24th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education
Workshop Presenter Information
Information for workshop organizers and presenters
- Your workshop session will be conducted in a Zoom meeting room. We will assign the designated organizers as co-hosts of the session. Please contact Rhonda Haan (rhaan@purdue.edu) by 11/5 to identify the persons who should be assigned co-hosts.
- You will have access to your Zoom room 10 minutes before the start of your session.
- As the workshop organizer, you will be responsible to conduct the workshop. As with paper presentation sessions, live presentations are assumed, where presenters share their screen and audio during presentation. You are welcome to coordinate with presenters in your sessions if other format will be used. Please contact Rhonda Haan (rhaan@purdue.edu) if you are planning to run your workshop in different format by 11/5.
- If needed, please feel free to schedule a test run of your workshop in a Zoom room with Brian Barrett (barret71@purdue.edu).
- We recommend the organizers keep backup copies of the presentations used in your workshop in case any presenter experiences video connection issues.
- We will have a staff member at your session to provide technical support for your session. The person will have “(Tech Assistant)” next to their name.