1990 Distinguished Engineering Alumni
The 27th Annual Distinguished Engineering Alumni Convocation
Friday, April 20, 1990
On this occasion the faculty of the Purdue University Schools of Engineering confers upon each of the following alumni the title of Distinguished Engineering Alumnus/Alumna in recognition of outstanding achievement in professional and related fields of endeavor.
Steven C. Beering President |
Henry T. Yang Dean of Engineering |
Donald A. Coates
MSME `66, PhD `70
Thomas J. Engibous
BSEE `75, MSEE `76
John F. Hesselberth
BSChE `62, MSChE `64
Norman B. Hirsh
BSME `56
John R. Hodowal
BSIE `66
Hsichun Hua
MSAE `65, PhD `68
James L. Lammie
MSE `57
Donald R. Price
BSAgE `61, PhD `71
Donald R. Scifres
BSEE `68
James J. Shuttleworth
BSME `60
William L. Wishlinski
BSChe `68