Hector Gomez

Hector Gomez

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Office: ME 3168

Phone: 7654969255



  • Civil Engineering, Universidade da Coruna, Spain
  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Universidade da Coruna, Spain

Research Interests

  • Modeling and simulation techniques for multiphase and multiphysics problems using the phase-field method.
  • Isogeometric methods with applications in fluid and solid mechanics.
  • Modeling and simulation tools for several biomechanics problems, including tumor growth, cellular migration and blood flow at small scales.
  • Computational methods for fluid-structure interaction, especially when the problem involves complex fluids.

Fundamental Research Area(s)

Awards and Recognitions

  • Fellow of the US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM)
  • Acorn Award (Purdue University)
  • University Faculty Scholar (Purdue University)
  • Perry Scholar of Academic Excellence (Purdue University)
  • Outstanding Engineering Teachers Spring 2021 (Purdue College of Engineering)
  • Outstanding Engineering Teachers Fall 2019 (Purdue College of Engineering)
  • Gallagher Young Investigator Award (US Association of Computational Mechanics)
  • Princess of Girona Scientific Research Award (for Spanish researchers under age 36 in all fields of science, engineering and humanities; presented by the King of Spain)
  • Young Investigator Award of the Royal Academy of Engineering, 2015 (Spain, all fields of engineering)
  • Selected as one of the Innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review, 2014 (Spain section)
  • Juan C. Simo Young Investigator Award, 2013 (SEMNI, Spain)
  • ERC Starting Grant, 2012 (European Commission)
  • John T. Oden Faculty Fellowship, 2008 (UT Austin)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Ministry of Science, 2007 (Spain)
  • Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, Civil Engineering Doctoral Program, 2006 (Universidade da Coruna, Spain)
  • Arquimedes Award to the best research work by an undergraduate, 2003 (Spain, all fields, Ministry of Science)

Selected Publications

T. Hu, H. Wang, H. Gomez, Direct van der Waals simulation (DVS) of phase-transforming fluids, Science Advances, 9, eadg3007, 2023.

J. Bueno, Y. Bazilevs, R. Juanes, H. Gomez, Droplet motion driven by tensotaxis, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 10-16, 2017.

J. Bueno, H. Casquero, Y. Bazilevs, H. Gomez, Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of elastocapillarity, Meccanica, 1-17, 2017

G. Lorenzo, M. Scott, K. Tew, T.J.R. Hughes, Y.J. Zhang, L. Liu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Tissue-scale, personalized modeling and simulation of prostate cancer growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (48) E7663-E7671, 2016.

A. Moure, H. Gomez, Computational model for amoeboid motion: Coupling membrane and cytosol dynamics, Physical Review E, 94, 042423, 2016.

H. Gomez, L. De Lorenzis, The variational collocation method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 309, 152-181, 2016.

J. Bueno, C. Bona-Casas, Y. Bazilevs, H. Gomez, Interaction of complex fluids and solids: Theory, algorithms and application to phase-change-driven implosion, Computational Mechanics, 55(6), 1105-11182015, 2015.

J. Liu, C.M. Landis, H. Gomez, T.J.R. Hughes, Liquid-vapor phase transition: Thermomechanical theory, entropy stable numerical formulation, and boiling simulations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 297, 476-553, 2015.

H. Gomez, T.J.R. Hughes, Provably unconditionally stable, second-order time accurate, mixed variational methods for phase-field models, Journal of Computational Physics 230 5310-5327, 2011

H. Gomez, V. Calo, Y. Bazilevs, T.J.R. Hughes, Isogeometric Analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197:4333-4352, 2008.