2017 Electrical & Computer Engineering Awards

We are very proud of the five recipients of the 2017 ECE's Outstanding Alumni Award. These undergraduate and graduate alumni of Purdue ECE have made a difference in the world through their innovation and leadership. We are also excited about the recipients of other awards recognized at the OECE event on November 3. We have truly amazing faculty, students and alumni in the largest School at Purdue University. The creation and dissemination of knowledge in Electrical Engineering and in Computer Engineering is essential to the future of our College!
- Mung Chiang, John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and Roscoe H. George Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering (OECE) awards celebration - recognizing the achievements of alumni and faculty - is a highlight event each year. We acknowledge past successes and look forward to continued growth in terms of the size and strength of ECE as evidenced by a number of performance metrics including leadership in research and education. Ongoing investment in our people and facilities means that there will be more good news to share in the future.
This evening I am pleased to congratulate a special group - the newest class of Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering alumni. We are proud of their achievements and I'm honored to welcome them to an elite group. Their accomplishments along with those of our faculty serve as an inspiration to all of us, and especially to our students as they set out to make a difference in the world.
- V. "Ragu" Balakrishnan, Michael and Katherine Birck Head and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering