Mr. C. Keith Law
Chief, Data Engineering & Development Division, retired
Federal Aviation Administration

C. Keith Law served in the U. S. Army Signal Corps from 1943 to 1946 when he returned to Purdue. After completing his BSEE in 1947 and his MSEE degree in 1948, Law embarked on an exciting 21-year career with the RCA Corporation. He managed the $150 million Data Link program which pioneered the use of digital technology and solid-state circuitry. Later he was responsible for all communications and data processing programs in RCA's Airborne Systems Division. Law served as manager of the $54 million Dyna Soar communications and tracking system program, which was the predecessor of the space shuttle program. On special assignment, he was manager of technical planning for the $200 million lunar landings program, which resulted in the successful 1968 Apollo mission.
In 1969, Law left RCA to found Applied Information Industries. He supervised the development of products such as a hospital staff/patient information system, voice response computer systems for banks, and the MARISAT communications system for the U. S. Maritime Administration. In 1975, he joined INCOTERM Corporation, one of the leading suppliers of "intelligent" terminal systems; in 1978, he became vice president of operations for that company.
In 1980, he accepted a position as chief of the Data Engineering and Development Division of the Federal Aviation Administration where he managed the integration of hardware/software/firmware systems. He managed the integrated range facilities and advised organizations concerning advanced computer technology. In addition, he analyzed future air traffic control computer requirements. Law retired in 1987.
In 2013 Boeing gifted a half-scale model of the X-20 Dyna Soar to the College of Engineering. It now hangs in the atrium of the Armstrong Hall of Engineering.