Women in ME Symposium

Women of Purdue Mechanical Engineering will have a unique opportunity to meet other women students and faculty, attend seminars and chats specific to them, and network with successful alumnae. It's the 2nd annual Women in ME Symposium, on Monday, October 30.

Women in ME Symposium: Monday, October 30, 2023
5:30-9:00 pm • ME Building

Register for free today!

"We want women to know that they are valued, appreciated, welcomed, and supported here in ME," said Julia King, Managing Director of Staff for Purdue Mechanical Engineering, and one of the organizers of the Women in ME Symposium. "Our Women in ME group here at Purdue has just skyrocketed since last year, and the School of Mechanical Engineering has also been very supportive in providing an environment for everyone to thrive!"

There will be two tracks – one for existing ME students/faculty/staff/alums, and one for First Year Engineering students. Both tracks include free dinner, for those who register!

FYE Track

  • 5:00 Check-in (ME Atrium)
  • 5:30 Engineering Your Major: choose a panel with women ME alumnae OR current students
  • 6:30 Dinner / Networking / Research Poster Session (Commons, 2nd floor)
  • 7:30 Choose a panel with women ME alumnae OR current students
  • 8:30 Tours of the ME Building

ME Track

  • 5:00 Check-in (ME Atrium)
  • 5:30 Alum/faculty networking (Railside, 2nd floor)
  • 6:30 Dinner / Networking / Research Poster Session (Commons, 2nd floor)
  • 7:30 Choose: Impostor Syndrome Workshop OR panel with women ME alumnae or current students

Meet our special guests

Women in ME Symposium: Monday, October 30, 2023
5:30-9:00 pm • ME Building

Register for free today!


Many thanks to our event sponsors:

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