ME Building Renovation brings changes

The ME Building has been serving Purdue students since 1929. But the time has come to modernize and transform the building for the 21st century. From now until Summer 2025, the ME Building will be undergoing a huge renovation, which means relocating people, classes, and activities.

Where do I enter the building?

The new main entrance of the ME building will be through the Gatewood Wing (the door facing the Engineering Fountain). The "old" ME building entrances will be closed to all but approved personnel.

After hours, you'll have card access to the ME building from the back entrance of Gatewood, near the Railway building.

What has moved?

Most offices that were in the "old" ME Building have been relocated – some to Gatewood, and some to other buildings. Please see the list below.

  • ME Main Office is now in ME 2172 (Gatewood 2nd floor)
  • ME Undergraduate Office is now in ME 2170 (Gatewood 2nd floor)
  • ME Undergraduate Academic Advisors are now on Gatewood 2nd Floor
  • ME Graduate Office is now in WANG 4th floor (4015, 4020, 4022)
  • ME Business Office is working remotely. Please contact them by email
  • Office of Industrial Experience: Julia King can help you with internships, co-ops, and corporate opportunities. She is in ME 2191 (Gatewood 2nd floor)
  • E-Shop is staying in ME 2042, accessible through the walkway by the Gatewood 2nd floor restrooms
  • Machine Shop is staying in ME G039, accessible through the ramp by the Gatewood 1st floor restrooms
  • 3D Printing Lab is staying in ME 1191 (Gatewood 1st floor)
  • Malott Innovation and Prototyping Suite is staying in ME G028 (limited resources)
  • Many faculty offices have relocated. Please check the Directory to find where your professor's office is now located, and be sure to ask their preferred way to contact them.

Where are the instructional labs?

With ME 1030 now closed, undergraduate instructional labs have mainly relocated to Potter.

  • ME30801, ME315, ME365, ME375: POTR 160
  • ME297, ME444, ME489, ME496: POTR 176 (inside POTR 160)
  • ME475: POTR B016
  • ME323: POTR B020
  • ME354 (consultation): POTR B028
  • ME440 (engine tear down): POTR B028
  • ME463 PEARL Labs (Senior Design) are staying in Gatewood 1st floor
  • Office Hours that previously met in ME 1030 will be divided into three different locations inside Potter and Wang Hall, 4th floor. The instructors will release the details of office hours for specific courses.

What computer labs can I use?

The "old" building's 3rd floor computer lab is now closed, but the 2nd floor labs are still open (accessible through the walkway by the Gatewood 2nd floor restrooms). We've also added computers to the new instructional labs in Potter.

  • ME 2028 - 26 computers
  • ME 2038 - 25 computers
  • POTR 160 - 19 computers
  • POTR 176 - 48 computers (inside POTR 160)
  • Printing: black-and-white and color printers are available in ME2038, POTR 160, and POTR 176.