Approved applied math courses for the ME Plan of Study

MS programs require a minimum of six credit hours of applied math courses. At least 3 credit hours must be a MA 50000 or 60000 level course, from the MATH department (cannot be an independent study course);  the other 3 credits may be from the list of approved applied math courses offered in other departments at Purdue, listed below.

D-PhD and PhD degree programs require a minimum of 9 credit hours of applied math courses, usually three courses. At least 6 credits must be MA 50000 or 60000 level courses from the MATH department (cannot be an independent study course); the other 3 credits can be from the list of approved applied math courses below. Math course credits taken during the MS may be included as PhD applied math courses.

These courses are approved for the non-MATH Department portion of the math requirement (they do not count as the direct math credits)

  • ME 53900 Introduction to Scientific Machine Learning (prior to Fall 2021, was ME 59700 Data Analytics for Scientists & Engineers)
  • ME 58000 Nonlinear Engineering Systems
  • ME 58100 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
  • ME 59700 Data Analytics for Scientists and Engineers (after Fall 2021, has been renamed to ME 539 Introduction to Scientific Machine Learning)
  • ME 60800 Numerical Methods in Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer
  • ME 61200 Continuum Mechanics
  • ME 61400 Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • ME 68100 Finite & Boundary Element Methods
  • AAE 51200 Computational Aerodynamics
  • AAE 51600 Computational Fluid Mechanics
  • AAE 55300 Elasticity in Aerospace Engineering
  • AAE 55800 Finite Element Methods in Aerospace Structures
  • AAE 56400 Systems Analysis & Synthesis
  • AAE 60300 Theoretical Methods in Engineering Science I
  • AAE 60400 Theoretical Methods in Engineering Science II
  • CE 59500 Finite Elements in Elasticity
  • CS 51400 Numerical Methods
  • CS 51500 Numerical Linear Algebra
  • CS 57700 Natural Language Processing
  • CS 57800 Statistical Machine Learning
  • CS 61500 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations I
  • ECE 50024/STAT 59800 Machine Learning I
  • ECE 58000 Optimization Methods for Systems and Control
  • ECE 60000 Random Variables and Signals
  • ECE 60200 Lumped System Theory
  • IE 54500 Engineering Economic Analysis
  • IE 54600 Economic Decisions in Engineering
  • IE 69000 Stochastic Network Analysis
  • STAT 51100 Statistical Methods
  • STAT 51200 Applied Regression Analysis
  • STAT 51400 Design of Experiments
  • STAT 51600 Basic Probability & Applications
  • STAT 51900 Intro to Probability
  • STAT 52200 Sampling & Survey Techniques
  • STAT 59800/ECE 50024 Machine Learning I
  • PHYS 570Q Stochastic Processes in Physics
  • PHYS 60000 Methods of Theoretical Physics I
  • PHYS 60100 Methods of Theoretical Physics II

These courses are NOT allowed on the Plan of Study to satisfy the Math requirement:

  • ME 56200 Kinematics
  • ME 57900 Fourier Methods in Digital Signal Processing
  • MA 58000 History of Mathematics (not allowed on POS at all)
  • MSE 69700 Atomistic view of materials: Modeling & Simulations
  • STAT 50100 Experimental Statistics I
  • STAT 51300 Statistical Quality Control


ME Graduate Office
516 Northwestern Ave. (4th floor of Wang Hall)
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 494-5730
Virtual office hours available every Tues/Wed/Thurs