A Contemporary Approach to Modeling Existing Gas Turbine Engines

Event Date: March 20, 2024
Speaker: Ian Halliwell
Time: 10:30AM-12:00PM
Location: Chaffee Auditorium
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Ian Halliwell, Principal Engineer


Bio: Dr. Ian Halliwel has enjoyed teaching from an industrial base for 38 years of his 48-year career, which was spent at Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney Canada and GE, as well as three smaller gas turbine engine businesses. His experience, primarily as a Principal Engineer, covers compressor & turbine aerodynamics, preliminary design of complete engine systems, development of design methods, gas turbine performance, and research into and design of unique vaneless counter-rotating engine configurations. In semi-retirement since 2015, he continues to write, teach and carry out consultancy work. Ian's teaching activities began with a 60-hour course on gas turbine fundamentals as part of the GE after-hours program in 1986, a class he presented annually for six years. He continued with An Introduction to Preliminary Engine Design, a course given at the NASA Glenn Research Center for several years in the 1990s. During that period and beyond, there were numerous opportunities for lectures and tutorials on propulsion at various universities in the USA, as well as tutorials and short courses at ASME and AIAA conferences. He also taught propulsion courses in the Aerospace Engineering Department at Ohio State University in 2006 & 2007.  Dr. Halliwell developed and organized the AIAA International Engine Design Competition for Undergraduate Teams from 2004 to 2023, an endeavor that led to extensive interaction and discussions with both students and faculty in many countries. In 2018, he co-authored the book Propulsion and Power: An Exploration of Gas Turbine Performance Modeling with Dr. Joachim Kurzke.

Abstract: "A Contemporary Approach to Modeling Existing Gas Turbine Engines" examines how existing gas turbine engines can be modeled simply but with sufficient accuracy to enable their behavior and performance to be estimated not only at a selected design point but also over an extended range of off-design operations.