Huidan (Whitney) Yu

Huidan (Whitney) Yu

Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Purdue University in Indianapolis, by courtesy)

SL 260
723 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 765-495-7752


  • Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University
  • Ph.D. Physics, Peking University, China
  • B.S. Physics, Zhejiang Normal University, China

Research Interests

  • Image-based computational and experimental fluid dynamics for porous-media and biomedical flows
  • Translational research integrating high-performance CFD, image-based and physics-informed machine-learning, and uncertainty quantification to address unmet clinical needs
  • GPU-parallelized lattice Boltzmann method for DNS and LES of turbulence
  • Micro-bubble coalescence and detachment in microfluidics

Fundamental Research Area(s)


  • Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University in Indianapolis, 2024 – Current

  • Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2024 – Current 

  • Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, IUPUI, 2017 – 2024

  • Adjunct Research Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2017 – 2024

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, IUPUI, 2011 – 2017

  • Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2014 – 2017

  • Keck Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2009 – 2011

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Feb. 2006 – Feb. 2009
  • Awards and Recognitions

    • Winner of Disease Diagnostics INventors Challenge competition, Indiana CTSI (Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute), 2019
    • Best poster award in The 2017 IEEE Central Indiana section’s Engineering Conference, entitled “InVascular: Filling the Gap between Non-invasive and Patient-specific Diagnose/Assessment and Cardiovascular Diseases/Surgeries”, 2017
    • IU Health Vice President (Cardiovascular Service Line Executive) Research Award for developing minimally invasive surgical techniques for the innovation and advance of heart transplantation, 2016
    • EMPOWER Award, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, IUPUI, 2014
    • NSF CAREER Jump Start Award, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, IUPUI, 2012
    • Excellent Ph. D. Student Prize, Peking University, China, 1999
    • The Seventh Youth Scientific Paper Competition – The Second Prize, Peking University, China. 1999.
    • Scientific Paper Competition – The Third Prize, Education Committee of Zhejiang Province, China. 1999

    Selected Publications

  • H. Yu, M. Khan, H. Wu, X. Du, R. Chen, D. M. Rollins, X. Fang, J. Long, C. Xu, M. Murphy, R. L. Motaganahallie, and A. P. Sawchuk. A new noninvasive and patient-specific hemodynamic index for assessing the severity of renal arterial stenosis, Int. J. Num. Meth. Biomed. Eng., 38(7), e3611(2022).

  • A. P. Sawchuk, W. Hong, J. Talamantes, MD M. Islam, X. Luo, and H Yu, The Predictive Ability of the Renal Resistive Index and its Relationship to Duplex Ultrasound Waveform Propagation in the Aorta and Renal Arteries, Ann. Vasc. Surg., Apr 22: S0890-5096(22)00202-3.

  • H. Yu, M. Khan, H. Wu, C. Zhang, X. Du, R. Chen, X. Fang, J. Long, and A. P. Sawchuk, Inlet and Outlet Boundary Conditions in Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method for Patient-specific Computational Hemodynamics in Aortorenal Arterial System, Fluids, 7(1), 30 (2022).

  • X. Zhang, J Gomez-Paz, J. M. McDonough, Md M. Islam, Y. Andreopoulos, and H. Yu, Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method for Wall Stresses of Image-based Pulsatile Flows, Scientific Reports, 12(2022), 1697 (2022).

  • P. Sawchuk, H. Yu, J. Talamantes, W. Hong, D. Rollins, and R. Motaganahalli, A Deep Dive into the Meaning of the Renal Resistive Index, its Limited Correlation With Renal Function, and a Theoretical Way Forward to Improve its Usefulness, J. Vascu. Surg., 74(4)(2021), e381–e382.

  • J. Gomez, H. Yu, and Y. Andreopoulos, The role of flow reversals in transition to turbulence and relaminarization of pulsatile flows, J. Fluid Mech, 917(6)(2021), A27.

  • R. Chen, S. Zhou, L. Zhu, L. Zhu, W. Yan, and H. Yu, Numerical and experimental study for 3D coalescence-induced detachment of microbubble, Physics of Fluids, 917(2021) 043320.

  • S. Abootorabi, A.Tripathi, H. Yu, and L. P. Dávila. Computational Modeling of Intraocular Drug Delivery Supplied by Porous Implants, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Drug Deliver. Transl. Res.,11(2021) 2134–2143. PMID: 33432523.

  • H. Yu, Non-invasive Functional Assessment Technique for Determining Hemodynamics Severity of an Arterial Stenosis, U.S. Patent App. No. 17007459, August 31, 2020, Pub No. US 2022/0067922 U.S., 2022, being issued.

  • R. Chen, H. Yu, J. Zeng, and L. Zhu. General Power-law Temporal Scaling for Unequal Microbubble Coalescence, Physical Review E, 101(2020), 023106. PMID: 32168553

  • H. Yu, Y. Zhao, and C. Lin. Unified Computational Method and System for in vivo Patient-Specific Hemodynamics, US Patent 10482215B2, Nov. 19, 2019

  • S. An, H. Yu, Z. Wang, R. Chen, B. Kapadia, J. Yao. Unified Mesoscopic Modeling and GPU-accelerated Computational Method for Image-based Pore-scale Porous Media Flows, Inter. J. Heat Mass Trans., 115(2017)1192-1202.

  • R. Chen, H. Yu, L. Zhu, T. Lee, and R. M. Patil. Spatial and Temporal Scaling of Unequal Microbubble Coalescence, The AIChE Journal, 63(4)(2017)1441-1450, 2017.

  • Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, A. P. Sawchuck, M. C. Dalsing, and H. Yu*. GPU Acceleration of Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method for Patient-specific Computational Hemodynamics, Computer & Fluids, 115(2015)192-200.

  • H. Yu, X. Chen, Z. Wang, D. Deep, E. Lima, Y. Zhao, and S. D. Teague. Mass-conserved volumetric lattice Boltzmann method for complex flows with or without willfully moving boundaries, Physical Review E, 89 (2014) 063304.

  • H. Yu, K. Kanov, E. Perlman, J. Graham, E. Frederix, R Burns, A. Szalay, G. Eyink and C. Meneveau. “Studying Lagrangian dynamics of turbulence using on-demand fluid particle tracking in a public turbulence database”, Journal of Turbulence, 13 (2012) 1-29.

  • H. Yu and C. Meneveau. “Lagrangian Refined Kolmogorov Similarity Hypothesis for Gradient Time-evolution in Turbulent Flows”, Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010), 084502.