Arvind Raman
John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering, Robert V. Adams Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Materials Engineering (by Courtesy)
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088
Office: ARMS 3009
- B.Tech. Indian Inst. of Technology-Delhi, '91
- M.S.M.E. Purdue, '94
- Ph.D. California-Berkeley, '99
Research Interests
- Nonlinear dynamics, vibrations, fluid-structure interactions, and applications to:
- Atomic force microscopy
- Human biomechanics
- Roll-to-Roll flexible electronics and nanomanufacturing
Fundamental Research Area(s)
Awards and Recognitions
- Robert V. Adams Named Chair 2013
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2012
- ASME Gustus Larson Memorial Award 2011
- Plenary speaker, NSF-CMMI grantees meeting, Atlanta 2011
- Keeley Fellow, Wadham College, University of Oxford, UK 2010
- University Faculty Scholar 2008-2012
- B. F. S Schaefer Faculty Fellow 2006-2008
- College of Engineering Young Researcher Excellence Award 2005
- Discovery in Mechanical Engineering Award, Purdue University 2003
- NSF Early Career Development (CAREER) Award 2002-2007
- Purdue Teaching for Tomorrow Award 2002
Selected Publications
M. J. Cadena, Y. Chen, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Sub-surface AFM imaging using tip generated stress and electric fields”, Applied Physics Letters, 110 (12), 2017.
JR Chagdes, S Rietdyk, JM Haddad, HN Zelaznik, ME Cinelli, L. T. Denomme, K. C. Powers, A. Raman,, “Limit cycle oscillations in standing human posture”, Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (7), 1170, 2016.
A. X. Cartagena-Rivera, W-H. Wang, R. L. Geahlen, and A. Raman, “Fast, multi-frequency, and quantitative nanomechanical mapping of live cells using the atomic force microscope”, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 5, 11692, 2015.
R. C. Tung, A. Fruehling, D. Peroulis, A. Raman, “Multiple Timescales and Modeling of Dynamic Bounce Phenomena in RF MEMS Switches”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23(1), 137, 2014.
D. Kiracofe, A. Raman, “Nonlinear dynamics of the atomic force microscope at the liquid-solid interface”, Physical Review B, 86(20), 205405, 2012.
A. Raman, S. Trigueros, A. Cartagena, A. Stevenson, M. Susilo, E. Nauman, S. Contera, “Mapping the nanomechanical properties of live cells using multi-harmonic atomic force microscopy”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2011.
R. Bidkar, A. Raman, and A. K. Bajaj, “Aeroelastic stability of narrow ribbons and wide webs in cross flow”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 75(4), 041023, 2008.
M. C. Strus, L. Zalamea, A. Raman, R. B. Pipes, E. A. Stach, “Peeling force spectroscopy: exposing the adhesive nanomechanics of one dimensional nanostructures”, Nano Letters, 8(2), 544, 2008.
J. Melcher, C. Carrasco, X. Xu, J. L. Carrascosa, J. Gomez-Herrero, P. J. de Pablo, A. Raman, “Origins of phase contrast in the atomic force microscope in liquids”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, (Direct submission), 106(33), 13655-13660, 2009.
S. Hu, and A. Raman, “Chaos in atomic force microscopy”, Physical Review Letters, 96, 036107, 2006.