Purdue MEs receive ASME awards

Several Purdue MEs have recently been given honors by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

William Bernstein received the 2019 CIE Young Engineer Award, recognizing promising young investigators who are making outstanding contributions to the progress in the application of computers in engineering.  Now working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), William is an alum of Karthik Ramani's C Design Lab.

Fabio Semperlotti received the 2019 C.D. Mote Jr., Early Career Award, recognizing an early-career recipient who demonstrates research excellence in the field of vibration and acoustics.  Fabio gave the keynote address at ASME's International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) in August 2019.  Fabio also has received the 2019 DARPA Young Faculty Award, providing funding, mentoring and industry contacts to awardees whose research impacts national security needs.

Martin Jun has been elected as an ASME Fellow.  Martin conducts research in advanced multi-scale manufacturing, including ultrafast laser machining and processing, fiber optic sensors and environmental monitoring, spray-based nanoparticle coating and additive manufacturing, and machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites.