Mr. Nathan A. Aram

Vice President of Consumer Affairs, retired
Zenith Corporation

Nathan A. Aram
. . . the most important consideration in a choice of career is to pick a field in which one truly is interested; then working diligently at it will have its own rewards. En route to the chosen career, the choice of school is almost equally important, and for me Purdue has been that enablement.

Nathan A. Aram had a definite interest in communications before he entered Purdue. As a student, he worked at both radio station WBAA and Purdue's experimental television station W9XG. When he graduated in 1939, he went to work for Zenith Radio Corporation where his first projects were transmitter improvements and designs for sideband filter and transmitting antennae.

During his forty years with Zenith, he helped design and build the company's first experimental FM station, develop stereo FM radio systems, and in 1948 bring Zenith's first TV sets into the marketplace. He also worked on projects involving the MIT Radiation Laboratory where the first U. S. microwave radar equipment was developed. Aram worked alongside other leaders in the field including E. H. Armstrong, Lee DeForest, U. A. Sanabria, E. W. Engstrom, W. R. G. Baker, Lee DuBridge, and Akito Morita.

His work quickly earned him promotions and by 1958 he was assistant vice president and chief engineer. In 1962 he was promoted to vice president. In 1972 Aram was promoted to vice president of consumer affairs, a new department that assumed responsibility for quality assurance, national services, product safety, and parts and accessories.

Aram is a Fellow IEEE and in 1964 was named a Purdue Distinguished Engineering Alumnus. He was a charter member of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business and holds ten U.S. patents.