 590/AAE 521 Plasma Laboratory
AAE 590 Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics
AAE 603 Theoretical Methods in Eng Sci I
AAE 604 Theoretical Methods in Eng Sci II
AAE 607 Variation Principles of Mechanics
AAE 624 Laminar-Turbulent Transition
AAE 626 Turbulence & Turbulence Modeling
AAE 632 Adv Orbital Dynamics
AAE 648 Modeling Damage & Strengthening Mechanics in Materials
AAE 654 Fracture Mechanics
AAE 666 Non Linear Dynamics, Systems & Controls
AAE 668 Hybrid System Theory & Applications
AAE 675 Adv Signals & Systems for Satellite Navigation
AAE 690 Liquid Propellant Chemistry & Applications
AAE 690/AAE 648 Modeling Damage & Strengthening Mechanics in Materials
AAE 690 Numerical Methods for High-Speed Flows
ABE 591/ME 535 Design and Modeling of Fluid Power Systems
ABE 591 Machine Learning & Vision for IoT
ABE 591 Microparticulates: Surface Interactions & Performance
ABE 591/BME 595 Polymeric Biomaterials
ABE 627 Colloidal Phenomena in Bioprocessing
AGRY 535 Boundary Layer Meteorology
BCHM 60501 Macromolecules
BIOL 595/CE 597/EEE 595 Indoor Air Quality
BIOL 595/BME 595 Neural Mechanisms of Health & Disease
BME 501 Biostatistics
BME 511 Biomedical Signal Processing
BME 515 Practical MRI & Applications
BME 544 Musculoskeletal Biology & Mechanics
BME 581/ECE 526/ME 597 Fundamentals of MEMS and Micro-Integrate
BME 595 Bio-Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems & Miomed Microsys
BME 595 Cell Tissue Mechanics
BME 595 Implantable Devices
BME 595/BIO 595 Neural Mechanisms of Health & Disease
BME 595/ABE 591 Polymeric Biomaterials
BME 595/CHE 521 Principles of Tissue Engineering
BME 595 Wearable Sensors in Healthcare
BME 646/ECE 695/ECE 60146 Deep Learning: Theory & Practice of Deep Neural Networks
BME 695 Deep Learning
BME 695/ECE 641 Model-Based Image & Signal Processing
BMS 598 Basic Bone Biology
CE 513 Lighting in Buildings
CE 51401/ME 597 Building Controls
CE 51501 Building Energy Audits
CE 52201/CE 597 Fundamentals of Building Info Modeling
CE 52202/CE 597 BIM in Construction
CE 544/CE 597 Subsurface Hydrology
CE 549 Computational Watershed Hydrology
CE 570 Adv Structural Mechanics
CE 573 Structural Dynamics
CE 579 Structural Stability
CE 595 Finite Elements in Elasticity
CE 595 Theory of Elasticity Review
CE 597 Architecture & BIM for High-Performance Buildings
CE 597 Biological Wastewater Treatment
CE 597 Design Principles and Practice of Drinking Water Systems
CE 597/CE 52201 Fundamentals of Building Info Modeling
CE 597/CE 52202 BIM in Construction
CE 597 Fundamentals of Nanomaterials and Nanotech
CE 597 Groundwater Cycle
CE 597/EEE 595/BIOL 595 Indoor Air Quality
CE 597 Intelligent Transportation Systems
CE 597 Nanomaterials for Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 597 Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics
CE 597/CE 544 Subsurface Hydrology
CE 597 Sustainable Bldg Design, Construction & Operation
CE 597 Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems
CE 631 Adv Concrete & Aggregate
CE 68901 Plasticity Theory
CE 697 Photochemical Reactors: Theory, Methods, Applications of Ultraviolet Radiation
CHE 521/BME 595 Principles of Tissue Engineering
CHE 523 Engineering Applications of Biological Molecules
CHE 540 Introductory Transport Phenomena
CHE 544 Structure & Physical Behavior of Polymer Systems
CHE 554 Smart Mfg in Process Industries
CHE 564/CHE 597 Organic Electronic Materials & Devices
CHE 597 Finite Element Analysis in Chemical Engineering
CHE 597 Intro to Energy Storage Systems
CHE 597/CHE 564 Organic Electronic Materials & Devices
CHE 610 Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics
CHE 621 Transport Phenomena II
CHE 632 Linear Operators in Engineering
CHE 633 Stochastic Methods in Chemical Engineering
CHE 668 Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena
CHE 697 St Instability & Trans Phen
CHM 538 Molecular Biotechnology
CHM 579 Molecular Modeling, Simulations & Machine Learning
CHM 620 Spectrochemical Instrumentation
CHM 638 Biophysical Chemistry
CHM 671 Advanced Physical Chemistry
CHM 673 Computation Quantum Chemistry
CHM 675 Chemical Kinetics
CHM 67605 Molecular Spectroscopy
CHM 682 Statistical Thermodynamics
CHM 696 Bio-Nanotechnology
CS 50023 Data Engineering I
CS 50024 Data Engineering II
CS 50025 Foundations of Decision Making
CS 501 Computing for Sci & Eng
CS 503 Operating Systems
CS 514 Numerical Methods
CS 515 Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 520 Computing Methods in Optimization
CS 525 Parallel Computing
CS 530 Intro to Scientific Visualization
CS 536 Data Communication & Computer Networks
CS 558 Intro to Robot Learning
CS 571 Artificial Intelligence
CS 573 Data Mining
CS 577 Natural Language Processing (3cr)
CS 578 Statistical Machine Learning
CS 580 Algorithm Design, Analysis, and Implementation
CS 590 Generative Methods in Computer Graphics
CS 590 Machine Learning Method for NLLP
CS 592 Modeling Digital & Real Humans
CS 592 Motion Planning
CS 593 Robotics
CS 615/MA 615 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
CS 635 Capturing & Rendering Real-World Scenes
CSCI 557 Image Processing/Computer Vision
ECE 50024/ECE 595/STAT 598 Machine Learning 1
ECE 50616 Physics and Manufacturing of Solar Cells
ECE 50631/ECE 595 Fundamentals of Current Flow
ECE 50632/ECE 595 Intro to Quantum Transport
ECE 50633/ECE 595 Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing
ECE 50836/ECE 595 Into to Data Mining
ECE 50863 Computer Network Systems
ECE 51012 Electromechanics
ECE 51018 Hybrid Electric Vehicles
ECE 51220 Applied Algorithms
ECE 513 Diffraction, Fourier Optics & Imaging
ECE 526/BME 581/ME 597 Fundamentals of MEMS and Micro-Integrate or BioMEMS
ECE 538 Digital Signal Processing I
ECE 544 Digital Communications
ECE 552 Intro to Lasers
ECE 559 MOS VLSI Design
ECE 563 Programming Parallel Machines
ECE 568 Embedded Systems
ECE 569 Introduction to Robotic Systems
ECE 570 Artificial Intelligence
ECE 577 Eng Aspects of Remote Sensing
ECE 580 Optimization Methods for Systems & Control
ECE 595 Advanced Imaging System Design
ECE 595 Advanced Software Engineering
ECE 595 Applied Quantum Computing I: Fundamentals
ECE 595 Applied Quantum Computing II: Hardware
ECE 595 Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm & Software
ECE 595/ECE 50633 Boltzmann Law: Physics to Computing
ECE 595 CMOS Analog IC Design
ECE 595 Computer Vision for Embedded Systems
ECE 595 Deep Learning for Computer Vision
ECE 595 Essentials of Transistors
ECE 595/ECE 50631 Fundamentals of Current Flow
ECE 595 Integrated Circuit/MEMBS Fab Lab
ECE 595/ECE 50836 Intro to Data Mining
ECE 595 Intro to Deep Learning
ECE 595 Intro to Quantum Sci & Tech
ECE 595/ECE 50632 Intro to Quantum Transport
ECE 595/ECE 50024/STAT 598 Machine Learning 1
ECE 595 Machine Learning II/Intro to Deep Learning
ECE 595 MRI Theory
ECE 595 Optical Imaging System Design
ECE 595 Reinforcement Learning
ECE 595 Semiconductor Fundamentals
ECE 595/STAT 598 Machine Learning I
ECE 600 Random Variables and Signals
ECE 60146/ECE 695/BME 646 Deep Learning: Theory & Practice of Deep Neural Networks
ECE 602 Lumped System Theory
ECE 604 Electromagnetic Field Theory
ECE 60421 Nanophotonics & Metamaterials
ECE 60422/ECE 695 Primer on RF Design
ECE 60423/ECE 695 RF System Design
ECE 606 Solid State Devices
ECE 60614 Reliability Physics of Nanoelectronic Devices (*cannot be used for PhD 600-level req.)
ECE 608 Computational Models and Methods
ECE 610 Energy Conversion
ECE 61010/ECE Time Domain Simulation & Optimization
ECE 61014 Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Component Design
ECE 61016 Power Electronic Converters and Systems
ECE 615 Nonlinear Optics
ECE 616 Ultrafast Optics
ECE 617 Antennas: Design & Application
ECE 629 Intro Neural Networks
ECE 637 Digital Image Processing I
ECE 641/BME 695 Model-Based Image & Signal Processing
ECE 647 Performance Modeling of Comp Comm Networks
ECE 661 Computer Vision
ECE 675 Intro to Analysis of Non-Linear Systems
ECE 680 Modern Automatic Control
ECE 695 Advanced IoT Design and Application
ECE 695/ECE 60146/BME 646 Deep Learning Theory & Practice of Deep Neural Networks
ECE 695 Fiber Optics Communications
ECE 695 Flex & Stretchable Electronics
ECE 695 Intro to Math for Systems & Control Theory
ECE 695 Large Scale Networks
ECE 695 ML in Bioinformatics & Healthcare (*cannot be used for PhD 600-level req.)
ECE 695/ECE 60422 Primer on RF Design
ECE 695 Optimization for Deep Learning
ECE 695 Quantum Detectors & Sensors
ECE 695/60423 RF System Design
ECE 695/ECE 61010 Time Domain Simulation & Optimization
EEE 530 Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Applications
EEE 595/CE 597/BIOL 595 Indoor Air Quality
EEE 695 Sustainable Mfg
HSCI 552 Introduction to Aerosol Sciences
IE 530 Quality Control
IE 533 Industrial Application of Statistics
IE 535 Linear Programming
IE 537 Discrete Optimization Models & Algorithms
IE 538 Nonlinear Optimization
IE 541 Nature-Inspired Computing
IE 545 Engineering Economic Analysis
IE 546 Economic Decisions in Engineering
IE 561 Intro to Convex Optimization
IE 566 Production Control Management
IE 570 Adv Mfg Processes
IE 574 Industrial Robotics & Flexible Assembly
IE 577/PSY 577 Human Factors in Engineering
IE 578/IE 590 Applied Ergonomics
IE 579 Design & Control of Prod & Mfg Systems
IE 580 Systems Simulation
IE 588 eWork and e-Service
IE 590/IE 578 Applied Ergonomics
IE 590 Assistive Technology
IE 590 Deep Learning in Machine Vision
IE 590 Design for Lean Six Sigma (DFLSS) – Black Belt
IE 590 Electrotechnical Robotic Systems
IE 590 Introduction to Optimization
IE 590 Machine Learning and its Applications
IE 590 Predictive Modeling
IE 659 Human Aspects in Computing
IE 690 Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
IE 690 Optimization, Game Theory & Uncertainity
IE 690 Reinforcement Learning & Control
IE 690 Sensing Approaches for HF Res (Human Factors Research)
IE 690 Stochastic Network Analysis
IE 690 System Dynamics
MA 504 Real Analysis
MA 519/STAT 519 Intro to Probability
MA 598 Intro to Mathematical Biology
MA 598 Math Neural Networks
MA 598 Math Theory Apps Deep Learning
MA 598 Topological Data Analysis
MA 692 Fast Matrix Method Data Science
MSE 502 Defects in Solids
MSE 508 Phase Transformation in Solids
MSE 510 Microstructural Characterization Techniques
MSE 512 Powder Processing
MSE 518 Failure Analysis
MSE 523 Physical Ceramics
MSE 524/MSE 597 Mechanical Behavior of Polymers
MSE 525 Structure-Property Relationships of Eng Polymers
MSE 527 Intro to Biomaterials
MSE 530 Materials Processing in Mfg
MSE 531 Quantitative Analysis of Microstructure
MSE 547 Intro to Surface Science
MSE 548 Deposition Processing of Thin Films and Coatings
MSE 550 Properties of Solids
MSE 555 Deformation Mechanics in Crystalline Solids
MSE 556 Fracture of Materials
MSE 562 Soft Materials
MSE 567 Polymer Synthesis
MSE 568/MSE 597 Additive Mfg of Materials
MSE 570 Intro to Materials Modeling & Informatics
MSE 577 Rechargeable Batteries
MSE 597/MSE 568 Additive Mfg of Materials
MSE 597 Characterization of Adv Composite Materials
MSE 597/MSE 577 Intro to Materials Sci of Rechargeable Batteries
MSE 597 Kinetics of Materials
MSE 597 Matter Extreme Env
MSE 597/MSE 524 Mechanical Behavior of Polymers
MSE 597 Modeling & Simulation of Materials
MSE 597 Solid State Materials
MSE 597 Steel & Aluminum: Processing Structure & Properties
MSE 597 Superalloys-High Temperature
MSE 600 Materials Eng Fundamentals
MSE 670 Atomistic View of Materials: Modeling & Simulation
NUCL 501 Nuclear Engineering Principles
NUCL 502 Nuclear Engineering Systems
NUCL 520 Radiation Effects and Reactor Materials
NUCL 570 Fuzzy Approaches in Eng
NUCL 575 Neural Computing Engr
NUCL 650 Thermal-Hydraulics for Nuclear Reactor Safety
NURS 692 Applied Statistics in Healthcare (*cannot be used for PhD 600-level req.)
PHYS 510 Physical Mechanics
PHYS 526 Physics of Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
PHYS 530 Electricity & Magnetism
PHYS 545 Solid State Physics
PHYS 550 Intro to Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 570 Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics
PHYS 570Q Stochastic Processes in Physics
PHYS 580 Computational Physics
PHYS 600 Methods of Theoretical Physics I
PHYS 601 Methods of Theoretical Physics II
PHYS 630 Advanced Theory of Electricity & Magnetism
PHYS 660 Quantum Mechanics I
PSY 577/IE 577 Human Factors in Engineering
STAT 511 Statistical Methods
STAT 512 Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 513 Statistical Quality Control (not applied math allowable)
STAT 514 Design of Experiments
STAT 516 Basic Probability & Applications
STAT 517 Statistical Inference
STAT 519/MA 519 Intro to Probability
STAT 522 Sampling & Survey Techniques
STAT 529 Applied Decision Theory & Bayesian Stat
STAT 545 Intro to Computational Statistics
STAT 598/ECE 50024/ECE 595 Machine Learning 1
STAT 598 Statistical Machine Learning
STAT 656 Bayesian Data Analysis
SYS 50000 Perspectives on Systems
SYS 51000 Tools and Methodologies for Designing Systems
SYS 53000 Practical Systems Thinking