It's Showcase Week at Purdue ME!

The final week of classes means it's time for Purdue ME students to showcase what they've been working on this semester. All these events happen in the Gatewood Wing of the Mechanical Engineering building, and all are open to the public.

Monday, April 22: Bottomley Scholars (11:00)

The Bottomley Scholarship empowers undergraduates to conduct engineering research with Purdue ME faculty.  Students conduct their research in the Spring, concluding with a poster show and a submission for publication in the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR). The H. William Bottomley Global and Research Scholar Program in Mechanical Engineering is named to honor the late H. William Bottomley, a 1943 graduate of the School of Mechanical Engineering.  Supported through a planned gift by Jim and Marilynn Dammon, the Bottomley Scholar Program seeks to provide deserving undergraduate students in the School of Mechanical Engineering the opportunity to study one-on-one with a professor or provide assistance for opportunities for study abroad.  Watch this video about the Bottomley Scholars.

Tuesday, April 23: Sophomore Design (8:30 and 10:30)

ME263 is Purdue Mechanical Engineering's sophomore design class.  It teaches the foundations of engineering design, innovation, and entrepreneurship, teaming up students to tackle a common problem with an innovative design solution.  In addition to benchmarking and market research, they also learn morphology, assembly analysis, and even get their hands dirty in making rudimentary prototypes through 3D printing, machine shop tools, or even cardboard and popsicle sticks.  At the poster show, they learn the additional skills of communication, explaining their projects to varied audiences. Watch this video about Sophomore Design.

Wednesday, April 24: Purdue Day of Giving (11:30-1:30)

Purdue Day of Giving is the largest one-day fundraising event at any University.  Mechanical Engineering has won the university-wide competition for several years, and this year is aiming to have the largest number of donors (of any amount).  To that end, anyone who visits Purdue ME and donates $10 at lunchtime will receive all-you-can-eat pizza and pop!  Learn more about Purdue Day of Giving.

Thursday, April 25: Toy Fair (10:00-12:00)

Remember when your parents told you to “share your toys” with others? Now, Purdue mechanical engineering students are sharing their toys with the public as part of an annual toy fair that coincides with Purdue’s 150th anniversary.  Officially, the ME444 class is called Computer-Aided Design, but everyone knows it as the toy design class. Students learn concept generation, CAD design, finite element analysis, rapid prototyping and other skills necessary to work in industry. But all their hands-on learning takes place with toys, and their final project involves designing and building a new action toy.  Learn more about the Toy Fair.

Friday, April 26: Malott Innovation Awards (1:00-4:00)

The final event of Purdue ME's senior design capstone class, the Malott Innovation Awards showcase a newly-developed prototype product, created by a team of students.  This year, many of the final presentations are also open to the public, so you can watch students present their final ideas to Rolls Royce, Boeing, and other industry sponsors.  All 49 teams will showcase their products int he afternoon, with an awards ceremony taking place at 2:30.  Learn more about the Malott Innovation Awards.