Chi Hwan Lee

Chi Hwan Lee

Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Office: MJIS 2086

Phone: 7654946212


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, '13
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, '08
  • BSE, Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, '07

Research Interests

  • Wearable biomedical devices
  • 'Crack’-driven transfer printing technology
  • Scalable manufacturing technology
  • Mechanics and materials for flexible/stretchable electronics

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best Talk Award, Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Beckman Institute (2014)
  • Graduate Silver Award, Materials Research Society, Boston (2013)
  • Top Innovation Award, TechConnect World Natl. Innov. Smt., Washington D.C (2013)
  • Selected for the Year in Review 2012-2013, Stanford (2013)
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor

Selected Publications

S. Han, M. Kim, B. Wang, D. Wie, S. Wang, C. H. Lee, "Networked nanocomposite elastomers for mechanically reinforced skin-electronics", Advanced Materials, 28, 46, 10257 (2016)

C. H. Lee, H. Kim, D. Harburg, G. Park, Y. Ma, T. Pan, J. Kim, N. Lee, K. Jang, B. Kim, S. Kang, Y. Huang, K. Lee, C. Leal, J. A. Rogers, "Biological lipid membranes for on-demand, wireless drug delivery from a thin, bioresorbable implant", NPG Asia Materials, 7, 11, e227 (2015)

C. H. Lee, J. Jeong, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, S. Kang, J. Kim, J. S. Kim, N. Kim, L. Yin, K. Jang, M. Kim, T. Banks, U. Paik, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, "Materials and wireless microfluidic system for electronics capable of chemical dissolution on demand", Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 9, 1329 (2015)

C. H. Lee, Y. Ma, K. Jang, A. Banks, T. Pan, X. Feng, J. Kim, M. Raj, B. McGrane, B. Morey, X. Wang, R. Ghaffari, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, "Soft core/shell packages for stretchable electronics", Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 24, 3698 (2015)

C. H. Lee, S. Kang, G. Salvatore, Y. Ma, B. Kim, Y. Jiang, J. Kim, L. Yan, D. Wie, A. Banks, S. Oh, X. Feng, Y. Huang, G. Troester, J. A. Rogers, "Wireless microfluidic systems for programmed, functional transformations in transient electronics", Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 32, 5077 (2015)

C. H. Lee, D. Kim, X. Zheng, "Transfer printing processes for thin-film solar cells: basic concepts and working principles", ACS Nano, 8, 8746 (2014)

C. H. Lee, J. Kim, C. Zou, I. Cho, J. Weisse, W. Nemeth, Q. Wang, A. Duin, T. Kim, X. Zheng, "Peel-and-stick: mechanism study for efficient fabrication of flexible/transparent thin-film electronics", Scientific Reports 3, 2917 (2013)

C. H. Lee, D. Kim, I. Cho, N. William, Q. Wang, X. Zheng, "Peel-and-stick: fabricating thin-film solar cell on universal substrates", Scientific Reports 2, 1000 (2012)

C. H. Lee, D. Kim, X. Zheng, "Fabrication of nanowire electronics on nonconventional substrates by water-assisted transfer printing method", Nano Letters 11, 3435 (2011)

C. H. Lee, D. Kim, X. Zheng, "Fabricating nanowire devices on diverse substrates by simple transfer-printing methods", Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS) 107, 9950 (2010)

C. H. Lee, D. Kim, X. Zheng, "Orientation-controlled alignment of axially modulated pn silicon nanowires", Nano Letters 10, 5116 (2010)