Tiwei Wei

Tiwei Wei

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Office: BRK 2044

Phone: 650-505-6084


  • Postdoc. Stanford University, '22
  • Ph.D. IMEC & KU Leuven, '20
  • Researcher: Tsinghua University, '14; HKUST, '15
  • M.S. Joint CQUPT and Tsinghua University, '12

Research Interests

  • Heat Transfer in Advanced Semiconductor Interconnects & Packaging
  • Electronic Cooling & Efficient Thermal Packaging Materials
  • Thermal/Mechanical Simulation & Characterization
  • Materials, Processing & Architecture Development for Semiconductor Packaging
  • MEMS Fabrication for Extreme Heat Flux Microfluidic Cooling
  • Advanced Semiconductor Nanoscale 3D Interconnections
  • Novel Photonics & Quantum Packaging Technologies
  • Reliability Modeling & Characterization

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2024 Intel Rising Star Faculty Award
  • IEEE Senior Member, 2024
  • IMEC Ph.D. Excellence Award (3/200), 2020
  • IEEE EPS / ECTC Student Travel Award, 2019, 2024
  • IEEE REPP Best Student Presentation Award, 2022
  • IEEE ICEPT Outstanding Paper Award, 2013
  • General Chair (2024), Technical Program Chair (2023) and Session Chair (2022) for IEEE EPS REPP (Reliability for Electronics and Photonics Packaging).
  • Founder and Chair of IEEE EPS Central Indiana chapter, 2022-now
  • Vice Chair and Executive Committee for the IEEE-EPS Silicon Valley Area Chapter, 2019-2022
  • Track Chair at ASME K-16's Summer Heat Transfer Conference in 2023 and 2024
  • Track Co-Chair for Interactive Presentations session at ASME InterPACK 2023 and 2024.
  • Track Co-Chair for “MECHANICS AND RELIABILITY” at IEEE ITherm 2025

Selected Publications

Wei, T. W.*, Oprins, H., et al., Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations for Direct on-Chip Microscale jet impingement Cooling with Alternating Feeding and Draining Jets, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf, 2021, Volume 182, 121865.

Wei, T. W.*, All-in-one design integrates microfluidic cooling into electronic chips, Nature, News and Views, 585, 188-189 (2020) doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-02503-1. (Invited)

Wei, T. W.*, Oprins, H., Cherman, V., Qian, J., De Wolf, I., Beyne, E., & Baelmans, M. (2018). High-Efficiency Polymer-Based Direct Multi-Jet Impingement Cooling Solution for High-Power Devices. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(7), 6601-6612.

Wei, T. W.*, Oprins, H., Cherman, V., Van der Plas, G., De Wolf, I., Beyne, E., & Baelmans, M. (2017, December). High efficiency direct liquid jet impingement cooling of high-power devices using a 3D-shaped polymer cooler. In 2017 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 32-5). IEEE.

Wei, T. W.*, Oprins, H., Beyne, E., & Baelmans, M. (2019, May). First Demonstration of a Low Cost/Customizable Chip Level 3D Printed Microjet Hotspot-Targeted Cooler for High Power Applications. In 2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) (pp. 126-134). IEEE.

Wei, T. W., Lin, Z., Asheghi, M., & Goodson, K. E*., “Micro-channel Cooling Technique to Minimize Thermal Deformation of the X-ray and High-power Laser Optics”, International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) 2022.

Wei, T. W., Qiu X., Lo J C C, Ricky L.*. Wafer level bumping technology for high voltage LED packaging[C]//2015 10th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT). IEEE, 2015: 54-57.

Wei, T. W., Cai J.*, et al. Performance and reliability study of TGV interposer in 3D integration[C]//2014 IEEE 16th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC). IEEE, 2014: pp. 601-605.

Wei, T. W., Wang, Q., Liu, Z., Li, Y., Wang, D., Wang, T., & Cai, J*. (2012, December). A 3D integration testing vehicle with TSV interconnects. In 2012 14th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging (EMAP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Wei, T. W., Cai J.*, Wang Q., et al. Copper filling process for small diameter, high aspect ratio through silicon via (TSV)[C]//2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging. IEEE, 2012: 483-487. (Outstanding Paper Award)