Engineering, Simulation, and Sustainability at Cummins

Event Date: December 2, 2021
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Robert D. Sharp, Executive Director, Simulation Based Product Development Cummins, Inc.
Thursday, Dec em her 2, 2021 
4:30 PM- Lecture followed by Social 
https ://purd ue-ed u.zoom. us/j/97802841462
Engineering, Simulation, and Sustainability at Cummins 
Cummins is a Fortune 150-ranked, Indiana-based company, focused on powering our custom­ers' success and creating the power solutions that the world depends on. We supply internal combustion engines & powertrains, zero-emissions powertrains, power generation equipment, and associated components and have a long legacy of engineering innovation and dependability into our products. There are many meaningful opportunities in our future to deliver power for our customers in a sustainable way -- This lecture will educate the audience on these aspects as well as how engineering students can use tools like Simulation to be a part of solving the world's energy problems - delivering both the power needed and achieving climate goals. 
Bob Sharpe is the Executive Director of Simulation Based Product Development for Cummins, Inc. leading the global deployment of advanced product development processes. He's been with the company for over 20 years and has a broad range of experiences in engineering analy­sis, product development, and strategic planning. 
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological Univer­sity, as well as a Master's degree in Engineering from Purdue, and a MBA from Indiana Univer­sity. He resides in Southern Indiana with his wife Sarah and their children.